Think its about time you sit your self down and think real hard about what you want and whats the rest of your lifes going to be like..Hell sweety you have a computer in front of you, Try cyber sex could perk you up alittle, never know and you dont even need to leave the house.. Who knows you may like it.. I know I sure do, Your friend from Tennessee...ROB
2006-08-26 07:55:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Arranged marriages are hard, never quite understood the logic in that. But what is done is done and now you must both live with your decision.
Talk to him about his innermost thoughts and about yours.
Don't let the baby sleep in your bed, ever!
Wear sexy lingerie.
Get drunk just the two of you after the baby sleeps (even if you breastfeed a beer or two is fine, I did it)
Go somewhere together and have someone watch the baby.
You gotta bring some spice into the marriage it is too early to be bored of it already.
Good luck.
2006-08-26 08:13:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Go on a date atleast twice a month alone. Bring back the enjoyment of a dating romance. Get all dolled up and go somewhere romantic. Dont talk about work or your child, Only about each other. Dont let the dating ever go out of your lives. Dont have an affair. Work on your marriage first.
2006-08-26 07:50:05
answer #3
answered by yournotalone 6
I agree. You and your husband need to get to know each other it sounds like. Spend time alone doing things together. Find out what he likes to do. Go to the movies, go bowling, go out to dinner. But most importantly, sit down and talk. Talk about your previous lives, talk about likes and dislikes. Find common ground and build on it. Don't have an affair. That only complicates things and makes it harder. Find the love within your marriage. It can happen if both of you are willing to work at it.
2006-08-26 07:53:52
answer #4
answered by I'm just me 7
You are very, very selfish, just carefully read your own question again. I have been married for several years with my first husband, we always find something to talk about. Our children are one of the best and most interesting subjects to talk about. when you love your family more than you love yourself.
You shouldn't of become a mother in the first place, since you think about yourself only.
Having a family is the greatest blessing of them all.
You go ahead and have as many extra marital affairs you want, when you get old, the only ones who are going to find beautiful are going to be your children.
I really feel sorry for that husband of yours. But I feel horrible just to think about that poor baby you had without deserving it.
May God take care of you.
2006-08-26 07:57:40
answer #5
answered by Mother of three 4
in the beginning, desire your delivery is going properly and stay calm and discover something to savour with different mums to be, alongside with yoga or pre labour workout instructions etc, to have some female communicate . Why are you residing along with his dad and mom in case you the two have been working and now he continues to be working? subculture? Has he continuously behaved this way? until now you have been pregnant and dealing became he very busy and along with his friends many times? and you're actually noticing it for the reason which you're at residing house and bored? He does not have various duty to his dad and mom they have raised him to circulate off and have his own existence no longer stay their existence, except you're the two indian and then i've got self belief sorry for you. No lady in her stunning ideas might marry an indian guy and be caught with getting used to have babies and be there for no longer the rest using fact his dad and mom get all of it. i think of you have continuously regularly happening he has been like this yet somewhat of coping with it until now you grew to alter into pregnant you basically presumed he might study your ideas and funky down and alter right into a mature guy after he's a father. communique is the potential to an end. Ask hiim to make extra time and if he says no. Remind him that loss of dedication and interest is the 2nd best clarification for divorce.
2016-09-30 00:41:31
answer #6
answered by mauzon 4
No, you definately should not cheat on your husband. A wife's job is to support her husband and be a good helper for him. Adultery is a terrible sin. You need to put more heart into the relationship and show him that you love him. Tell him your thoughts about these things and ask him if he will show you more love as well and if he will do some romantic things with you. Be open and honest with your husband and communicate clearly.
2006-08-26 07:50:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
U need to spice up your relationship alittle. Get a babysitter and go out just u and him. Go dancing or go to the movies. Do sumthin exciting. Maybe that I would help. Sumtimes in a marriage you have to spice things up or it will get boring. I did it and it worked!! Ive been married for 9 yrs.
2006-08-26 07:49:28
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
omg there is still arranged marry going on this age and time.. but seriouly if u don't love him call it off. it's better for u and him and the baby all together.. staying in a loveless marriage it's not good for anyone...
2006-08-26 07:51:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You are selfish. I hope you have an affair and ruin your marriage and people treat you like the sIut you are. Divorce your husband so he can find someone that deserves him because YOU DON'T!!
You are pretty much worthless.
2006-08-26 08:08:09
answer #10
answered by Lothario 1