First of all, I know how you feel and my heart goes out to you. The first few months are so hard and exhausting. But there are clear skies ahead, and you will soon start to sleep through the night!
If I were you, I would keep breastfeeding as long as you can. It is the best for you and your baby. Call your Dr and discuss her colic. Perhaps, your baby isn't colic, but inconsolable for some other reason. It is better safe than sorry.
Also, if try to find a family member or neighbor or friend that is willing to babysit for a night now and then. You need your rest as much as anyone. Its OK to ask for help. Don't let yourself get too down about things. I suffered from postpartum depression and didn't tell anyone or do anything about it. It wasn't until my daughter was 9 months old that I blew up at my husband and put a hole in the wall that I realized that I needed to do something about it.
You are going to be OK!
2006-08-25 06:23:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Keep nursing!
If you were to put her on cow's milk formula it would most likely be WORSE!
Have you considered trying an elimination diet to see if that helps her feel better? The first thing I would suggest that you try is eliminating dairy from YOUR diet. You'll need to go about 2-3 weeks without dairy to see if it works.
When you nurse, does your baby take one breast or two? If both, do YOU decide when to switch or does she? Don't offer the second side unless the baby comes off on her own....don't automatically switch after a specific time or anything. Let her go as long as possible on one side so she gets lots of hindmilk.
Do you have a baby sling so that you can wear her and get things done? It will soothe her and keep her happy and make it easier for you to move around and care for her and do other things. It also helps a lot with breastfeeding in public.
Being held is a true NEED for a baby this age. She spent 9 mos in the womb where she could hear/taste/see/smell you every second. When she is not with you, it's very weird and scarey to her. You can't spoil her by holding her.
Babies cry to communicate. She is not manipulating her.....there is really SOMETHING that she needs. Go through the list and figure out what it is. contact.....too hot.....too cold.....etc.
Bring her in to bed with you so you can get more sleep. It's normal for her to NEED to feed around the clock right now, about every 2 hours. Breastmilk digests in about 90 minutes. She is trying to double her birthweight by 6 mos, which requires a lot of eating!
2006-08-25 06:22:45
answer #2
answered by momma2mingbu 7
Breastfeeding is best for her. Don't listen to anyone who tells you any different. Formula fed babies are acutally a lot more prone to colic.
Here are some links on the importance of breastfeeding:
Congradulations on nursing her 2 mo! You have already given her a wonderful start. :-)
It is normal for young babies to want to be held. Have you considered using a sling so she can hear your heart and smell you, but you still have your hands free? Many moms find slings to be lifesavers.
You sound like an awesome mom since you want what's best for your baby. I'm sorry you're feeling to tired and overwhelmed right now; I remember the early months with my new baby and it was really tough. I think everyone has some sort of period of adjustment with a new baby. I personally remember things were getting a lot better by 3 mo and even better by 6 mo. Hang in there; formula will not solve your problems and will likely cause more problems.
2006-08-25 06:28:00
answer #3
answered by doxhaelend 2
2 months is so very young ..... if it is true colic it will generally follow a rule of fours .... it lasts 4 or more hours a day ... usually starts around 4 pm each day ... and stops when they are about 4 months old . This is not always the case ... but usually. I know it must seem like you will never feel rested again... but this time will pass... you rbaby will grow up and stop crying . One thing to check on the next time you take the baby to the doctor is to ask about reflux . The next two months will go by faster than you think.
and it is normal to feel tired when you have a new baby.
2006-08-25 06:23:01
answer #4
answered by t_storm031 1
If she stops crying after you pick her up, that is not COLIC. This shouldn't have anything to do with breast feeding. Sounds like she is just a high need child. I just need to give her extra holding, but need to let her learn to be on her own. Try this, put her down for 5 minutes at a time.. then gradually increase to 10 minutes, then 15, etc.
2006-08-25 06:20:57
answer #5
answered by mom_of_ndm 5
I have raised 3 children and grandchild number 7 is on the way. One of my children was the same way and the Doctors told me to continue breast feeding and she would out grow it. She did at 9 months......
When two of my grandchildren did the same thing, I went out and bought Alsoy for them and started feeding it to them. They crying stopped right after the first feeding and their feeding amounts increased. They were able to take in more with out the pain and crying.
No they are not siblings, they are cousins born 4 years apart. When their mothers went to the pediatrician and explained that the babies were crying all the time until I had fed them the Alsoy, he ran a few tests and found that they both had a problem processing the sugars in their diets.
So you can take this as you want but if you want some rest and want to ease the babies pain, I would at least try the soy formula and see if it helps. If it does, then you can make a decision as to whether to continue to breast feed or not. If it doesn't, then you haven't hurt anything.
2006-08-25 06:27:46
answer #6
answered by nana4dakids 7
did the doc give you any info about colic?
Follow what the doc says...
The baby needs breast milk more than anything but comfort. She was spoiled in the womb by 9 months of being held...being fed has nothing to do with it! Hold her, nap with her, feed her. Nap with her...feed her. I did this for the first few months, & had no problems later. Feed baby while laying in bed...when baby falls asleep, you fall will feel a little better with more sleep.
2006-08-25 06:22:02
answer #7
answered by fairly smart 7
Don't stop nursing! Go and buy a sling and wear your baby. 2 months is really young and she will need to be held just as much on formula. It doesn't sound like colic to me as much as just being a newborn. Do you have help? Someone who could hold her while you sleep? Do you sleep when she sleeps?
2006-08-25 12:26:37
answer #8
answered by my_sunshine_doll 3
Don't stop feeding, just pay more attention to what you are eating. Try eating bland foods without lots of spices on them. And stay away from bananas and potatoes - my daughter howled after I ate a banana and then fed her. I also took her off breastfeeding and went to formula, but she still had colic. It's just something that they have to outgrow. Her colic went away at about three months.
2006-08-25 06:44:45
answer #9
answered by jeffypuff 4
I would not stop. Some babies are going to have colic no matter what you do. If she has colic with breastmilk she may have an even worse case if you switch her to a bottle.
Unfortunately this is something you will have to deal with but I would not change her and the outcome be colic with a bottle to.
2006-08-25 06:21:41
answer #10
answered by Keith Perry 6