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2002 pt cruiser 32,000 miles. I have a wty at carmax just cant wait intill morning to see if they cover this. Car is running great. Don't understand. Failed inspection today due to the Code P0601 "internal memory module" problem. I think this is a way for Chrysler to make another couple hundred $$$. Unless anyone can help??

2006-08-24 18:44:08 · 1 answers · asked by roundtwo 1 in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs

I did not jump any thing> Many years ago I had a bad experience with giving a boost & I'll never do that again. I was just driving the car...it's working like a charm!

2006-08-24 19:03:04 · update #1

1 answers

This is a code that the computer will store if it fails its self test in any way.
It turns on the Check Engine Light to tell you that it isn't happy. This in turn will cause you to fail your emissions test.

Take it back to Chrysler. It is their car. They will have a right to charge you for the time for diagnostics.
IF the fault can in any way be considered an emissions failure, it MUST be covered under Federal emissions warranty (check your owner's manual).
If the failure can be attributed to you in any way (Did you try to jump-start something and get it backwards) then it is your problem.

2006-08-24 18:55:30 · answer #1 · answered by Ironhand 6 · 1 0

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