No. Listen he is gay...always was and always will be. Gay men have lots of women "friends." but they love MEN only...and can be loved by MEN only.
Do not delude youself. He's charming yes, good looking and fun, Yes. But he is not capable of what you want..and you are not capable to providing what he wants.
Do not confuse love with sex ...even with a straight man.
2006-08-26 08:10:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think it depends on the person. I've found I am capable of loving a woman, but any physical contact grosses me out, so if I date a woman there'd be no sex involved. But then again, I'm probably not completely heterosexual or there's some complicated reason behind why I'm able to fall emotionally, but not physically, in love with women.
2016-03-26 20:55:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't want to get your hopes up, because it is highly unlikely. But, yes, it is possible. When we look at the scope of human sexuality, it looks like a football pitch with very few people truly at one end or the other. Most people fall somewhere in between to one degree or the other.
2006-08-26 07:59:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you are truly his friend and care about him, you will get out of his life. He isn't going to be a relationship for you. Yes he can probably perform sexually with a woman, but he isn't going to be turned into a heterosexual by doing it. You are going to put him in the position of hurting you, his friend. Why would you do that to someone you say you care about?
2006-08-26 08:11:20
answer #4
answered by tjnstlouismo 7
Im not gay so I wouldnt know but im intrigued as to find out if one could!
2006-08-26 07:58:23
answer #5
answered by P 4
Honey i think ih hes gay and not Bi then you dont have a shot. just keep being his friend...i honestly dont think hes into any female if hes gay. gay is gay aint no changing it.
2006-08-26 07:58:14
answer #6
answered by michelle 5
yes I believe it is possible and if you feel so strong as you say then give it a go. good luck
2006-08-26 09:23:31
answer #7
answered by srracvuee 7
yes been there -it's dif may not last tho gays can change but its different needs there will always be
2006-08-26 08:34:02
answer #8
answered by gypsygirl731 6
Baby you can forget that. If it is in his nature it ain't going to change.
2006-08-26 07:58:05
answer #9
answered by adkfoaiefnafedw 4
he rather has sex with an old man than with you. forget it.
2006-08-26 07:58:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous