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i am a police officer. my g/f doesn't understand my job or why i love it so much. we also fight a lot cuz i'm on night shift and we don't see each other much or get to do a lot together.

2006-08-27 23:56:51 · 11 answers · asked by fireone 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

11 answers

Night shifts are hard and being a police officer can be difficult in a relationship.

I think you need to remind her that you were police officer when you met and this is what you love to do and who you are.

Is there a way to compromise and perhaps change shifts?

2006-08-27 23:57:59 · answer #1 · answered by Kitia_98 5 · 0 0

maybe you should try to explain to your girlfriend that this is your career, & and she shoud at least attempt to understand that is an imprtant role in sociaty that without complete dedication cannot be fullfilled properly. Being a police officer is not just a job it's about maintaining a society in which we can all live safely.

Also try & dedicate a day or two a week, just for the two of you to spend quality time, & make sure it's the best of you she sees. Say sweet things, & say it upsets you that she feels like this.

It probably is unfair that you spend so much time at work, it's unfair to expect your priorities to be hers too, even though it is a noble cause. Explain you maybe won't be on nightshift forever, & your doing this for the both of you, she should admire your ambition.

2006-08-28 07:14:48 · answer #2 · answered by idk 3 · 0 0

She has to understand that your choice as a career is part of what makes you the person that you are.

You love your job and thats a great thing.... very few people love thier job.

If you were to quit for her then you'd be miserable and eventually you'd resent her.

She just simply must understand that you love your job and that it is part of you. She should be able to wrap her head around this.

You on the otherhand just have to make sure that the time you spend together is extra special.

2006-08-28 07:01:42 · answer #3 · answered by GretzkyMVP 3 · 0 0

you mat get her to understand, but will she ever accept it is the question? some people just can't deal with being close to someone who is in a high risk job. my husband was a firefighter he fell through the roofs of three burning houses during his life. this was a very difficult for me to deal with emotionally. he finally quit and started driving a truck long distance. he was killed in a trucking accident, tring to make it home for christmas. i feel bad that he gave up the job he loved for safety reasons only to die at a job i thought was safe.

2006-08-28 07:10:26 · answer #4 · answered by pansy1532 2 · 1 0

well I think your job is a great one but I know it must be hard on her the thought of you getting hurt must be in her mind allot.
on the other hand I heard long ago so take it for what you will...
night shift is for a single person....
(if you don't sleep with your wife or g/f someone else will!)
I found this to be true...

2006-08-28 07:08:26 · answer #5 · answered by poisondragon 3 · 0 0

Tell her to grow up. Your job is important! Tell her that you make a difference in the world and that she should support you in what you do. Does she have a job? if not then tell her to deal with it because your income is the only income. If she does have a job, tell her to deal with it. Don't let her make you choose your job or your relationship, so not worth the drama

2006-08-28 07:01:20 · answer #6 · answered by phe_03 4 · 0 0

Were you a cop before you and gf met? If you were then I would say she should have thought it through before she got too involved with you.

If you joined after you met.....it depends how much /if you discussed it with her or just presented her with it and expected her to accept it.

If you could answer these things, I might be able to help a bit more.

2006-08-28 07:03:06 · answer #7 · answered by lou b 6 · 0 0

Sounds like you need to sit down and talk to her. I had the same problem with my ex, and we wound up breaking up (that, among other reasons as well). Explain to her that you do what you do because you like it, and offer to spend time with her on your days off. I hate to say it this way, but if she doesn't accept or understand what you do, it might be time to back off.

2006-08-28 07:00:53 · answer #8 · answered by c.grinnell 3 · 0 0

wow im a correctional officer, know what ya mean pal...smiles

2006-08-28 08:16:56 · answer #9 · answered by SuNnY BlOnDe 6 · 0 0

Throw her *** in jail with the scums you put away.

2006-08-28 07:00:14 · answer #10 · answered by aaupthemeggs 2 · 0 0

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