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who should i get rid of?he has been my mate for years,only been with her a couple of years we have a kid though,she also flirts on the net when i am at work,and to be honest she is no looker and well overweight,she is lazy in the house also and clumsy around our kid.

2006-08-26 09:17:51 · 45 answers · asked by ♥Scottish♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥Fairy♥ 7 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

45 answers

She is a whore & he is a whoremonger! Neither is any good!
Try to get custody of your child & have proof of her internet sexcapades & filthy housekeeping!
I know it is hard for a man in UK to get custody,but please try & get out of the mess you are in!There are better ppl around.I will pray for you to get custody!

2006-08-26 09:21:59 · answer #1 · answered by Frogmama 4 · 0 0

if she is 'no looker' and 'well over weight' what did you see in her in the first place? Maybe she sought comfort in another man because she wasn't getting what she needed from you. People need to know that they are loved or they go else where to find it. If your not complementing her and making her feel good about herself then your gonna make her feel worthless and she will feel so depressed that keeping the house tidy will be the last thing on her mind! If you are seriously worried about the welfare of your child then i strongly suggest you speak to your GP or health visitor about it. It could be a sign of drug abuse.
The welfare and happiness of your child is the most important thing in this case. If you can make it work between the both of you (and relationships are hard work but worth it) then that is the best outcome of all, but you need to talk to each other maybe a relationship counsellor would be a good idea.

2006-08-26 09:34:39 · answer #2 · answered by h4yz69 1 · 0 0

Well judging by the way you talk about her,it is little wonder that she has turned to someone else for attention.It is no excuse for her cheating on you and being a man you should not be surprised at your so called friends behaviour either.
Perhaps the first thing you need to do is change your attitude and talk to her.Maybe you are just hurting but if you really do think of your girlfriend how you described above then do her a favour and move on,the last thing she needs is a partner with that type of attitude.
I wish you both luck for the future !

2006-08-26 09:26:35 · answer #3 · answered by any 4 · 0 0

It's really messed up that your best friend would dis you like that but if you and your girl got a kid together, you need to do whatever it takes to work things out and stay together for the kids sake. It isn'tthe kids fault and every kid deserves to have 2 loving parents to rasie them. Maybe she should get some help if she's lazy and clumsy aroung the kid. You both need to work together.

2006-08-26 09:23:55 · answer #4 · answered by Cris W 2 · 0 0

I would ditch the girl, ditch the "mate" and take the kid so you dont have to pay child support. There are more women in this world than men and that makes us rare species. So go look for a nice woman with a nice attitude. There are many women out there who would love to go out with a guy especially if they see he takes care of his kid well.

2006-08-26 09:33:15 · answer #5 · answered by zebo007 3 · 0 0

I think you should get rid of them both because they both betrayed you equally. If they do it once they will do it again. Now you really have to be careful. Find a new girl and keep her away from your mates or else they will mate if you know what I mean.

2006-08-26 09:34:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ditch both of them - but not till you've made sure that you'll have access to your child on a regular basis come hell or high water - with a mother who has no morals that kid is going to need you 100%. don't let him/her down. If you stay friends with that guy, he'll have no respect for you - he never had any anyway to do that to you.You can't have a proper friendship without respect - and who's to say he'll be able to keep his hands off your next woman - who might be really special to you, the love of your life. Don't risk it - he has to go.

2006-08-26 10:36:05 · answer #7 · answered by Frankie 4 · 0 0

If you were not the father of you child, I would suggest to get rid of both of them, you evidently do not like your girlfriend and there is not excuse for you mate to betray you with your girlfriend. I would suggest that you try to work things out with your girlfriend for the sake of you child.

2006-08-26 09:25:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

to be honest get rid of both

the bloke obviously aint a mate if he does that and she aint no saint either.

go for custody of the kid but dont stay with her because of the kid.

its not fair on anyone

2006-08-26 09:20:54 · answer #9 · answered by Moody Mare 3 · 0 0

I would start with some general house cleaning...BOTH OF THEM! What makes you think either is more guilty than the other...this sucks the big one! Nice people don't do this, and "Mates" absolutely do not do this. OFF with both their heads!

2006-08-26 09:23:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that it is time for you to get the three some. Remember if she is acting bitching and flirts with anyone is because she needs to be maintained often, so for you sanity and for hers let her have some, then when you dump her, she can not came back and fire on you. She needs it more often so let her have it, pretend that you still ignorant about the situation.

2006-08-26 09:39:44 · answer #11 · answered by Engonos 4 · 0 0

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