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25 answers

Spiders are very useful critters, and most are not aggressive. If a spider curls into a ball or acts dead when you come near, this is their way of letting you know they mean you no harm, and only want to pass. Most spiders are very afraid of people, and cannot stand to get on a person, therefore they will avoid you as much as they can.

2006-08-26 18:00:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are an Arachnophobia( means fear of spiders just in case you don't know what that means). Everyone has a phobia.
Spiders, even though they can be scary and eww...ugly....are really quite helpful.

Did you know that spiders elp manage insect populations by eating lots of insects. Medical research using spider venom has yielded several chemicals that may be useful to control or treat diseases in humans.
Here is something interesting facts I have learned a while ago:
Fun Facts About Spiders
Spiders' lungs are shaped like an open book.
Spiders have a circulatory system, including a heart, veins, arteries, and blue blood.
Webbing is considered, pound for pound, to be the strongest organic chemical substance on Earth.
-A scientist spent years collecting spider web extract and actually made a spider suit. It repelled a steel baseball bat, bullets shot at close range, and even withstood getting hit by a pickup truck.
Baby spiders travel by a process called ballooning, in which they emit a small thread and float on the wind.
-When scientists travel to newly-formed volcanic islands, they find that spiders, which can travel through the air by ballooning, are almost always the first permanent inhabitants.
Jumping spiders can jump up to forty times their own body length.

Most people are so afraid of spiders that their first reaction is smash! smash! smash! Before you pick up that newspaper, you should consider a few things.

Spiders are one of nature's best forms of pest control. Many of the other insects you hate (mosquitos, flies, ants, and ticks, for example) are typical lunch for spiders. Next time you feel like smashing, consider the number of other bugs you'll have to put up with.

Spiders kill other spiders. Common house spiders are competition for black widows. In fact, some of the world's deadliest spiders end up as food for some of the most harmless. Hmm...black widow, harmless spider... you decide.

The vast majority of spiders are harmless. Sometimes, if provoked, they can leave a nasty bite, but usually they just run away. Only a select few spiders are deadly to humans.

Spiders are necessary to the environment. When too many spiders get killed, nature gets thrown out of whack. Do the envirnment a favor: leave the spiders alone
Don't Believe Everything You Hear
There are a lot of scary spider stories out there. Are any of them true? The answer is, probably not. Let's look at some common myths about spiders.

Spiders will suck your blood. When a spider bites you, it doesn't want to suck your blood. It's warning you to stay away, and it does this by punching holes in your skin.

trantulas can kill you. Yes and no. There are no recorded deaths from a tarantula bite, but some South American tarantulas are known to have deadly venom. North American tarantulas are basically harmless. In most cases a tarantula bite will feel like a wasp sting. Tarantulas are actually very shy spiders, and generally only bite if you try to pick them up.
All spiders spin webs. Actually, a good number of spiders don't spin webs at all. Wolf spiders, jumping spiders, and tarantulas are some examples. Some of those spiders that don't spin webs can still produce webbing, but they use it solely to protect their territory.

Hope that was of some help to you......
Spiders will bite you for no particular reason. Spiders bite when provoked. Simply being caught under your shirt is enough to make a spider feel trapped. If a spider is threatened or cornered, it gives a warning bite (often without using poison). Continued provocation can lead to multiple bites.

Daddy-long-legs are the most poisonous spiders in the world, but can't bite you. No one's sure how this rumor even started. Harvestmen don't have poison. Cellar spiders, which are sometimes called daddy-long-legs by mistake, have a small amount of weak poison, but it's only strong enough to make the bite sting a little.

2006-08-26 01:56:16 · answer #2 · answered by Cub 1 · 1 0

Besides looking at the negativity of the spiders like the eight leggs and numerous eyes, look at the good side. Everything was here for a reason and for some good use. Spider eat insects that may drive you crazy like mosquitos, flies, if you want to know more than look at their webs. >>'' doubt it you want to. Spiders don't live near you to scare you, they are more scared of you than you are to them. They won't harm you, but help you. Just leave them be. Now if their in the house << well let just say you have more bugs at home then you know

2006-08-26 01:50:08 · answer #3 · answered by drE-drE 2 · 0 0

Just remember that there are very, very. VERY few spiders that can actually hurt you. For example, the black widow spider may have potent venom, but its teeth are so small that the amount of venom transmitted to you may make you sick, but shouldn't kill a full-grown human being. In addition, black widow spiders are very shy animals, and not agressive. They only bite in self-defense, so you leave her alone, and she'll leave you alone! The only other spider that's potentially dangerous to humans in the U.S. is the brown spider, and they're found in the desert.

Spiders are really helpful though when it comes to taking care of nuisense insects--even mosquitos--which can transmit much more serious diseases. Think of them as the equivalent to a house cat, except that instead of catching mice, they're catching bugs.

2006-08-26 01:50:06 · answer #4 · answered by Stephanie 1 · 1 0

They're just bugs, and the bite of some large spiders can be painful, but most species are too small to break human skin, and only a few are dangerous to humans. The latter are mainly the black widow spider and its close relatives, which are nonaggressive and bite humans only in defense. Their painful bite is followed by faintness, difficulty in breathing, and other symptoms; although the bite is seldom fatal

2006-08-26 01:59:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think we get this fear from mom or whomever we were around when little...I am fascinated by them and they are creepy...I love a saying by Kate Hepburn "the greatest gift one can give oneself is freedom from fear" So i work at listening fear everyday...I took a class on arachnids that opened up my mind and I was actually able to allow a tarantula to crawl over my hand I got goose bumps i didn't pull my hand away it was the start.This was very empowering and felt gr8 fear stands in the way of gr8ness...read abt spiders and watch discovery channel and go out In nature and study them they are cool...

2006-08-26 01:55:57 · answer #6 · answered by red heads ha! 3 · 1 0

Just remember, there are more undeadly spiders than there are deadly or dangerous. Most of the time they are more afraid of you than you are of them. I was deathly afraid of them so my friend made me try something. He took me to a place that had a reptile exhibit and they had spiders, and made me hold a tarantula the size of a grown mans hand(spread out). cured me.

2006-08-26 03:11:07 · answer #7 · answered by stephanie_kittie 2 · 0 0

Can you try to realize that they are probably more afraid of you than you are of them?

They are creepy in a way...quiet, with all those legs...but they do get rid of other pesty insects for us. There really aren't that many around that are harmful (black widow, brown recluse). Daddy-Long Legs are actually kind of interesting to watch..the way they trap other spiders and ants in their webs.

Tell yourself that you are way bigger and in control. My daughter has always been afraid of them but is now starting to get over her fear slowly but surely (she's 15). Hope this helps a bit.

2006-08-26 01:46:22 · answer #8 · answered by 60s Chick 6 · 1 0

When was the last time you saw a spider actually pick someone up and carry them off? I always tell my brother that until the spider can karate chop him and/or flip him over his shoulder, he is safe.

2006-08-26 01:45:49 · answer #9 · answered by I love my husband 6 · 1 0

They are not typically aggressive and they eat bugs. I don't like them either, but I keep them around because they help, especially during the summer...unless they are in my son's room, then they get the tissue! Sorry spider lovers.

2006-08-26 01:47:11 · answer #10 · answered by Margarita 2 · 0 0

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