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33 answers

Like many others, I never voted for him nor his father! He has single handedly made a joke of the presidency. He has lost most respect he had from his constituency than any other president. He is an embarrassment. Yes, even more so than Clinton. At least Clinton could put intelligent words together without having to make up new words!

2006-08-26 07:36:00 · answer #1 · answered by abracadabragal 3 · 2 1

It would depend on who else what running and what they had to offer as an alternative. I could see voting for him again, but if the right person came along, then I might vote for them.

I want someone stricter on immigration, but otherwise, I like President Bush.

2006-08-26 06:33:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think the presidency should be limited one single term of six years. With NO campaigning by the current president for, or against anyone.

That said, if it were legal for a third term, and I'm glad it's not, given the choice of Bush or Kerry or Clinton or Clinton or Gore or Pelosi or Sorros or Dean, the best pick would definitely be Bush.

To choose between Bush or Powell or Rice would be more difficult. Probably Rice.

2006-08-26 06:42:26 · answer #3 · answered by RockHunter 7 · 1 2

Yes I would!!
I voted for him in both of the last 2 elections. George has accomplished quite a bit considering all that's been thrown at him. Ok, there are a few things he could have done different, but he is only human and lets not forget that he is depending on other people to do their jobs and keep him informed with accurate information. I'm sure there are plenty of you out there that have screwed up at your job or made a few not so great decisions!

In all honesty, the job of US President is the hardest in the world. Can you imagine trying to keep up with as much as he has on his plate and keep it all straight?! I'm sure I would screw something up eventually.

For 2008, since we can't give George 1 more, I would love to see Condoleeza give the Hildabeast the beat down she deserves!
I think Condi is just what we need! She is very well educated and knows her way around when it comes to foreign diplomacy. She has all the class Hillary will never have and she's not afraid to stand her ground and go toe to toe with anyone that comes her way, but she also seems to have a good sense of when diplomacy is the better option.

2006-08-26 06:20:46 · answer #4 · answered by grrlgenius5173 2 · 2 3

Considering he has served his terms in the most difficult times for the country, and has managed to keep the Fundamentalist Muslims from nuking our entire country, he hasn't done a bad job. Even though he has done a good job, a president shouldnt be in office for more than 8 years. (We will still be at war, no matter who the president is) War was declared on September 11, 2001 and if you think that a new president is going to make them not want to kill us, then think again. We are at war, learn to live with it, and stop blaming our president. Your anger should be directed towards the terrorists, not our country's leader. If you think a new president can make peace with terrorists, then you aren't thinking hard enough.

2006-08-26 06:25:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Nope. Didn't vote for him the first 2 times, wouldn't vote for him again.

2006-08-26 06:14:55 · answer #6 · answered by Vengeful_Hippie (AM) 6 · 3 1

For what reason? So he could put us more into debt? Or truly break the back of the military?

I wasn't dumb enough to vote for him the first two times.

Now good old Bill, maybe we need to bring him back into office to clean up the mess that is left.

2006-08-26 06:45:29 · answer #7 · answered by powhound 7 · 1 2

No and I didn't vote for him the first two times either.

2006-08-26 06:51:43 · answer #8 · answered by latingirl0527 4 · 1 1

No. While it may be inevitable that we humans will escalate our squabbles to the point that we destroy our planet, and ourselves in the process, I am not eagerly awaiting said destruction, let alone inclined to contribute my vote to that end.

2006-08-26 06:37:39 · answer #9 · answered by functionary01 4 · 1 1

Although I don't think presidents should be voted in for 3 terms... I definitely would vote for him again.

2006-08-26 06:15:29 · answer #10 · answered by Carrie 6 · 3 2

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