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*To not feel very good about yourself, sometimes.
* In school to act happy and normal, but in reality not
* My dad is almost never in my house, always traveling for work
* Don't get straight A's. around 75 and 80's, a couple 90's
*Always feels bad when doesn't get something, and can't find any help, and cry...And look about all the bad things of me.
* Im happy some days, and others not, most of the time i got to say sad, and I dunno why.
* My mom is always out every night, almost.
*I compare myself with other people, like pretty girls.

What do you think about it??? Please don't say anything mean. :/And have a good night everyone.
And im in middle school by the way.

2006-08-28 15:04:59 · 42 answers · asked by ☺♣ҚΪlVl♣☺ 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

42 answers

Like OMG girl....don't feel like that anymore. You have your whole life ahead of you and depression is no way to live it. Find things that make you laugh and crack a smile so it can make your day. Depression is no way to go. It just makes you sadder and un happy about things. You should like join activites, clubs, and meet new people that you feel will be great friends. You also sound like if you have low self-esteem since you said your always comparing your self with pretty girls and you look at the bad things...... in my words the little imperfect things that are within you, me, and everyone else. Trust me...feeling that way is just making your life sad. Nobody always gets what they want. If everyone in the world was perfect it would be a boring place to live in. The little imperfect things that you and me and everyone else has is what make the world a colorful place that always brings something new upon us. Not being a straight A student is aight. As long as your getting an education and doing good. Middle school should be fun and you need to be a happy teen who has friends. Trust me once you think about it and try to do something about it like you start to get into activities and involve with clubs you will have fun. You will see your depression go away and you self-esteem will get stronger. Your dad may be working and travels a lot, but he's trying to give you the life he never had. He's trying to give you the best. You should call him up when he's not home. When he is home try to find things to do with him. Now your mom...you should do the same. Just tell her you want a mother/daughter day just for you two and no distractions. Well if you need any advice or a friend just hit me up and I would be happy to help. Good luck and i wish you the best to come. Trust me your life will turn around.
Ciao :)
*~Take care and good night too lol ~*

2006-08-28 15:33:28 · answer #1 · answered by a_cute_girl 3 · 0 0

Honey, you DO sound somewhat depressed, but you also sound like a very normal middle school student.

Don't compare yourself to anyone. You are you. You are the only you there is. You don't have to be 'like' anyone. I'm sure you're very cute, so don't slam yourself so hard.

I never got straight A's. I was lucky to get B's or C's in some classes. I have an IQ of 145, which isn't half bad, so don't slam yourself for that either. Just do the best you can.

I know you would like your parents to be around more, or be more attentive...but you can't choose your parents. What you CAN do, is be the best YOU you can be. Don't look at the bad things you think apply to you. Look at the good things! You sound to me like you're a smart kid. Everyone gets depressed. Everyone. You're heading into an age where a lot of changes will occur. I know you've heard that before, but at your age...your emotions really do tend to bounce all over. Trust me, things will get better. Hang in there and BELIEVE that you are a strong person. Kick those bad thoughts about yourself, right out of your head. YOU be who YOU are, and don't worry....all of those "pretty girls" you say you compare yourself to, are doing exactly what you're doing. They're judging themselves just like you are.

You're going to be just fine. Hold your chin up and be proud of who you are, no matter what! If you think it would help, I know there are councelors at school who you can talk with. Don't be afraid to ask them! That's what they're there for.

2006-08-28 15:18:32 · answer #2 · answered by Lisa E 6 · 0 0

You actually sound like a pretty normal girld for your age. I can remember feeling the same way. The world thought I had everything together and I never let on the pain that I felt inside. It cause me problems when I was teenager. You need to find someone to talk to. A teacher, priest or some adult that you trust. I know it is hard, but you need to remeber all the wonderful things about yourself. You are an individual, which means that you are unique with your own gifts and talents. Even if you don't know what they are yet, they are there just waiting to be discovered. Embrace who your are and know that life does get better. It is hard to ignore the negative and focus on the positive. But every night before you go to bed, just look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are loved by God and are his child. His love is unconditional and that you are special. I promise that things will love up for you in due time. Just hang in there and be strong.

2006-08-28 15:15:56 · answer #3 · answered by punkypoo73 2 · 0 0

I felt like that before, except my mom would be here, just sleeping all night and being gone in the morning. I was just kinda more along the lines of sad, but never letting people see it. You should probably find a friend that you trust alot and tell them. Because, I remember I cried one day during my lunch because someone was pissing me off with how bad their life was, and I had it worse than they did, so I just cried after holding it in for so long. So, find a friend you can trust lots and tell them. Unless you already have. Oh, you weren't really asking for advise though, but I think I was unhappy, maybe not depressed. But definitely unhappy, and plus most of the pretty girls I compared myself to were really fake and they didn't matter. You just gotta get your self esteem up and get back on your feet. I can tell you, it gets better, this year, as a freshman I am no longer sad, but I also adjusted to the fact that everything isn't perfect. Plus, your hormones are still going wild, but they'll calm down after awhile. It's all about being at your age(and mine too!) But, it will work out in the end, you'll see.

2006-08-28 15:12:58 · answer #4 · answered by Fangirl ♥♥ 5 · 0 0

To not feel very good about yourself, sometimes
....low self-esteem

In school to act happy and normal, but in reality not
....wearing a mask

My dad is almost never in my house, always traveling for work
....in desperate need of parental attention

Don't get straight A's. around 75 and 80's, a couple 90's
....probably have found good or bad, parents don't care too much

Always feels bad when doesn't get something, and can't find any help, and cry...And look about all the bad things of me
....trying to justify why parents don't want to pay attention to you, you must be a 'bad' kid or they would stay home with you

Im happy some days, and others not, most of the time i got to say sad, and I dunno why.
....sounds like you are trying to figure out if there is anything else besides your parents to help you feel confident, yet it always comes back to you want a closer family to feel complete

My mom is always out every night, almost.
.....need guidance, love, attention from parents

compare myself with other people, like pretty girls.
.....equating what you see as 'people being happy' with what you percieve to be the 'pretty girls'....on the outside they may look happy and pretty, but i can almost guarentee that they feel insecure also, maybe not as much or maybe even more, but you would be surprised at how insecure even the person who seems to have everything can feel.

on top of that middle school is an extremely hard place to learn to define yourself without parental guidance.

my suggestion is this, find an ala-teen group to go to, or go talk to a counselor at school, or at planned parenthood, or at a church where you can find someone to confide in. ask your school counselor how to sign up for big-brother/big sister program or some kind of mentor program to help get some positive influence in your life, also, find a place to volunteer sometime to like a library reading to kindergartners or an old folks home where you can read their mail to them or play cards for an 1/2 hour a couple of times a week--you will be surprised how good you can feel about yourself when you help others with the skills you have.

you are probably just sad, with good reason it sounds like, but if left with no positive influences in your life, it could very well escalate into full blown depression. you need to put those influences in your life, even if it is a bummer, you parents may or may not ever get help, but you start taking care of you and you will find yourself getting happy (and less sad for real) when you least expect it

lifting you on eagles wings,

2006-08-28 15:38:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey kiddo... sounds to me like you have all the normal feelings of a teenager. Middle school is by far the hardest time of your life (well, except for menopause - but you're way, way too young to worry about that - lol). Build up your confidence (take care of your health, find a sport or a hobby, wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself, put on your favorite lip gloss and look in the mirror every morning and say "I'm looking good today!"), study a bit more (your grades aren't too bad but I bet you can do better!), keep a journal (write all these thoughts down), and try to talk to your mom and dad (tell them you're feeling sad... and keep talking until they listen!). It's also a good time for you to really start thinking about a career path (honest, it's not too early!). Find something you're interested in and focus on reaching that goal. If things don't improve for you, then it's time for you to see a doctor and tell him/her exactly how you're feeling (sometimes we have to talk loud before others will really hear us). It's common for teenagers to get depressed, and there are a lot of medical techniques that can help. Hang in there, ok? I bet you're a GREAT kid!

2006-08-28 15:14:17 · answer #6 · answered by mJc 7 · 0 0

Depression is serious, but don't let anyone but a doctor tell you if you have it or not. Often times it is just a part of growing up to have your emotions all over the place and want to be like others. Unfortunately in our modern society we don't always have people like our parents around to talk to about it either. Just because you don't get good grades and don't look like the "pretty girls" doesn't mean that you aren't a fantastic person.

If you are concerned about depression take the depression screening test at www.depression-screening.org and take the results to a doctor or someone at your school (like the school nurse or counselor).

I hope that you feel better really soon :)

2006-08-28 15:06:32 · answer #7 · answered by lizzey_in_pink 3 · 0 0

It's all part of growing up so don't be too hard on yourself. If these feeling continue then perhaps you can talk to your doctor and let him know what your thinking/feeling. Try talking with your parents also and let them know that you wish you could see more of them and that their support would really be appreciated. Your marks aren't are very good in my eye's and I know if my kids would have come home with marks like that I'd have been happy for them. Things will improve for you as you age and mature I hope. Why don't you try perhaps doing some volunteer work with either animals, sick children or seniors. Helping others always makes people feel better about themselves. Not only are you helping out your community but you will probably meet some real interesting people and if you work with sick kids you'll witness people who are less fortunate than yourself and feel blessed for what you have in life. Best of luck to you and please try and discuss this with someone whether it be your doctor, a teacher or counsellor at school, and your parents.

2006-08-28 15:13:30 · answer #8 · answered by crazylegs 7 · 2 0

From what you have said you are likely not clinically depressed. Usually, that is defined as being "down" for two or more weeks no matter what is going on in your life.

That said, if you think you might be depressed, it is worth taking to a counselor. One can teach you some skills you can use to cope with the very difficult things that happen in junior high. Those same skills can keep you from slipping from a little bit of depression into major clinical depression.

2006-08-28 15:11:33 · answer #9 · answered by Tina K 3 · 0 0

You're at point in your life where your hormones are going crazy! One minute you could be so mad you could strangle someone, then you're super happy, and the next you're crying like a baby. That's totally normal.
If you feel really sad or tired for more than a couple weeks straight, you may be depressed. If that's the case, talk to someone you trust and tell them you'd like to see your doctor for information on depression. If you don't feel like you can go to your parents, talk to someone at school. A teacher you like, the school nurse or a counselor. They will be more than happy to help you.

2006-08-28 15:12:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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