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By join politics. OR
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2006-08-24 23:52:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

15 answers

for one thing the electoral voting system needs to go ,, every single vote should count ,,,#2 stop allowing our so called representatives to decide themselves what their salaries will be or when they are going to give themselves a raise ,,,, they are supposed to work for us ,, we should decide how much they get and when and if they get a raise ,,,, I also feel if they are not performing to our satisfaction that we should be able to instill pay cuts ,,,,,,,,and lets not forget the nice little retirement plan they have set up for themselves,,,,,,,what the hell makes them think they should continue to receive their present rate of pay as their retirement when the rest of us slave our butts off all our lives and get thrown crumbs at the end,,,,,,,hell no they need to pay into social security just like the rest of us and be paid accordingly .... maybe that way they will truly start working for us and towing the line instead of lining their own pockets.

2006-08-25 00:58:12 · answer #1 · answered by willow6262 4 · 0 1

Sadly, one cannot remove corruption once it's taken root. The best way to return integrity to the political process is to elect persons of integrity, and to intiate term limits.

So, given your either/or, I would say joining the process, if you are a person of integrity. Dogging the elected, to make sure that they don't cross the line defies the principles of self responsibility, and is best left to the watch-dog groups. Average citizens don't generally get close enough to the 'inner circle' to see their shady side. The watch-dog groups use their contacts to weed out corruption.

And, as unjournalistic as the media has become, the drive of the 'up and coming' to be the next Woodward & Berstein does serve the greater purpose of relegating the media to the position of professional watch-dog. Now we just need watch-dogs to keep the media honest. Oh wait ... that's the role of the 'bloggers'. Go bloggers!

I've just been reading through my copy of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution, where the process is clearly outlined within its text on how to remove corruption.

The removal of a corrupt individual is defined by the impeachment process, for very specific offences: "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

The removal of a corrupt government as outlined in Article Four, "...a well regulated MIlitia, ... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms ...".

The remedy for corruption is clealy outlined. Unfortunately, the people of the U.S. have become complacent and lazy. They have conveyed all their rights to the elected and the judiciary, preferring to focus on their individual lives, rather than safeguard the principles of the United States.

It is our right and our obligation to weed out corruption where it is conclusively found through the impeachment process. The process works as outlined by the Founding Fathers, sadly the people, who elect the representation haven't shown the will to carry out the process.

William Jefferson, Democrat Representative, Louisiana is a perfect example of this. 90k found in his freezer, his fellow legislators working to protect him from impeachment & criminal investigation by declaring that the offices of the elected representatives are not subject to search & seizure (last time I checked, those offices are the property of the citizens of these United States), and the citizens remail eerily quiet!

When corruption is identified, the mass must insist that the process be allowed to unfold, unimpeded. However, the mass must first become educated on the process and its procedures. For example, the cries of those who decry the sitting president for listening in on calls to/from known terrorist phone numbers should read Article II, section 9 before ignorantly calling for impeachment!

This brings me back, full circle to my first statement ... elect persons of integrity and impose term limits to prevent ordinary citizens from becoming professional politicians.

Added: Re: 'antrimjade's' comments --

I share you belief that the elected should not determine their own salaries, or rate of increase. This shows you've got your thinking cap on.

However, I am compelled to remind all that the Electoral College is vital to the democratic principles of this representative republic!!! Without it a few states, and only a few would decide the policy of this nation. Meaning that California, NY, Illinois, Florida, and Texas, which have the largest population base would decide the future of the nation. AND WOULD ALWAYS DROWN OUT THE VOICES OF THE OTHER STATES! Also, the states with the largest populations would consistently vote their own states the legitimate and pork funding through the budgetary process, leaving the other states in a position of taxation without effective representation.

The Founding Father's were brilliant and amazingly far-sighted in how they drafted the early doc's. They were able to see so many of the possible abuses that would come down the pike, given enough time. And, included checks and balances for most if not all.

2006-08-25 07:01:25 · answer #2 · answered by gemlover 5 · 0 0

Increase wages all around, check prices, make normal living and some luxury within reach of almost all. Follow up by indoctrination in heavy doses. Ethics and Morality should be taught from lower grades inschool, right thro' education at highest levels. Many people still do not realise corruption is immoral, bad and avoidable.

2006-08-25 07:21:08 · answer #3 · answered by swanjarvi 7 · 0 0

You forgot revolution. That's what it's there for.

Even Thomas Jefferson thought a little revolution now and then was essential to the good health of the government.

We can't get anywhere in politics anymore. It's a game of the rich and the powerful. Not the people who actually want to help our country.

2006-08-25 08:00:02 · answer #4 · answered by cat_Rett_98 4 · 0 0

No way !
Corruption will be there as long as humans exist. Well, not all people will agree with u and me against corruption. Many people are utter selfish and find out reasons 2 support their view.

2006-08-25 07:00:01 · answer #5 · answered by Bartimaeus™ 5 · 0 0

Have enough supporters join with you, and find proof of the corruption, or the neglect by the politicians and then bring it to public notice in the newspapers.

2006-08-25 06:59:30 · answer #6 · answered by Frank 6 · 0 0

Removing the Council for Foreign Relations would be required...a vast undertaking.

2006-08-25 06:58:15 · answer #7 · answered by westgaliberty 6 · 0 0

by removing all those in power now, those who work for the government. execute them all so no one who knows what corruption is will be gone. only people who have not experienced it or knows about it can sit in there place. and they should be elected without personal expenses so they will not look for ways to recover it.

2006-08-25 07:01:17 · answer #8 · answered by Rolly r 3 · 0 1

What i don't understand is how people complain and moan about their government when they have to be voted in by normal everyday people like you and me...if you don't like your government, its up to you to chhange your nations mind about the politition, or else if you don't do anything, and they get voted bacck in you will know whos fault it is.

2006-08-25 07:00:29 · answer #9 · answered by Chris 4 · 0 0

One sure fire way is to ban any lawyer from ever running for any political office. They go to school to learn how to lie effectively.

2006-08-25 06:59:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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