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2006-08-26 10:29:26
answer #1
answered by fireashes 4
the most fastest way is answering dont ask and try to find ur good questions u could have a great answer and if ur super good those people would reward u with 10 points,,,
but the more level u go the distance between one level and the other is large, but this is all of having kind of fun
2006-08-26 17:32:52
answer #2
answered by BIBI 3
Answer every question that you can, and make it a good answer so the asker might choose your answer as a best answer.
and don't ask questions unless you're in desperate straits, cause otherwise, you're losing points..
and don't forget to vote for unresolved questions.
2006-08-26 17:31:08
answer #3
answered by chuckufarley2a 6
Read these.
2006-08-26 17:32:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous