The smaller a circuit is the faster it can operate. An electrical impulse travels at the speed of light (actually a little less) so in a logic device a change on the input is realised on the output after some delay. This is called the propogation delay of the device.The clock cannot operate faster than this delay or a "race" condition results and the logic fails.This may not seem like a great deal but todays microprocessors are operating in the gigahertz range. light travels at 300,000,000 meters/sec so for light to travel 1 centimeter it takes 1/30,000,000,000 of a second or a maximum frequency of 300 ghz consider a processor chip that has maybe 20 centimeters between input and output, under the best of conditions it would have a max speed of 15 ghz.
2006-08-25 18:27:52
answer #1
answered by Sleeping Troll 5
Since the speed of light is relatively constant, the shorter the path it has to travel, the faster the possibility of operations if they can develop switching technology that is fast enough. That is one of the reasons that microchips are getting smaller and smaller in CPUs.
Love, Hope, & Peace,
Cal-el & Swissy
2006-08-25 19:03:30
answer #2
answered by Prodigal Son 4
Nothing as yet, but that may change. Lots of research going on out there.
2006-08-25 18:19:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
embedded chips in human muscles for identification/communication etc etc.. :)
2006-08-27 21:28:02
answer #4
answered by A Bank 1
i dont know
2006-08-25 18:17:25
answer #5
answered by Gaurav Munjal 1