Years ago, I had an awful problem with roaches when I lived in an old apartment building. The thing that worked for me was Combat. I put out those trays and, not long after, the roaches just disappeared. I'd still do a testimonial for Combat because if it hadn't worked I truly would have moved to another apartment!
2006-08-25 03:00:38
answer #1
answered by clarity 7
Boric acid mixed with powdered milk and a little sweetner. Dust it around and behind the cabinets and appliances. If you move, spray the insides of your boxes then line with newspaper and put your things inside. Every time I moved I did this and was amazed how many dead roaches I would find. There used to be a GREAT roach powder called "Roach Pruf" that Paul Harvey advertised. I used it in a couple of places I lived where the roaches had taken over, just like in "Joe's Apartment" because of the nasty neighbors next door. Inside a couple of months there were no roaches. Try it or the recipe above. The boric acid is the key ingredient as the roaches carry it in on their feet and when they lick their feet they eat it and they cannot digest it. Then the babies eat it and voila! No roaches.
2006-08-25 03:03:47
answer #2
answered by blondee 5
Not knowing if you're in an apartment or single home unattached to anyone else, there are still ways to combat them, but you'll never erradicate them. They were here before us and will outlive our species.
I use Boric Acid. It's cheap, not strictly neat, although it's sold in qt. plastic squeeze bottles at home stores. It's as effective as anything you'll find. Certainly it's best used in areas unaccessible to children and/or pets, as well as cabinets where food serving items are stored.
Keeping ones place clean is the first key,,, no offense meant at all. Roaches/Palmetto bugs don't strictly go after food. They enjoy cellulose, from paper and cardboard, as well as dark, dry/damp. They are cannibalistic, and prolific.
I just acquired a Siamese cat with 24 toes. A kitten, who apparently is a great "Roacher" as opposed to Mouser, which isn't a problem for me. The down side of her hunting prowess is that she also kills any geckos that get in. I allow them in as partial control over other, small insects.
I live in Central FL, where everything feels it's OK to share a dwelling where humans reside.
The other issue I alluded to above is apartments. No matter your cleanliness, or treatments,,, if your neighbor DOESN'T then you'll have visitors always. That can also work in an opposite way. If the neighbor treats, then the roaches might be chased. In an apartment situation the issue has to be addressed communally.
Rev. Steven
Again, no offense meant to anyone but PLEASE don't add BAITS as suggested. That will only add to cleanup and attracting more. The roaches wil track plain boric acid powder and eventually it will kill them,,or they might begin avoiding those areas at least. Another thing to remember,,,and it has to do with how their species has endured. They evolve and overcome all manner of "treatments" and one day even boric acid. They survived Space, and Nuclear attacks.
2006-08-25 03:17:47
answer #3
answered by DIY Doc 7
*** It truely works with out risk to children or animals *** - Years ago when I lived in a small apartment complex. We had a problem with roaches.
My first thought was- Spray or a bug bomb - My daughter was very young at the time. I was told of a chalk you can buy at the Asian Food Store. You use it just like white chalk - you make a line on the inside of your cabinets and on the baseboards. It isn't expensive and as long as you don't wipe it away it should last a very long time. ( Don't apply when the little one is watching if they dont see you apply they won't bother it at all.) The roach will get it on the feet and take it back to the nest. And BYE BYE ROACHES.. Good Luck. I called it my Chinese chalk.
2006-08-25 03:36:38
answer #4
answered by ROSIE 1
If you are in an apartment, you must treat all adjacent apartments at the same time or you just run them from one to another. When I lived in an apartment me and my neighbors would plan a BBQ out by the pool and bomb our apartments at the same time. This helped a lot.
If you are in a house, keep treating the areas beside the stove, dishwasher and other out of the spots. And use a bomb quite often until you get them under control.
2006-08-25 03:03:53
answer #5
answered by Just Another Guy 4
well you may not like this answer but
i had this same problem when i was renting a place. the problem with spraying for bugs is that it only kills the live ones not the eggs. the bugs have a fairly quick birth rate, what this means is that you have to spray multiple times to kill each batch as they hatch. i ended up spraying once a week with the foggers( i think i used the raid cans) for a month. didnt have a problem after that. then once every couple of months we resprayed just to catch any new commers.
2006-08-25 03:05:50
answer #6
answered by Focsfire 2
BORAX, its a miracle product. You can use it for ants, fleas and especially roaches. Directions right on the box and its under $3.00 in the laundry section. I think you just spinkle in cracks etc all through your house. Its non toxic and will not harm your children and pets. Good stuff, it also has tons of other uses!!!!
2006-08-25 03:01:02
answer #7
answered by Sunshine 4
Make sure they don't have a water source. They can't live for more than 24 hours without water. Check for leaks and pick up dog dishes. Clean you home really well esp behind and under the fridge and stove.
2006-08-25 03:00:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Try Boric Acid mixed with something sweet or with peanut butter. Works great for ants too! Ball it up and put it in places where they hang out. Fridge, stove ect....keep it away from your pets though if you have any. Hey, it's worth a try!
2006-08-25 03:03:06
answer #9
answered by Just Ducky! 1
Get some Boric Acid, and put it around all of your base boards, and line it in the cabinets. It won't hurt children or pets, just insects.
2006-08-25 03:01:06
answer #10
answered by spiritwalker 6