That does not sound like controlling him to me. You are just wanting him to do better, and make a better life for himself.
As far as him wanting to smoke pot, that is wrong, I don't care what way you look at it...I have a friend that when she was dating this guy she kept trying to get him to stop smoking pot, but never really pushed the issue. Now they are married with 2 small children and she can hardly get him to pay the bill, he is always wanting to use the money to buy pot with.
Now, he is not going to stop until he WANTS to. So, if he does not want to stop, get out while the gettings good. Don't let his addictions bring you down with him. Do better for yourself. You can always find someone that is wanting to better in life, and if you can't, you will be better off alone, but you will find someone in due time.
Good luck!!!
2006-08-28 15:19:56
answer #1
answered by sweetpeachiebear 3
I think that you need to make a decision as to whether you really want to be with him or not. I'm sure that you knew he smoked pot when you got together with him, so why is it an issue now?
2006-08-28 22:20:12
answer #2
answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6
You have a right to ask him to not do something that makes him be disrespectful to you or you can just not be around him, it is your choice. You are falling into a trap that many young women do, trying to change or save someone from themself. Please know that his thing and issues are HIS and yours are yours, so be careful that you don't try and make him be something he isn't. If he isn't what you want him to be now, then move on and find someone to date that is more your style.
2006-08-28 22:21:41
answer #3
answered by joandi_99 3
did you know he did it when you first got together? if you knew what you were getting into then thats your problem. you cant change someone unless they want to change. you could just ask him to do it when hes not going to be around you. that way you dont have to deal with him when he is high. or just break up with him if its that big of a problem for you.
2006-08-28 22:36:31
answer #4
answered by krystina2100 2
Dump the loser. If that is all he wants to do, he will never amount to anything. Do you want to be on welfare etc. He's going down. Don't let him take you with him. In life, there are winners and losers. Do you want to be a winner or a loser? It is up to you .
2006-08-28 22:14:58
answer #5
answered by George S 2
You are not too controlling. Make him stop before he dies or gets arrested! He should see how much you love him and are willing to sacrifice for him.
2006-08-28 22:15:46
answer #6
answered by reba 1
well he may be doing it behind ur back... so wathc out.. but no i dont think so.. if he didnt approve of your opinion n ur ugre for him to stop he wudda broken up
2006-08-28 22:15:08
answer #7
answered by Gaga <3 2
if you don't like who he is or what he's doing move on and find someone more to your liking.
2006-08-28 22:10:45
answer #8
answered by lowIQ 4
Breakup with him...
2006-08-28 22:16:02
answer #9
answered by lovely 3