It's not a big deal.They say 1 out of 10 people are gay.That's just people that are out of the closet.Homosexuality will never go away so people should educate themselves and deal with it.
2006-08-26 17:15:55
answer #1
answered by Celebrity girl 7
Who cares? The Lance guy just wants attention.
2006-08-27 06:13:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Who's Lance?
2006-08-27 00:25:38
answer #3
answered by sweet_leaf 7
He got some more notoriety that he wouldn't have gotten had he not did this coming out publicly so for someone in his position that was probably a bonus but the bottom line is who really cares except for whoever he's going out with what his orientation is.
2006-08-27 00:24:15
answer #4
answered by jljdc 4
I CARED!!!!!!! When i was in LOVE with NSYNC he was my most favorite he was a heck of alot cuter than justing ever thought about being.i was sooooo upset when i found that out for like a couple weeks my hands were shaky and i was sooooo upset i was really shooken up about it. i cried for a long time i was soooooooooo shocked. But it took alot of courage to do what he did.....I think it was soooo sweet.he is adorable i dont care if he is gay.he is still have to agree about that.
2006-08-27 01:03:39
answer #5
answered by h0ll1st3rgrl 2
I knew one of them had to be gay! LOL But, really, I do not care. Why? Because, that is what he is and I got enough problems on my own to worry about and him being gay is sure in hell not one of them! Anyone out there who does care, they should get a life!
2006-08-27 00:35:31
answer #6
answered by uchaboo 6
I really don't care. I wasen't surprised at all. I think all the people from nsync are gay. Especially Justin Timberlake, he sings like a girl.
2006-08-27 13:02:33
answer #7
answered by Dark Sunshine 3
Did he come out??? I havent heard him SAY he was gay but hes hanging out with Matthew McCaugnahay so at least hes got good taste in men.
2006-08-27 09:49:31
answer #8
answered by lucygoosy2004 5
...yeah, i guess for the most part i agree wit yall. im like who cares?, lol. but i was shocked...when nsync first came out, i liked him when everyone else (my friends) liked justin. but then i started to like jc, so im aight. (17 yr old african american female) peace
2006-08-27 00:26:36
answer #9
answered by kalkidan62003 3
Big deal. It's not like he's waltzing around wearing pink and purple satin.
2006-08-27 00:18:19
answer #10
answered by Firefly 4