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don't list a characteristic but list an actual action or specific thing

for example instead of saying ignorance say racism or more specific judging Xcolor for being Xway.

2006-08-28 11:21:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

22 answers

1. Assuming you are always right
2. Giving advice where it is not requested or needed
3. Not truly listening
4. Trying to "one-up" the next guy
5. Not knowing when to quit

2006-08-28 11:31:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

#5. Dying with regrets that you didn't do everything you wanted to do.

#4. Losing your best friend's trust, it can never be retaken or earned, especially the close relationship ones

#3. Believing in a false or distorted worldview,via organized religion.

#2. Not living for the moment, but rather waiting for tomorrow....which never comes.

and the number one mistake people make in life.....

#1 listening and liking country western music

2006-08-29 00:59:05 · answer #2 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0

1. Marrying before you really know the person.
2. Charging everything in your life on a credit card.
3. Not continuing your education.
4. Listening to gossip and rumors instead of finding the truth.
5. Giving in to temptation with addictive habits...drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping...

2006-08-28 18:32:02 · answer #3 · answered by Blue 6 · 3 0

Putting off a plan to do something until they're too old or sick to carry it out.

Being upset with someone until you realise that that person is gone.

Ditching a lover for another then regretting it afterwards.

Saying hurtful words to other people then regretting it.

Making an impulse buy to follow a fad and realising what a total waste of money it was.

2006-08-29 13:02:31 · answer #4 · answered by Saffren 7 · 0 0

Great question. It varies from person to person, but generally speaking I would have to say:

1. Taking things for granted
2. Not being grateful until it's too late
3. Succombing to societal pressures
4. Being too risky in some cases (e.g., they gamble all their money away), and too risk-averse in others (they don't take the chances needed to advance their careers/lives)
5. Making rash decisions instead of thinking things out

2006-08-28 18:30:56 · answer #5 · answered by bullet_to_the_brain 4 · 3 0

1. Getting involved (marriage) with your mate before you've had enough time to really get to know him/her.

2. Using credit card to pay for one's lifestyle, while not having the income to support such spending.

3.Choosing to follow a disaterous path (i.e. severe drug and alcohol abuse).

4. Not going with ones gut instinct.

5. Thinking the grass is greener on the other side and giving up a beautiful family (spouse and children) for some quick, temporary, self gratification.

2006-08-28 18:46:07 · answer #6 · answered by Dorie 3 · 1 1

1) Allowing fear to rule your decisions; iE you never take a chance on a dream because it might fail
2) Masking emotions with drugs, alcohol, tv, or other diversions instead of experiencing them and working through them
3) Never learning the true value of love, and the precious nature of time; can you truly be in the moment with the ones you love? Can you love unconditionally?
4) Never searching for a sense of purpose higher than material gain, which covers living a selfish life that excludes or does not reach out to others
5) living a life isolated from the joys and heartaches of the natural world- nature is not just something "nice" and "pretty" for us to enjoy on a sunny day; rather its laws direct us, and by setting ourselves apart from the natural world we miss out on a lot of human nature and we learn to be indifferent to environmental destruction that affects every citizen of the planet

2006-08-28 18:42:06 · answer #7 · answered by Hauntedfox 5 · 2 0

marrying for the wrong reasons (pressure from friends or family because "everybody" else is doing it), particularly before you really know who you are as an individual

having children too young (very young parents don't realize the patience and selflessness that go into raising children)

not taking chances, but "settling" (you never know what you can accomplish if you don't try)

not continuing to learn/grow after your formal education is over

thinking that you are "owed" something in life

2006-08-29 01:45:07 · answer #8 · answered by 60s Chick 6 · 0 0

1 Not getting a college education before marriage.
2 Sex out of marriage.
3. Not showing their children that they love them everyday.
4 Not respecting their parents and showing it.
5 Not making lots of friends.

2006-08-28 18:38:45 · answer #9 · answered by jackie 6 · 2 0

Usually - the dumb ones,... ( I meant the mistakes - not people ).


* going left when you could'a gone right.

* buying something you really didn't need, and find out it was on sale somewhere else way cheaper.

* letting slip something you were thinking of, but actually said out loud by accident.

* not taking the chances, that were not really life threatning. i.e. talking to that cute girl who turned out actually liked geeky dorks like yourself, and married one. Except it wasn't you.

* to sincerely keep promises, made with the best of intentions but never fulfilled.

2006-08-29 17:58:56 · answer #10 · answered by somber_pieces 6 · 0 0

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