Pull the fuse and take it to a dealer.
2006-08-25 05:25:41
answer #1
answered by Ironball 7
Thinking in this question, I dont quite understood it. But I think my answer maybe could guide you. Alarms work all together with the door switches (the same used for turning on/off the roof light when you open the door), usually this switch is located in the car frame around the door cover by a black rubber around, so when the door is closed it close a circuit to turn off the roof light and viceversa.
The 4 doors closed indicate to the car's computer that it is ready to be lock. If there is a poblem with one switch and it is shown the door always close, which is not the problem, but showing that is always open, them the alarm system will never be armed, because it will always think there is one door open.
Thats what I think is happening according to the information you are giving me.
If this is like so, them the solution for this is repair the switch electric circuitry, that is done by looking if there is an open, ground or false contact problem in the wire lines. This should be done by a proper electromechanic technician.
2006-08-25 06:26:08
answer #2
answered by Skinfaxi 1
The factory alarm is a a re-branded code alarm very problematic
unit. If your explorer has a good battery and not going out, then
it is the alarm control unit. Have it replaced with good aftermarket
unit. Check out the brands first .remember all the harness and
wiring is intact so only the module and remotes need to be replaced. Easy and should cost about 150 dollars at most.
This is not a full install should take about 20 minutes.
Ase Master Tech
2006-09-02 02:23:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
if hte interior lights stay off it is not a switch prob.this is more likely a control unit prob or loose connection problem.this may sound weird, but enquire wether any new cats are in your near area-they set off my acura every nigt(lol). another common hting with my alarm is it has a long range in the remote-if i sit on my keys right i can set or disarm my alarm by pressing buttons with my butt!!!!(lol lolol)--true!-a loose battey cable can do it too,as most alarms have a feature for sensing any very slight amperage/voltage change. good luck
2006-09-01 23:16:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Very likely door switch problem
2006-08-25 05:51:27
answer #5
answered by floxy 3
if it is anything like my 98 taurus, the door switch is located in the latch mechanism
2006-09-02 02:47:01
answer #6
answered by brainhaze 1
Perhaps it is someone close by using a two way radiio, police, ambulance, CBer, ham operator, or other two way operators. Pops
2006-08-30 17:05:55
answer #7
answered by Pops 6
I had the same problem.It was a $10 switch....
2006-09-02 03:30:07
answer #8
answered by jenny f 1
call your local dealer and see if there is a recall on your particuler model,, i bet there might be..i knew a site for recall notices on all vehicles,,if i find it again ill forward it to you
2006-08-30 15:36:21
answer #9
answered by kewl69charger 4