Honestly you should wait till your feelings burn for your ex. because you wouldn't be true to your friend because you still have mad love for your ex. you7 odn't want to bring those feelings into the relationship that you are trying to start with your friend. you need to be honest with him and let him know yeah i like you and want to be with you but i think we should wait untill i'm over Joel completely. i don't want to end up hurting you and make you pay for the mistakes of him. and if its really meant to be and he like you like he say then he'll understand and still hold you down like he been doing. i should know i was in a similar situation with my home Boi now we both are in relationships but the feeling are still there. he gonna hold you down don't worry.
2006-08-26 07:39:47
answer #1
answered by Champaine 1
You should be with the guy who u love and the one who respects u and the one u have the best conversation with.To decide which one u should date draw up a column Brian on one side and Joel on the other and write down the things u admire about each of them then u can see the one u really love the most. If my advise works feel free to give me 10 points.
2006-08-26 07:39:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
you and Joel need to lay your cards ( thoughts and whats buggin ya) on the table for either to repair or to have closure. Is either of u on dope.. was he drunk? if u 2 cant get thru this lil ole thing there is no future if u cant talk it out.. the new guy ok- so there no law u cant talk to him go to movie eat lunch or pizza somewhere get to know him as a "friend " go slow until u know if ur ex u LOVE has had the meeting with u to talk it out and tell him u love him .. perhaps he isn't ready, the 1st 2 yrs of any relationship is hard. i have a 3 month rule.. it happens this way wether or not 1st month is attraction.. lust... 2nd month to talk about ur selves what ya do see how u are taking the moments as they come the fun the joy the newness.. 3rd month is when u set the what u accept or not accept things down the territorial cat spray thing is on lol kind of like that of cat when he marks territory they see what they can get away with or not;;.same as us what u can do and not do to see like test this out..ur in the last stage.. make it or break it.. with ex.. if u can.. then go on meanwhile u have new friend not lover but friend who may help u get thru this or give u insight on a guys mind.. and be thankful for choices as u have them..if it ends sad listen to Mogwai - luvstory.. lessons learned
2006-08-26 07:39:10
answer #3
answered by gypsygirl731 6
he has to understand you coz you torn between two confusing situation. If he really understand you, he will wait and take time to wait for you. Becuae loves really wait and understand. If he is in hurry, he might just want something from you. Now, its your decision which one you wan tto choose. You have weigh which love is greater.
2006-08-26 07:35:55
answer #4
answered by Arcie 4
Flip a coin
2006-08-26 07:34:44
answer #5
answered by burner 2
Take a break from men. You don't have to be attached to a man to be complete. Give yourself some time to see who or what you really want.
2006-08-26 07:34:13
answer #6
answered by sheeny 6
no one aspects help to with this, you are going to be able to desire to (this is going to sound somewhat cheesy) look interior your self and understand what you pick. think of difficult approximately who could make you happiest and who you get the suitable dating from. sturdy luck
2016-09-30 00:40:27
answer #7
answered by mauzon 4
I mean, this is just me saying this but, I would pick love over like anytime but, since he's your ex, you never know.
2006-08-26 07:37:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Follow your heart. go with the one u know its goin to treat u right.
2006-08-26 07:32:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Flip a coin.
2006-08-26 07:34:27
answer #10
answered by Ironball 7