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im not pregnant or anything i was just womdering if they hurt or not.

2006-08-28 10:57:36 · 32 answers · asked by la_dmarma_lyd 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

i mean physical pain.

2006-08-28 11:02:12 · update #1

no, i dont mean the embryo, i mean the person having the procedure.

2006-08-28 11:07:52 · update #2

32 answers

No, they do NOT hurt because they sedate you.

No, they do NOT cause the non-existant mental illness "post abortion syndrome" which was invented by anti-choicers to scare women.

No, they do NOT cause breast cancer. That is another ridiculous story invented by anti-choicers to scare women.

AND NO, they do NOT hurt the fetus. It has been scientifically proven the fetus can not perceive pain before 24-28 weeks. Why do you think nobody remembers being inside their mother's womb? It's because our brains were not developed enough to be aware of the situation and to acknowledge our surroundings.

Take this from a person who has had two abortions, is educated, and has experience.

Don't listen to the pro-lifers.
"Pro-lifers" (or ANTI-CHOICERS) are ignorant, uneducated, and CONTRADICTORY. They are not really pro-life as they claim to be.

If they were pro-life, they would NOT support a war killing thousands of REAL, INNOCENT children as opposed to an insignificant embryo or fetus. (The majority of pro-lifers are conservative republicans who SUPPORT the war.)

If they were pro-life, they would not support killing animals just to satisfy their taste buds, or to make a fashion statement (furs, animal skins, etc).

If they were pro-life, they would not kill insects.

If they were pro-life, they would not support "pro-lifers" who bomb abortion clinics, kill doctors who perform abortions, harass innocent employees at abortion clinics, nor would they do it themselves.

If they were pro-life, they would not support the dealth penalty.

If they were pro-life, they would adopt many many children since they supposedly "care so much" and want to make sure that all people considering abortions carry the pregnancy to term and give the child up for adoption.

If they were pro-life, they would NEVER make statements like "you should have been aborted".

If they were pro-life, they would be genuinely nice and understanding, and they would NEVER gossip about people, insult people, or hate people. Why are some pro-lifers SO mean? If they really cared about the lives of others, would they be mean, and judgemental? No, they wouldn't! Why aren't they nice to everyone? Since they are mean to people and hate people, that means it wouldn't matter to them if those people died, So why do they care about the lives of certain "people", and not others? That's not fair, and that's contradictory.

MY body, MY life, MY reproductive system, MY fetuses and embryos, MY business, MY choice.

Since when is a piece of flesh more important than a grown woman? Who cares if it has a heartbeat? The fetus or embryo may have a heartbeat, but that is NOT life. It is not a baby until it is viable. It can not survive without the mother's body, and the mother should not be forced to have her body used as an incubator. It's HER body. Forcing a woman to carry a child she does not want is more disgusting than rape. Statistics show that women who had forced pregnancies and gave their children up for adoption suffer more than women who have been raped. Rape is a quick thing. If you were already sexually active before being raped, it will not be so hard to deal with. But having to carry an unwanted child for 9 months and then having to give it up? That's extremely painful physically and emotional. That is over 9 months of physical struggles, and a lifetime of emotional struggles.

Also, the fetus may be "alive", but is it life? No! It's not. It is not yet living a real life. It is just a piece of flesh with a heartbeat. I can think of MANY more things with a heart beat which pro-lifers do NOT care about.

Did you know that illnesses are LIVING ORGANISMS? Yes, AIDS, and CANCER are LIVING. Does that mean that you should live with them, and let yourself die?

Did you know that tumors have PULSES? Yes, tumors have pulses and they are LIVING ORGANISMS. Does that mean you should let the tumor destroy your body?

I have plenty more examples showing how pro-lifers are contradictory, but I won't waste time.

We all know pro-lifers are uneducated, ignorant, and the only purpose of their life is to follow their bullsh*t religion so they can get to "heaven". They haven't got minds of their own, and are gullible enough to believe what the bible has to say.

The arguments pro-lifers make about abortion are wrong, anyway. They ALWAYS mention "God" when debating about abortion. WELL PRO-LIFERS, GUESS WHAT? You're wrong! There is NO proof of "God" therefore the "facts" you provide are FICTION!

Every pro-lifer should get a life, and leave everybody alone. My body is none of their business. My reproductive system is none of their business. My fetuses and embryos are none of their business. Have they nothing better to do than harass people all day? Are they THAT pathetic, and bored?

ALL pro-lifers are contradictory and their arguments are ridiculous. They say the stupidest things like:

"Why kill an innocent baby when you can give it to a family that wants kids but can't have kids?"

-First of all, other families are none of my business. Why should I waste 9 months of my life going through physical and emotional hell just so I can make a random couple happpy?
Second of all, There are already SO many unwanted children in this world. There are so many orphanages and foster homes, and NOBODY cares about the children in them. If there were really "SO many people who want kids but cant have them", then there wouldn't be any unwanted children out there!
Why bring another unwanted child into this already over-populated world?
Also, why don't pro-lifers adopt a few children themselves?
...I just proved that pro-lifers don't know what they are talking about and that they are CONTRADICTORY.

"if you're not ready for a child, you're not ready for sex! if you're not ready to face the consequences, don't spread your legs!"

-That is NOT true. Sex is a natural, beautiful, pleasurable thing which everybody should experience whether they are ready for children or not. Having children is not the only purpose of sex. If sex existed solely for reproducing, then orgasms would not exist! Sex is here for us to enjoy, not only to have children.
Also, there are SO many people who already have a few children, are happily married, but are NOT ready for more children. For example, Would you say that a middle aged woman who has children and is married but is NOT emotionally, physically, and financially ready for another child is not ready for sex? Of course you wouldn't! But of course that woman still has sex despite the fact that she's not ready for more children.
...Once again, I have proved that pro-lifers don't know what they are talking about and that they are contradictory.

"if you saw somebody trying to kill their child in the street of course you would do something about it"

-Yes, i'd do something about it, but that is totally irrelevant. That has NOTHING to do with abortion.
You can NOT compare a real child to a fetus or embryo.
Who cares if you terminate a pregnancy when the fetus or embryo can't feel anything and is NOT aware of anything occuring as opposed to a child that can feel and is aware?
It has been scientifically proven that a fetus can NOT feel anything before 20 weeks. 90% of abortions are terminated long before 20 weeks; long before the fetus can feel anything.
Even if a woman has an abortion after 20 weeks when the fetus can feel, who cares? The emotional and physical pain the mother goes through is much worse than the pain the fetus is going through. The fetus will only "feel pain" for a short while as opposed to a woman who will feel pain and discomfort for over 9 months. Also, the fetus's brain is not developed enough to acknowledge the situation. Why do you think nobody remembers being in their mother's womb?
...Once again, I have proved pro-lifers wrong.

"what if your baby wouldve found the cure for aids or cancer?!?!"

-There are "what ifs" in EVERY situation no matter how minor or major it is. You can NOT justify something or say something is wrong based on "what ifs".
Here is a question I have for you, pro-lifers: "What if the baby would've been the next hitler?"
...Once again, MY argument WINS.

For the men: You don't have a right to oppose abortion, and you do NOT have the right to speak out against it. You also do NOT have the right to criticise women who have had abortions.
Let me tell you when you will be able to oppose abortion. You will be able to oppose abortion the day your PENIS turns into a VAGINA, the day you GROW A UTERUS, the day you get a MENSTRUAL PERIOD, the day your body CHANGES TO ACCOMODATE AN EMBRYO OR FETUS INSIDE OF IT, and the day YOU GET PREGNANT. That is the day you will be allowed to speak out against abortion. Too bad that will NEVER happen, so keep your ignorant opinions to yourself.

2006-08-30 09:25:03 · answer #1 · answered by Stella 4 · 4 7


2016-12-20 04:08:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

YES! I recently had my 1st one at 12 weeks, and it was the WORST pain I have ever in my life felt!!!! I was offered no sedation, I used a Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania. They started the procedure by giving me an oral medication said it was to help soften my cervix so that the pain wouldn't be as bad, and I had to wait 2 hours before the surgery would begin. Once my wait time was up, they took me into the room to have my procedure. The doctor inserted the speculum, and sprayed (what she said to be numbing spray), then injected me with Linocain(so far, so good. discomfort but no pain) Then all the sudden I felt the worst pain I have even in my life felt, I began saying 'I don't feel good", I think I am going to pass out", then I think I may have passed out, because I woke up to 3 or 4 nurses saying just breathe, here is an ice pack, just breathe... Then pain was still so intense that I began screaming!!!!! And I am not a screamer... I gave birth to 4 children prior to this... Then as I am screaming, and I look up and the nurses are in shock (because I don't think every woman has this experience, the doctor says "it's happening because she had a LEEP procedure on her cervix) and I did 8 years prior to this. So after the doctor was finished, she sent the ultrasound tech into my room to re-do an ultrasound to be sure everything was ok.

I am not sharing this story to talk anyone out of an abortion, because for me personally the emotion pain isn't there. I have 4 healthy children(all of which my husband & I under went fertility treatment to conceive) Which is why never in a million years would we have ever thought that I could become pregnant naturally... But, the reason for my choice is because at my last 4th c-Section, my OB strongly suggested that I never attempt having another child (which I never thought was an option anyway) because my cervix would just rupture at the seam and I would die... so the thought of dying and leaving my husband to raise 4 kids alone far exceeded the guilt of the pro-life judgmental community... Only you know what is right for yourself...

But my point is, ask if sedation is available, if not why? And if you have had procedures done such as multiple c-sections, or a LEEP(cone biopsy) ask if there is pain medication available to you, so you aren't left screaming mid procedure to stop!!!!! and passing out because the pain was so intense!!!!

2013-11-16 06:54:39 · answer #3 · answered by brenda 1 · 1 0

Abortion. I will not tell you my reasons. It's not your business. Just know that I made my decision and I don't regret it. I will however tell you what to expect based on my own personal experience. You at least deserve that much. Do your research.

It was the worst pain I've ever been in. I expected to take the pill because I was only 6 weeks along. I got told all the information about the pill I was taking over the phone. So of course I wasn't that nervous going in because I would be swallowing a little pill. WRONG. I did the pricking of the finger yada yada so far so good. Filled out a little emotion questionnaire because I was supposed to be "counseled" beforehand but no. The woman quickly (speed of sound quickly) described a vacuum abortion and had me sign the bottom of a sheet saying I'd been counselled. Obviously she didn't see that I had circled scared, anxious and nervous on the sheet... also what? I thought I was doing a pill! All of a sudden I am in a gown in a waiting room full of girls who are all sitting silently. It was terrifying. Did I forget to mention you aren't allowed to bring anyone with you to the back? Uh uh. Your supportive boyfriend is demoted to "your driver". So here I am in a gown with all these girls and a woman walks in with a Valium and a Motrin. Of course I haven't eaten since the night before because I wasn't allowed to... so I puked up the meds. Upon telling a nurse that I didn't keep anything down she sent someone in with another Motrin. Sorry, no more Valium for you. To top all of this off I was the first one called in. Sit here, stirrup it up, there ya go and BOOM. I would describe the pain as being kidnapped by a serial killer and being tortured fully complete with shiny instruments of death. "It's almost over" "Stop moving" My comfort nurse? The same girl who "counselled" me earlier. She gave me a couple of stress balls to hold for comfort. Too bad I was being tortured with medieval instruments and needed a legitimate human to hold onto. So I reached for her arm. (I've always had good nurses in doctors offices so I thought this would be okay) Nope, rejected. Finally after what felt like forever (legitimately 5-7 minutes) someone got me up, moved me to a recliner and gave me some ginger ale and crackers... then went to chat with her fellow nurse about the circus she went to the night before. Cool. Well. I held myself together until my "driver" came to get me. I broke down in tears. Maybe I would have been okay if I hadn't have been blind sided. Maybe it wouldn't have sucked so bad if I had kept that Valium down.

Ladies. I am pro-choice and I pray. Please remember that all sins are equal. So your abortion is the same on the sin scale as the judgement of the people who stand outside and wave signs "to save you". Everyone has their reasons for abortion. Catch it in time. Listen to your body. You will feel something weird. Better safe than sorry. The longer you wait the more painful it will be. Also... get the freaking pill. Trust me on that. I'll be having nightmares for a while.

2014-02-04 09:00:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No but they do hurt you emotionally & pschologically .I have never had one, my adopted daughter did,so did my sister in law she had one 23 yrs ago. You never get over it ,my sis-in law still cries about it. She was too young & couldn't raise the baby. She regrets the choice she made. Once u make it ,their is no going back. Some young ladies make that choice & later find that they can no longer concieve.
Oh they do hurt physically for 1-2 days & period cramping starts all over again.

2006-08-28 11:14:28 · answer #5 · answered by angelluvswolf 2 · 2 1

Yes, it does cause some pain for the person..for about a few weeks or os..thats why they perscribe medication, after they abort the fetus

2006-08-28 12:00:43 · answer #6 · answered by inked_06 2 · 2 1

Yes, they hurt the physical is short term but mentally the pain never goes away. Have you considered giving it up for adoption?

2006-08-28 11:02:13 · answer #7 · answered by vdnr5 1 · 4 2

I haven't had one.

People tell me that they are uncomfortable during and after but the pain that hurts the worst is inside while they deal with the loss.

I donno - seems to be a really personal thing that people handle differently

2006-08-28 11:00:31 · answer #8 · answered by hmmmmmmm 2 · 2 0

It hurts the cervix, I mean the neck of the uterus, and the enometrium, the inner walls of the uterus. Some times the damage is forever, and makes impossible to have another pregnancy, but is not common.

hurts the baby, actually is kill.

and hurts the mother soul, some times never ever heales properly after murder its own child

2006-08-28 11:39:05 · answer #9 · answered by F V 4 · 4 3

yes they hurt, not duiring the procedure but after for about a week

2006-08-28 11:00:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

yeah it does sometimes and if you ever do get pregnant dont get an abortion you will regret it for the rest of your life trust me i know i've gotten one done and 3 months later i got pregnant again and now she's almost 6 months old but there's not a day that goes by that i wish i didnt get that done

2006-08-28 14:38:12 · answer #11 · answered by marriedw1 1 · 2 3

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