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I came to visit my bf and meet his family for the first time and after 1.5 weeks I got word (from a woman who likes to exaggerate and tell stories) that my bfs step dad is telling his wife that I can't cook or clean. I was livid because that man is disgusting, he won't pick up after himself, spills things and doesn't wipe them up, throws trash/clothes all over the house and I was actually picking up after him as his wife is in another state getting surgery and I can't stand messes! I was doing the dishes everyday even tho theyr DISGUSTING with caked on crap. I figured I could "earn my keep" by keeping things tidy. Well! If he thinks I don't clean then I figured I'll show him and actually NOT CLEAN anymore so he can see that I actually WAS. I resent being expected to clean as if that's what I came here for. The only thing is this basterd is my bfs boss and I dunno if I should be so spiteful. He cant lose the job. Its only dishes and picking up stuff now and then. So, should I?

2006-08-26 07:34:58 · 6 answers · asked by Caramella 4 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I didn't have enough space to add this. I told my bf my concerns, he assured me that the woman is lying (she hates his step dad) and she's trying to cause trouble. Still, the step dad is fricken MESSY! My bf helps out, picks up after the guy, wipes up spills that the guy cant bring himself to wipe. He works 12hr days and has no time to really clean with me plus the step dad is his BOSS so I don't want to stir up anything too big. My bf said he would tell him my concern but I'm scared he might lose his job or that we will just make more tension in the house. I feel like I'm making problems for my bf that he never had before I came here and that's crappy. I come here making all sorts of demands when he was secure in everything already. I feel bad :(

2006-08-26 08:32:21 · update #1

6 answers

Outside of popping the stepfather in the mouth,.....I have a question for you,...when did you become that moron's servant? That is not your responsibility, and by the way, how come your boyfriend doesn't stick up for you. The one thing that might solve it all, is when you go to visit, reant a motel or hotel room. That way, you don't have to deal with the jerk. The thing that really bites, is the stepfather's attitude towards women. Get a motel room,.....you'll be happier.

2006-08-26 07:42:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stop cleaning up after him, he makes the messes and can figure out a way to clean it himself. If he's comfortable living in filth more power to him.

2006-08-26 07:51:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

look for another job on the sly as he has no morals or character of worthiness- do not go to his home to give him fuel to burn u .. he cannot fire u for that but he could fabricate something, if he tlaks this crap so.. look for another -get out of it on the sly proove to urself u dont need this..in Rieki my belief u remove ur self from negative energy do not let it kill or bug ya or sickness stress etc settles in. already ur stressed out bout it ey? hope ur bf isnt gonna take lessons from his life..

2006-08-26 07:46:23 · answer #3 · answered by gypsygirl731 6 · 0 0

He's a man let him clean up after his self.Or make bill and tell him
this what u owe me for maid work.

2006-08-26 07:45:20 · answer #4 · answered by gxsilver1 3 · 0 0

listen chicky, you're living there for free, stop complaining and just do the damn dishes.

2006-08-26 07:39:58 · answer #5 · answered by smokinitup0 2 · 0 0

Are you serious? FU*K NO!!! Unless you want to be a maid.

2006-08-26 07:41:50 · answer #6 · answered by Solja Boi 1 · 0 0

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