First off, there's a big difference between being against the war in Iraq and wanting to raise the white flag.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have a good understanding of wat was going on before we went into Iraq, an understanding of what was going on in Iraq, and an understanding of what's going on their now. And I can tell you, we would have been better off had we not invaded Iraq. We can't even consider dealing with Iran or North Korea, much more threatening countries, because of what we've done in Iraq and how much of our military it has tied up.
We said we'd get the terrorists at a time and place of our choosing. I just can't figure out why we chose that time and place.
2006-08-26 06:26:31
answer #1
answered by Charles D 5
Do you realize you're talking about four different situations that have nothing to do with one another?
First, there's a huge difference between never having gone to Iraq in the first place, and leaving after "Mission Accomplished". The political and military situation now that Saddam has been deposed is completely different from the situation four years ago when Saddam was in power. Anyone who cannot distinguish those two factual situations and see that different decisions are involved is a lost cause.
Second, there is another huge difference between surrendering ("raising the white flag"), versus staying and fighting their civil war for them, versus leaving Iraq with the tools to build the own new govt on their own. Again, if you can't make the distinction between those three very different situations, any further discussion is pointless.
Finally, yes I know what I'm talking about. I have several friends in the military, including some going back to Iraq for their second term. It's not about facts. It's about ideology.
The bottom line is that what we are doing right now in Iraq isn't helping. Look at the facts. It's not gaining the US anything, and it's arguably making the situation in Iraq even worse. The vast majority of the people in Iraq don't want us there, and there is no indication that we're doing any good by remaining. Those are the facts.
The question is, what do we do now, based on the current situation. Basing our decision purely on the past, without looking at the present, is fatal. To the tune of thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives.
2006-08-26 13:45:25
answer #2
answered by coragryph 7
I know my facts. I know that the US tried to pressure the UN to pass a resolution authorizing the invasion of Iraq. When they refused we decided to go in unilaterally. This was in November of 2002 when it was clear to everyone who was paying attention that the US was going into Iraq no matter what. Bush later claimed tha the decision to invade was not made until January, 2003. The ultimatum given to Saddam was pretense. Saddam could have piled every weapon he had at the Kuwait border ready for us to pick up and then flown to Damascus and we still would have gone in. I know that we were told that Saddam had an active WMD program and was an imminent threat to the United States. Neither was true. 500, 15 year old chemical shells? Please. Even the white house has said those were not the WMD's they were talking about. I know that after the first gulf war Saddam stood on a balcony in front of his followers and denounced the US, while firing a gun in the air. I know that two weeks ago a Muslim cleric stood on a balcony in Iraq, fires a gun in the air in support of Hezbollah and denounced the US. I know there were no active terrorist training camps in Iraq. Saddam would have seen them as a threat. I know that at the time of the invasion nearly 70% of Americans thought that Saddam was directly responsible for 9/11. Bush continued to let people think that even he knew it to be untrue and later said so.
Bottom line is saddam was boxed in and not a threat to the US or Turkey or Saudi Arabia or even Iran.
2006-08-26 13:47:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Unbelievable, just ask anyone that has been in a war and they will tell you just how pointless it is. Even the author of "The Art of War" believes that war is not an answer and never should be. I will lay 10 to 1 odds on the money that you listen to the Sean Hannity show. Because that is exactly where dumb rhetoric like that comes from. The winner for best documentary at the tribecca film festival (made by soldiers that are in Iraq at the moment) made the statement that "democracy" is the last thing on their list of duties...the first and foremost is protecting halliburton assets. Do yourself a favor and stop being sheep.
2006-08-26 13:38:20
answer #4
answered by Charlooch 5
Do you even KNOW what it's about?
fighting and killing
Do you even KNOW what would happen if we raised the white flag?
less killing
Do you KNOW what would have happened if we didn't go into Iraq in the first place?
no dead sodiers no civil war in Iraq (there was more stablity when Saddam was in power, now 100 people die a day, It's HELL over there), no trillion dollar debt, Osama would have been caught, sigh, I could go on
Do you know your facts or are you just crazy hippies?
I know my facts, not a crazy hippie.
A lot of people are saying things about Sept 11 and the current war. Bush said himself that Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11!!!
2006-08-26 13:25:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I have to pose all those questions back to you. You obviously are not basing your opinion on fact.
1. This war is about Bush's ill attempt to create a American allie in the middle east. The sad thing is that he really did think we would be "greeted as liberators".
2.If we left today the country would be in ruins. Oh no wait, it is right now. And our president has not gotten his head out of the clouds yet , and created a solution. Don't blame Dem's he is the PRESIDENT , MR. DECIDER.
3.If we didn't go to Iraq thousands of soldiers would still be alive, and we wouldn't have created anymore unwanted enemies. We already had enough.
4. I think your the crazy one. If you can tolerate people disagreeing with you without calling them crazy than you have issues. Grow Up!!
2006-08-26 14:50:45
answer #6
answered by eyeamatrip 3
The Republican Party. The party of death and destruction. The majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabians. So we attack Afghanistan and Iraq??? Did you know that the Bush Administration were already considering attacking those two countries BEFORE 9/11? They just used 9/11 as an excuse to go on with their criminal plans. The only reason we wouldn't attack Saudi Arabia is because of the oil. In Saudi Arabia the school children are taught to hate America. In Saudi Arabia, the Bin Laden family are very influential. They are also friends of the Bush family.
2006-08-26 13:36:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The fact is that the world could have done with the war in Iraq. The main pretext of going to the war was to find the WMD's. Ousting Saddam Hussein was good act, but there could be other means. And we could live without the backlash. Iraq was cooperating at the time with UN. And the war was done against the UN Security Council support.
The question now is how to do away with the unrest in the country and get the troops home. No one wants any more lives to be lost.
2006-08-26 13:26:49
answer #8
answered by caughtin2minds 3
Suppy_sup you are wasting your time the people that are answering your question don't know don't care because thay hate bush and don't know anything about the real world and what is going on around them. They swallow the old 60's peaceniks that have become the new liberal establishment running the media and they have no idea of the price to be paid for pulling out of Iraq. But they will be first to blame someone else if we are hit by terrorists again
2006-08-26 13:36:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is about oil profits. Shia's and Shites would break out in civil war and kill more innocent Iraqis and the Iraqi govt would have to grow up. Its not called surrendering it is called repositions our forces. Surrendering involves giving up our arms and following the the terms of surrender so quit that neocon BS. If we didn't go into Iraq Saddam would still be ruling his country and keep Shia and Shites in check and prevent terrorism. Saddam wouldn't like organizations he does not control in his country. He would have kept terrorist out of his country and avoid a civil war. I know my facts $300 billion has been wasted, but the corporation got a nice chunk of it. About 3,000 soldiers have died attacking a sovereign nation and defending oil fields. I have a cousin and a brother law that have fought in that war and i know the sacrifice. Zero WMD I know there are no WMD because if there was Bush would be harping on that everytime he was at the podium. Saying I told you so, but he havent said a word about it.
2006-08-26 13:44:39
answer #10
answered by Sundown 1