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24 answers

tell them. because to be honest it doesnt matter whether or not they like him they dont have live with him. you're the one that's married to them and explain to them you let the pass be the pass and they should as well you trust him and they should trust your decision. good luck to yall

2006-08-26 07:47:30 · answer #1 · answered by hazeleyedbandit3 2 · 0 0

OMG oh well its done.. hope fro the best they wont want to hear u this time around if u have ANY complaints as they most likely tried to help hopefully in past.. to them it woudl be a slap in the face betrayal if u went back so any probs shut up bout it and u will deal with it.. u best tell them now tho .. hiding things kills many kinds for relationships..tell them u love them but u cant get over the bond u 2 have had and would like to be the one to try to be at peace- peace and good luck.

2006-08-26 14:48:39 · answer #2 · answered by gypsygirl731 6 · 0 0

First things first, you should have told them right away, because now not only do you have to tell them, you have to tell them you've been keeping it from them.
If you chose to remarry your ex-husband you must love him a whole lot, hopefully your family will understand that. I mean why would you marry someone you didn't truely love, especially twice.
Try explaining your side to them, start with your mother and father, just let them know that you dreaded this conversation and because you know how they feel about him you didn't want to tell them. They need to accept him or face losing you.

2006-08-26 14:47:30 · answer #3 · answered by alysinvunderland 2 · 0 0

Hello. Well there is a reason he became your ex in the first place, right. Unless you have a child with this man, I feel you done the wrong thing. Ex's become ex's for some reason. Im not being mean, I wouldnt get back with an ex of mine for nothing. If it was meant for you two to be together you wouldnt have gotten the first divorce.

2006-08-26 14:47:43 · answer #4 · answered by heyall 2 · 0 0

if you are comfortable with the situation just have a family dinner at your house and then share the news. this shiuld not be a problem but if it is the decision was yours to remarry your exhusband. ask your familywhy they hate him. or is it because he mistreated you as to why they hate him either way your family deserves to hear the news from you and not someone else

2006-08-26 14:49:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well its seems that you should have thought about that before hand. If you really cared what they thought you would have discussed this with them. I guess if you are happy then you will have to live with the way they feel no matter what. The deed is done so you might as well tell them and get it over with. Good luck to you and congradulations.

2006-08-26 15:10:41 · answer #6 · answered by cindy m 2 · 0 0

My husbands family hates me, because when we got married I didn't let them walk over him like a door mat. If your family hates him because he stands up for you or just because they don't like him, then thats their problem. But if they hate him because he hits you or is mean to you then you have a problem. If you truly love your husband tell your family, by not telling them you are showing disrespect to your husband and your family and they will hate him even more.

2006-08-26 14:49:51 · answer #7 · answered by hotmama 2 · 0 0

You had better get yourselves into couples therapy and tell your parents ASAP. The longer you hide it from them, the longer they're going to feel betrayed and upset with you. You just need to fess up and work on making things work the second time around. Good luck and I hope you know what you're doing girl.

2006-08-26 14:47:57 · answer #8 · answered by Cassiopeia 2 · 0 0

It's obvious u don't care what they think! So, tell them and they'll get over it. The quicker you inform them the better! Hell, it's your life! Just make sure next time his a** does something negative that disturbs your relationship do not share it with them, unless its major like physical abuse or something. (Which u shouldn't be with him, it will happen again.) otherwise, Girrl they will remind you... Good luck with everything and keep them out your business...

2006-08-26 15:01:39 · answer #9 · answered by sassyme... 2 · 0 0

b honest with everyone if u love him don't disrespect him by not telling. after all it is your life and life is too short 2 worry about what they think. u r n control of your life they just need 2 deal with it. Love your husband he is the one you have 2 make happy

Good Luck

2006-08-26 14:48:25 · answer #10 · answered by Happi @ss 5 · 0 0

Run and hide. Both of you.. You will live in misery from now on. Your family will give you loads of crap about it behind his back. And you dont want to hear it.. So just move to another country..
Otherwise. Tell your family straight up about it. And tell them its your decision and you dont want to hear anything bad about him or you wont come and see them anymore. Maybe that'll shut em up. Good luck

2006-08-26 14:46:26 · answer #11 · answered by yournotalone 6 · 0 0

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