The Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction, period. The Bible is not a science book. It is not a history book. It is not a blue-print of the future.
The Bible outlines God's Salvation Plan for Mankind. It is true, but cannot be interpreted scientifically. The Bible uses symbolism, parables and apocalyptic literature (fantastically symbolic language to arrive at a revelation) to reveal the Truth. If you don't understand the symbolism, it is very, very easy to become confused or just plain 'lost.'
There are no scientific answers in the Bible. Science, however, has of late been collaborating things that are in the Bible. For scientific evidence of a Great Flood has been uncovered.
The Bible was never meant to be taken literally.
2006-08-27 03:22:51
answer #1
answered by H 7
What I consider the Bible through each letter, words or numbers from the Bible is of the total Truth. The Bible is the only way with Faith to becoming a Christian. With recent Disasters occurring around the world especially Hurricane Katrina and The Asian Tsunami, they are the signs to what will occur from the Revelations which are located at the End of the Bible. The Bible is the Truth.
When it comes to Science, it seems that Scientists will never find the Truth because Science is not meant to ravel the Truth of the Bible. As the World ages Scientists will never workout or find the Truth through Science. But Science is connected to the Bible in many ways.
Through the media The Da Vinci Code has been said that it is fictional and has always been, the writer of the book has said. What I think of the Bible is that its a wonderful tool given by God to prepare ourselves for the Coming Of Jesus, but also to learn the ways of righteous nous.
2006-08-26 12:51:20
answer #2
answered by Marcus L 1
yeah J Cube. You are mixing your messages. Like a good Christian you contort everything back to believe the Bible blindly. I get so tired of people using a book written by people from a time when their understanding of the universe was explained by the fantastical and not the logical. the bible is a great book with a wonderful message of how to be a better person. for that, I salute it.
On the contrary, to sit here and say that evolution is problematic with missing links and gaps, blah blah. Take your own advise and look at animals in the world. for instance, pick up the Deep Oceans episode of the Blue Planet DVD. you will see an image of a deep water octupus with wings!! How would that happen? Let me guess, you still think that all the animals on this planet are from the animals on Noah's Ark, right? yeah, I'm sure that two of EVERY animal on the planet fit in there. I guess it would have to be land animals. the ocean would have been okay. It might have been a bit cramped in there with all the whales, sharks, walruses, giant squid and such. Speaking again about the ocean, why would we have air breathing "fish"? that doesn't make sense to just wave a "wand" and place a mammal in the water. Hmm, I guess this a few of the many quandries that one could find.
Let me ask you this, do you consider 97% to be a significant amount of something?
do you know that human beings are only separated in their DNA structure from the upper primates (Gorillas, Chimps) by 3%!
I side with Science first because it is out to prove itself wrong. religious texts do everything to prove themselves right. Apply some scientific methods to your OBJECTIVITY. I have not known a truly objective Christian. If you were objective [by the clinical definition of the word] you'd be agnostic.
2006-08-26 04:48:52
answer #3
answered by isleofdrmoreau 1
If your a christian and you are confused about the Da Vinci Code, most church's are doing Bible study's relating to it since the movie came out. The Bible has alot to do with faith, but some scientist are finding artifacts from events found in the Bible.
2006-08-26 23:13:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Science and Religion do not cancel each other out. You really need to do research to show yourself that the Bible tells the truth. The other night on the History channel they talked about how the water scientifically could have turned blood red (as in the Bible). Many miracles in the Bible can be scientifically proven (that they can happen). National Geographic has some interesting information on these things, and they are pretty neutral.
2006-08-26 10:05:36
answer #5
answered by arvecar 4
With my beliefs no the bible is just a bunch of pagan stories that the christians took and made into something for there religion. They could not get pagans to participate in there churches so they built on the sacred grounds and took there stories to try and convert them. Some of the stories I believe are true but changed. I do not bash christians I do believe in a god and a goddess. (that is my prefrence) But I also have a book that has over a 101 contradictions of the bible. The whole bible contradicts itself and the fact that they did not put all the books in the bible because they did not want people to read them.
Blessed Be
I hope you find your answer
2006-08-26 02:51:20
answer #6
answered by mysticalmoon1975 3
Well the bible is related to Christianity and in the history of the world there were many religions before this one. Christianity came 1000s of years later. Many of the writings in the bible can be seen as closely related to Hammurabi's laws(his came first) like eye for an eye- golden rule. Also through translation how much is truly what was intended. Another thought is how has the bible been manipulated by the powers that be in order to suit there own needs, for example the Roman Catholic Church was one of the most corrupt organizations in history, how much did they leave out, manipulate, or add in order to suit their needs?
One more thought, religions were seen to be started as ways to explain the unexplained and to set moral codes for the masses.
2006-08-26 02:57:18
answer #7
answered by Sue S 3
The people who wrote the bible were not liars.
they wrote down the truth as they perceived it.
so in this sense the bible tells the truth.
an recent example of this kind of perception truth.
Pluto is no longer a planet.
Are the written works by Galleo and all the other early astronomers a lie
they never mentioned Pluto because they did not know about it.
Are all the scientific papers that call Pluto a Planet now a lie.
just because our definition of what is a plant has changed?
Galleo wrote the truth as he knew it, so did all the scientists that called pluto a planet.
the problem with the bible is that people stopped adding to it.. Why?
2006-08-26 02:49:13
answer #8
answered by coachelarose 3
Why insist on scientific answers? Science is but one aspect of knowing. And science has often been found to be wrong, and science is constantly being revised. Truth is not restricted to scientific knowledge only. There are many things that science cannot comment upon simply because science is limited. The Bible touches on science, origins, history, geography and many other aspects of knowledge, so you are not doing yourself a favour nor doing the Bible justice by limiting its examination to science only, even though there is nothing in real science that contradicts the Bible.
2006-08-26 06:02:57
answer #9
answered by Seraph 4
Yes the bible is the truth! I have read more than 20 times and tested it with history and it is flawless. And it tells us that the devil will try to discredit the bible so you will doubt Gods word and then he can deceive you of your spiritual inheritance!Don't get that happen! The divinci code is a bunch of fiction trying to get you to think its fact and it is not! Now the bible codes are a whole nother thing! But if your read from John to the end of the book, you will see the truth and the error! See for your self, don't believe me or any other man!
2006-08-26 02:39:30
answer #10
answered by bungyow 5