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My EX and i just broke up 2 weeks ago, sence then i have lost the kids i have been with for 2 years, ( his kids) i have no friends, and i feel like my life has no meaning now. I go day after day just wondering what i am here for, and what to do with my life. I am only 22... it may be a little corney but like that song goes. '' i was born the day i meet him, died inside the day he left me, but i lived while he loved me" I just dont know what to do. I feel so alone! Can anyone help?

2006-08-25 11:03:12 · 13 answers · asked by sexy momma 3 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

13 answers

PLEASE stop the pity party -- and I mean it!!!! Divorce is NOT the end of a life, and neither is a breakup -- it is the BEGINNING of a NEW LIFE and NEW Adventures and FREEDOM to choose to live either happily single ... or just be miserable.

First: I would suggest that outside of work, you volunteer to be a coach in some local sports league -- and that will be a worthwhile time because there are so few adults who now want to volunteer to teach these children how to be comfortable with having FUN instead of pushing, shoving, pressing and just being overpoweringly for WINS at any cost -- which is NOT the way sports SHOULD be.

Second: Find yourself a NEW hobby or interest -- explore around you and see what is there -- have you always had an interest in photography but not the time? Then get a cheap digital camera and start shooting images -- and download to your computer and practice, practice, practice -- because the more you take, the better you will develop your own style and sense of what you like to see in your photographs.

Third: Go back to school if you feel like it. I am over half-century old, and believe me, I did my time (and sacrificed as a single parent for many, many years) and NOW it is MY TIME to have FUN in school (and I already have Graduate Degrees).

Fourth: Just relax -- take a break, spend quiet evenings at home with a good book, a new DVD (even those stupid $5 ones where you can LAUGH a lot at how really DUMB people had to be in order to act in that movie and how BAD it really was!), buy a new cookbook and learn new recipes (explore ethnic cuisine), and do things you could not do because others were always there and taking up YOUR time.

So get off the couch, get out and about, find things to do to get yourself active, and just start grounding yourself again. One thing I suggest: DO NOT start a new relationship yet, just get comfortable in the skin of being INDEPENDENT, HEALTHY, Happy SINGLE. This is so you can make sure you know yourself before you have to deal with ANOTHER in your life. Self-Esteem is SO IMPORTANT and relationship-hopping (which I've seen many do) is DEFINITELY NOT healthy for ANY one.

2006-08-25 11:19:24 · answer #1 · answered by sglmom 7 · 0 1

Well, first advice: make sure to have a check up with complete blood works. I recommend a whollistic dr... I had depression/anxiety for about 8 years; the first 5 years were not good but the 3 years were really, really spiraling downward badly to the point where it wasn't just *hard* to get through life, but I was not even *fuctional.* I couldn't even be left alone with my kids because I could have a panic attack any time and I had such severe insomnia. Anyway, a few tests and a couple of visits to a whollistic dr., found a neurotransmitter deficiency, and I was cured and normal again after a month of the right vitamins (high doses of amino acids). I mean, I was in shock... I had my life back. Drs are quick to prescribe SSRIs (I had several drs. offer them even though they didn't know what was actually wrong with me) but if they can't get to the bottom of the problem you just end up on musical med doses going up and down. That said... meditation is a huge stress reliever. You should get into it. Positive affirmations help. Lemon... the scent of lemon is very cheering. Wake up and have tea with lemon (something soothing & non-caffinated, like fruit teas). Or have a smoothie with lemon in it. Grow lemon balm on the windowsill and just rub your hand on it and sniff it every so often. Make a small yellow pillow (two 4-x-6 inches of yellow felt sewn together is fine) and stuff it with things like thyme, lemongrass and lemonbalm (dried herbs). Keep it on your pillow, or under your pillow, or lay it over your forehead on tough nights. This may sound odd-- but how clean/organized is your home or room? Because it can make a huge, major difference to depression. Mess, dust, clutter, etc.-- negativity just clings to it. Having a clean, minimalized, bright, dust-free room lifts weight right off your shoulders. Organize your time, too... it helps reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. If some stuff feels too great, try to minimalize that, too. Get into your religion-- I don't know if you are Pagan or Wiccan or whatever, even if you're an atheist try a Unitarian Universalist church. If you are at all inclined to be spiritual it can make you feel very uplifted to forge a closer connection with your Higher Power/whatever you hold sacred. Prayers & chants are more of a personal thing... for prayers, I just pray. Say what's on my mind. I like to use poetry for chants... just open a book of whatever you find uplifting. Whitman, Wordsworth, Frost... whatever. Keep low music you find cheerful on in the background, too, as you go about your day.

2016-03-27 06:04:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There's obviously a route cause for your depression, visit your doctor (everything is confidential) and explain exactly how u feel, there's so much help out there from people who actually understand and care. Push yourself to go out more, do the things that made you happy! Don't just sit and think.. That's the worst thing to do. Just ignore the pathetic comments from people, just make yourself happy. Don't let this carry on, get help! Be the bigger person and make yourself proud by coming out the other side the happy girl you once were. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon, don't worry, depression doesn't last forever. But your the only person who can make things better

2015-03-22 07:26:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's completely natural to feel this way, don't feel that you're alone in this. That's too bad you don't have friends - perhaps you could renew some old friendships or reach out to your family for support? It's important to have a social network. If you talk to people, you will find that everyone had gone through some sort of a traumatic relationship experience at one time or another, but we all have lived through it - and it's possible to start enjoying life again after it's all over. If necessary, see a mental health professional, they can recomment treatment. Find a support group in your area. Force yourself to get busy, keep your mind and body occupied. Time cures all, hang in there.

2006-08-25 11:26:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you are depressed, you should go talk to a professional. He/she will be able to help you with your depression and feelings of worthlessness. He/she will be able to teach you how to deal with these feelings and how to move on. Some people can't just "get over it" like some. Some people need this.

2006-08-25 11:11:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honey you got to learn to love yourself! Be happy with you and realize that he is not worth it. It sounds like he didn't deserve you anyway. Not many people your age would bother a guy with two kids. Pick yourself and your self worth up. It will get better.

2006-08-25 12:36:05 · answer #6 · answered by sunshine 1 · 1 0

Depression is serious. I've been dealing with it for about 10yrs. now. and am being treated for it otherwise, it would be very hard to even get up out of bed everyday. If your having symptoms of depression then please go see your doctor. ASAP make it a priority.

2006-08-25 12:05:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yep go to the dr. get happy pills or start drinking a lot or smoke pot
what the hell do all three and have a
pity party

2006-08-25 11:13:13 · answer #8 · answered by Jamie D 4 · 0 0


2017-02-09 05:26:28 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Get busy, get into volunteer in schools or something. The break up is too recent, you might very well get back with him in time. Your life is precious, don't waste it.

2006-08-25 11:10:57 · answer #10 · answered by Mother of three 4 · 0 0

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