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how co me pepole ar shoting pepole day by day night by night this worrys me and how come pepole take drugs?This is bad no one should do these kinda stuff if u have anthing in ur mind pleas send THANK U

2006-08-27 15:48:58 · 22 answers · asked by model411girl 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

22 answers

seeing as you don't know ho to spell worth a damn, I'm guessing you are on drugs, either that or just really stupid

2006-08-27 15:50:50 · answer #1 · answered by Jumping Jack Flash 3 · 1 1

where to begin...
It is out of evil. Sadly enough it is necessary. For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. If this stands true for more than just motion laws, then well eveil is explained because it is the reaction from good. They coexist and we'll never know why, not in this lifetime. But everyday, we're closer to living in a more peaceful world. As long as we keep trying to make the best of things, help strangers, do everything we can. It is out of our kind actions that we can overpower the forces of evil, and while evil can never be erased completely, it can be overshadowed by good.
:) have a nice day!

2006-08-27 23:46:30 · answer #2 · answered by music_6089 2 · 0 0

i feel the same, these drugs are ruining our planet as well as our minds! i personally think cocane, cigarrets and things like that should be eliminated at all costs, sure it will take a while, and sure it will take down company's, but it's a lil bit worse if it's killing lives! i mean the lives of the people doing tghe drugs, and the innocent, like stupid people with guns, blowing bullets and crazy thgings like that! our plaent won't last much longer, wich is why i'm kinda freaking out evertday, there's nucs out there, and all kinds of thing we don't know about that could set off! like the twin towers! no one speculated that to happen! so what else could happen! it makes you wonder now

2006-08-27 22:54:49 · answer #3 · answered by pimp_knuckles 3 · 0 0

We are in a existence crisis, we`ve made a unremovable damage to ourselves, all this violence and drugs, we have abused of our inteligence (we have much to do lots of great things but not too much that we kill ourselves), we are creating those tihings that will terminate us in the future, we are creating a massive suicide!, in this times everyone has this emptiness inside that finishes in the anxiety and desesperation to have a reason to exist.
Of all the species that exist in the world we are the only one that puts an end to their own resources.. we are like a plague.

2006-08-27 23:06:18 · answer #4 · answered by Xeon 2 · 0 0

ok. for some drugs are an escape from reality, i think its because things are so bad in their life that they need an escape from whatever is going on. i have a couple reasons why i think people kill other people, they need psychiactric help to deal with their anger, their out of money and they kill someone to get their money, or its just straight up anger. like you could go day by day and think of the person you hate the most and think of horrible ways to torture them until they die. like cause them as much pain as they caused you. i mean you cant say that you've never thought of what it would be like to do drugs, or kill somoene. come on, who hasnt???

2006-08-27 22:58:48 · answer #5 · answered by tiffany 3 · 0 0

Its because of greed and hate. You can put 10 people on an island to fend for them selves and they become best friends. But if you put 10 people in a room with 1 million dollars they will become wrest enemies and kill each other.

2006-08-27 22:56:23 · answer #6 · answered by matt 2 · 0 0

People have different thing going on in the life. Many make bad choices and some don't. Life is not perfect and it was never meant to be.

2006-08-27 22:53:15 · answer #7 · answered by Junia Z 3 · 0 0

i know what u mean this is not good, although my hubby is in iraq and has to do his job...... but this world is getting real bad and i hate that my kids everyones kids have to grow up like this....... make the world a better place people

2006-08-27 22:52:36 · answer #8 · answered by Mickey 3 · 0 0

drugs are addicted. peer pressure pulls people into it. and some people are crazy and thats why the feel the urge to hurt others. i really cant relate since i'm not crazy....

2006-08-27 22:51:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

why do they go around shooting people?? well....I wish I can have a specific answer but I guess they have no sense of respect to others...is really sad but you just have to deal with it, about the drugs well....I guess they don't care for themselves.

2006-08-27 22:55:27 · answer #10 · answered by fun 6 · 0 0

wow ! well. its jus the way of life for some, some jus have some devilish thing in them that need to shaken out!

2006-08-27 22:51:19 · answer #11 · answered by ¤AFTERN00N L0VAH¤ 2 · 0 0

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