If you teach a child how to handle a gun, what guns are for and when and where they are to be used, you remove the mystery our thug culture has built around them. I grew up with guns in the house, we regularly went hunting. Nothing would have gotten me in more trouble than playing around with a gun, I knew they weren't toys and respected them simply because that is what I had been taught and, more importantly, the example that was set for me.
2006-08-24 14:46:23
answer #1
answered by Big Ed 4
I think that theses are both perfect arguments and are very true. Guns are not ever going to go away, so we should teach children to respect them and proper use.
There was a story about how a guy threw a loaded gun on his bed, went off and shot through the wall of his house, into the neighbors house, hit a mother sleeping on a bed with her child, and she fell over and smothered the child.
If that man had proper training and respect for the gun, two lives would have been saved. I look at guns as cars. We teach our children that they are a loaded gun, why can't we also teach them that a gun is like a car?
2006-08-24 17:45:06
answer #2
answered by ♥ Sarah Bear ♥ 3
I am not a big fan of the NRA, but feel that people have the right right to own guns. I think that if anyone is going to purchase or owns a gun of any kind they should be required to attend a gun safety class. I grew up in small town in the west and we were required to take a gun safety class taught by the sheriff and the state wild life commission in school.
2006-08-24 15:07:44
answer #3
answered by mzatk 3
This is a tough one. I think if you're going to teach your kids about gun safety, you should enroll them in a hunter safety course. Handguns are just dangerous. When kids are very little, I think it's important to teach them that if they ever find a gun, ANYWHERE...they are NOT to touch it. They are to tell an adult right away, period. As far as teaching children to HANDLE guns, I would say a professional course in gun safety at the right age is the best way to go.
I understand about personal safety, but I'm going on 42 years old and have had conflicts before, and was even robbed in my home by 3 men who had guns. I 'saved' myself with a glass bowl and a very bad attitude. I'm afraid if I had a gun, I may have ended up being shot...so I'm not so sure a handgun, even for personal safety is wise.
2006-08-24 14:42:38
answer #4
answered by Lisa E 6
Well, you can do what my dad did....When I was about six years old, he took me out to the country, handed me a .45 Automatic. One shot and I lost all interest in handguns for many, many years. When I did begin using a handgun, I had an abiding respect for just how deadly a handgun can be.
One other respondent has the best idea. Children DO NOT handle firearms of any type. Do not touch it, it is not a toy, it is not a fun thing. If they find or see one, they need to call an adult or police officer!!!! Guns and children are NOT a good mix.
2006-08-24 14:48:14
answer #5
answered by Albannach 6
Yes to all.There was more honest non criminal people who got hurt taking a shower today than there was those with guns.Teach your kids all they need to know about guns, then take them to the firing range and have trainers help them as well.Take them hunting, and teach them respect.And do you realize how many people save their lives with guns every year? Getting a kid involved with guns responsibly is good for them and is a great hobby. I know, my dad starting teaching me at the age of 10, and i have yet to kill anyone.Millions more just like me
2006-08-24 14:46:01
answer #6
answered by itsallover 5
Seems like a good idea, but teaching bad kids how to properly handle a weapon could be hazardous.
A proficient marksman should have some degree of responsibility, not just ability.
2006-08-24 14:52:17
answer #7
answered by Horndog 5
Good question. Let me see if I can answer it. Teaching our children how to properly handle a firearm (this is the correct term since there is more than just handguns) goes beyond just the debate about firearms in general. It goes to our basic fundamental right to self-preservation. I alot of people will disagree with me on this but it is true.
Let's start with something basic: would you go out into the street without looking both ways to see if traffic is coming at you?? Of course not. Why? Because you are trying to be safe.
Now let's progress to something a bit more complex although can be answered quite easily: would you try to fight off a rapist or a murderer, or would you just lay there and allow it to happen?? I would guess that no one would just lay there and "take it" but would at least make some kind of effort to fight back. Why? Because of self-preservation. This goes to defending others (family, friends, even strangers) from those who are trying to do them harm. If you are trying to defend yourself, would you just use your hands (or arms, legs, feet) or would you try to use ANYTHING that you can get your hands on? Again, the answer is obvious: you would use whatever you could get your hands on. Now, would you use a belt to fend off an attacker or would you use a handgun?? I may be wrong but pointing a handgun at an attacker is a bigger deterrant than a belt. Granted, those who are skilled may be able to use the belt in such a fashion as to successfully defend themselves but those people are few and far between.
To the crux of the question at hand, should we teach our children how to properly handle a firearm? I say yes for many reasons. To start off with let me ask this, do you teach your children to be safe crossing the street (as I mentioned above), to be safe when near or in a swimming pool, or even just doing things around the house? I'm sure you would answer that you do teach your children to be safe with all of those things. Then let's teach our children to be safe with EVERYTHING, not just those things that we think are unsafe. I apologize that I don't have the actual source for this right now but do you know that children are less safe around a swimming pool (100 times) than they are around a firearm?? Look it up if you don't believe me, it's true. But do we keep children away from pools...no. Why? Because we have been taught that a GUN is dangerous but a pool is not. It all goes back to personal responsibility for ones own actions.
I'll end on this note. Do you know that the NRA has a very successful program called "Eddie Eagle"? It teaches children about what to do when they see/find a firearm. It is very easy and simple. "Stop!! Don't touch!! Tell an adult!!" Very basic. Do you know that the anti-gun crowd hates this NRA program because it was created by the NRA?? Do you know that in spite of hating this program, they have a very similiar program (albeit not as successful) to Eddie Eagle?? Does that seem like hypocrisy to you??
The ultimate answer is this: YOU (the parent) are the one who is in charge of teaching your child about life, the various wonderful things in it, and the various dangers. It is up to you to ensure they have the proper tools (their mind) to be able to distinguish right from wrong as well as making good choices.
2006-08-24 15:03:56
answer #8
answered by TioDice70 3
these are very smart and legitimate arguments. The point behind responsible gun use is teaching everyone how to use them. When you know how to use them properly it will prevent accidental death and can provide protection for yourself and your family.
2006-08-24 17:46:44
answer #9
answered by Matt 2
If you were assulted by a manic, and a citizen with a concealed handgun permit were to intervene and save you, would you consider this good guy wrong in having and carrying the gun?
2006-08-25 00:14:27
answer #10
answered by WC 7