A person’s life is full of dreams. Dream can be about one’s ambition which he gets fulfilled with the passage of time thru his own hard work, intelligence, good planning and with the blessings of Almighty. Another is day dreaming which is really not a good habit and can be controlled with one’s will power. But what about the dreams a person experiences during sleep. Do they hv effect in our real life? What do they mean? What is their interpretation? The person asks to his friends, elders and seniors in his social circle. Sometimes he gets satisfactory reply and sometimes not. These days Internet is a rich source of information. So one does not need to depend on others for one’s dream interpretation. The Yahansmaniac Community member suggests the following.
Please visit the above pages to find the interpretation of ur dreams and to satisfy ur different queries about dreams. I hope, it helps u.
2006-08-25 18:46:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
This is a rare gift with some people.Tell her, we live in three states-Jagrata, Susupti and Swapna-living , sleeping and dream.That is-conscious,unconcsious and sub-concsious. Some people have frequent glimpses of the super-conscious in their dreaming stage. It means their mind is in a very high stage during that time.Guide her through meditation, excercise and good books. Stop viewing it as a problem. She is a highly intuitive person, who, if not guided properly, will be confused.Tell her it's perfectly normal to have such visions. However, like messages received with no instructions to take action, she must witness only.
2006-08-30 18:21:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
When the dreams of her are of reality then the care has to be taken seriously . The positive aspects must come in the dreams for betterment of all your life ! There is the Dream therapy where you can have a control of your dreams ! But that you have to find it ! in reality your unfilled desired comes in dreams and try to satisfy the desire ! so, try to think positive through out the day and may receive positive results !
Good Luck !
2006-09-01 20:33:39
answer #3
answered by winner p 2
you cant call it a problem. not everyone's dream becomes a reality. put it to good use. if she dreams some misfortunes, like an accident, you may want to avoid it, by informing the person concerned or finding an alternative. if it is a good dream, gladly wait for the time to come. this is similar to people who are to involved in astrology. otherwise, do not be too concerned with it either. worrying doesnt help! just remember, do not tell people the bad dreams that she had. people might inadvently blame her for any misfortunes. you wouldnt want that to happen to your sister, would you?? be selective, good dreams you may share. bad dreams keep it to yourself.
2006-09-02 17:29:40
answer #4
answered by CuriosCAT 2
Well, looking at it critically, dreams can sometime be of reality,
these is an act of experience for experience is said to be the best teacher.
l am addicted to dreams, mostly of strange nature. The future is like a dice on my ludo's mind. This meams that the future is not quiet certain. But dreams, maybe of nightmare tells the future to my part.
2006-08-25 18:37:25
answer #5
answered by israel2good2 1
U said Ur sister dreams come true, In other words we can say she has the power of intuitions, which means she can can realise or have a feeling what's going to happen in future.
I will advise Ur sister to do meditation for at least half hour daily this will give her a peace of mind & a good.... good night sleep.
2006-08-25 19:04:32
answer #6
answered by Sree 1
Constant Deja vous is a form of a seizure, a neurological disorder, I used FEEL like I was in situations that i thought i saw coming, turned out they were seizures , I needed medication, I also had/have a brain tumor that caused these.Can she write these predictions down in the AM or do the just seem to occur, if it's just consistent Deja vous, get her to a neurologist for an EEG,/MRI.May just need medication.
2006-08-25 18:31:51
answer #7
answered by Patrick Bateman 3
It is premonition turning into dreams in the subconscious. But problem is you can not choose your dreams, so that what you want to happen first can come as a dream and then turns into a reality.
2006-08-25 18:38:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Dreams again can be said as which is related to our sixth sence !!! well funny we can spit in to two day dream and night dream even it depends when u dream ....... but thats nothing in dreams what ever is to happen will happen so ask your sis to forget about that and be happy
2006-08-31 21:28:36
answer #9
answered by Sridher 1
in the dream i was jogging down a road and i approached to lovely ladys and said hello......THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED THE NEXT DAY......it only happens every now and then....but it is scary......ive had about 20 of these encounters in my memory.....it creeps me out some times
2006-08-25 18:22:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous