When trying to discover your patron deity, I found that it is helpful to research the folklore & Mythos of your heritage, for example if you are Italian investigate the Roman deities, if you are Irish read up on the Celtic, German read up on Norse mythology ect. If you are an american Mutt like me read as much as you can. It also helps if you have a good mentor who you can talk to about expeiences you have had, maybe they can recognize some of the traits and characteristics of certain dieties that you might not remember or know, and point you in the direction of study, or help to reveal your patron. I have been on the pagan/heathen path for 21 years, I have worked with many dietys from many pantheons. My Patron revealed himself to me in my dreams, as well as in several scrying sessions, after I had been on the path for about 16 years. Dont dispair, this does not mean that you have to wait 16 years for your patron to reveal themselves to you, and it does not mean that you can't work with other dieties in the meantime. Patron dieties choose you, they may attempt to reveal themselves to you in a dream, meditation, scrying session, deep trance or other-world journey. If you know your mythology & you recognize thier symbols and messages they send to you, then you become aware of thier patronage. Unique personal gnosis is a message, vision, or encounter with diety. It is a very powerful experience, in mind & spirit it gives you a sense of fulfillment, that you are on the right path. It can give you direction when before the U.P.G.experience you had none. It can lead you to further study, to enhance the relationship between you and your patron as well as the rest of the dieites in that particular pantheon. My patron is Odin and his Brother Loki... you can't have one without the other, and if they are not both welcome in your stead... well that is just asking for trouble...
2006-08-26 13:57:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Your patron deities are the ones that you are most connected with. They best way to find this out is by reading through the different pantheons and the stories associated with that pantheon. When you have a list of the gods and goddesses you feel a connection or love of use them one by one in ritual.
You should feel different energy patterns for all of them. The god an goddess that come the fastest and feel the best are most likely the ones that choose you.
The other way is ask out loud before you sleep "Who would claim me as their child?" and you may have a dream about them.
You also may be able to ask someone that has been on the path for awhile and see if they may be able to contact them.
Or the best suggestion....sit, back, relax, learn the religion and allow your patrons to come to you. It may take a while but it will be worth the wait.
Egyptian mythology has always captured my interest. This was way before I started on my path. Your patrons have an interest in you. Patrons are best to ask for any type of help. Read "Wicca:A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham. His book will explain everything you need to know about the religion and then some. HAVE FUN!!!!
2006-08-28 15:19:35
answer #2
answered by Nelly 4
It's ok to ask something if you're serious about it. Different people have come to know their patron deity by many different methods. Some are shown to you in Divine dreams, others come to you and you simply know you are to be with this particular deity. Other people have prayed or meditated on the matter and been shown an answer.
The books by Cunningham are a good start for you to get a feel for where you truly stand in your beliefs and curiosity.
Personally, I suggest staying away from the more negative aspected deities until you know what you are dealing with.
A good start might be to ask a deity of wisdom to aid you in your search (Athena, Hathor, Hera, Minerva, Brigid, there are many others).
Seeking and finding a patron deity is something that is personal and different for each individual.
2006-08-29 02:33:27
answer #3
answered by dark_amaranth 4
If you are truly interested in Wicca and would like to find the Deity and path that is right for you then please read on the different paths out there. An excellent book to begin with is "Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft". The lessons Will teach you all the basics of the religion and the apendices in the back have much info on where to find out about different paths as well as music, rituals and much more. Take your time to be sure that a path is right for you. It took me 2 years to find the Irish-Celtic Path and Blessed Brigid. Bright blessing on your journey.
2006-08-25 14:45:28
answer #4
answered by S G 4
How about the Patron St. Jude ( the Saint of the impossible!) I'm thinking of using St.Jude myself to get back my cats.. I don't know how to do that though! There also is Christian Wicca.. You can ask Gavin & Yvonne Frost about that! I'm Student # EH1Y or is it E1HY
I always get it backwards almost always!
search Patron St. in site like www.ask.com
2006-08-29 13:28:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Often your "patron" comes in the form of the things that interest you most... Sports and competition= Nike(the Goddess not the shoe) and so on. Patrons do change along with both interest and what you seek to learn most.
2006-08-25 15:34:08
answer #6
answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6
Some Wiccans and Pagans believe in having a partron God or goddess. I am Pagan and have always had an afinity for Venus but Hecate has revealed herself to me in the form of the rabbit and crow numerous times. So I believe mine to be Hecate. Not everyone does this and really it's just a way to bring your beliefs to a more personal level.
Blessed Be )O(
2006-08-25 14:47:27
answer #7
answered by PaganPoetess 5
not wiccan myself, but i know a few. As far as i know, you don't really find your patron diety, it finds you. You need a lot of heart felt self exporation do discover your diety.
2006-08-25 14:27:20
answer #8
answered by Icon 7