we have been free leasing a horse adn training it and we were basically told that if we were sure we wanted her that she would give her 2 us but now she wants the horse back to sell unless we want to buy her and she paid 3500 for her than 1500 ion training and i think she expects somewhere around that price from us. We love her but we dont have the money and to be honest, she isnt trained well enough to be worth it. She doesnt know how 2 lunge, when you free lunge her she charges you, and she is barely rideable. She has been passed around so many times and possibly abused that alot of her issues are caused by fear. I would be alright with giving her back cause she lived where I would be able to visit her but her owner is gonna try to sell her. What should we do if she doesnt take our offer which is alot less than she wants
11 answers
asked by
➔ Other - Pets
Please i am fed up with these "get another horse" things we have a horse that we own and if we cant keep the horse we are leasing then we are getting a donkey but that doesnt chage how upset me and the horse will be if i cant see her again, she comes up to me in the pasture and cudldes me but hates anyone she doesnt know really well so she is gonna have a really hard time adjusting if she is sold and so will I
13:32:23 ·
update #1
I dont even have to own her I just need her to be close enough so I can visit her at least once a week, I think it would be better for her to be where there are more experienced people to accually train her but she is not gonna b sold to a responsable person at that price with her vices
13:35:29 ·
update #2
Oh and I forgot to put that she only charges at certain people i nthe arena, I have trained her enough so she doesnt do it to me anymore
13:36:36 ·
update #3
And when she charges she only gos halfway then turns
13:37:13 ·
update #4
Offer her what you can afford, and what you think she is worth. If she wants more you have to let the horse go. If you say the horse is not what the lady wants for her, she might re-offer for your price.
It sounds like you could love any horse, there are plenty of unwanted horses. Look into them.
I got my 2 from the race track.
Good Luck!I
2006-08-24 13:08:58
answer #1
answered by Lindy357 3
It's too bad that you are attached to this horse but there is no way she is worth $5000, and I'm sure the owner knows it. She's playing on your feelings for the horse. I seriously doubt she'll find another buyer for the horse unless she's a mare with some stellar bloodlines.
How long have you been training this horse? Did she have all these problems when you first got her? I'm not trying to be insulting, but maybe the owner thinks that you are not the best trainer for her.
I'd also reconsider keeping the mare because of her behaviour problems. Any horse that charges you is dangerous, even if she turns away afterwards. She needs professional training before some one gets hurt.
I know it's hard but you really have to put your emotions aside, and do some hard thinking about this situation.
Good Luck!
2006-08-25 08:35:13
answer #2
answered by chrbarley 3
that is a crazy amount of money to ask for a horse that isn't trained properly and charges ppl, if i were you i would give the horse to the lady to try and sell her and she's not gonna get what she wants for the horse so i would offer her what you can afford and hopefully before she sells the horse she will get fed up with trying and sell the horse to u for the amount you can afford, and if not, i know you don't want another horse, but maybe if this horse sells you could look into getting a different horse, i am actually in the same predicament right now, i am riding a horse that i absolutly love for this one family and they are planning on selling her eventually and i will not be able to buy her so i know how bad you feel, hopefully something will work out for you
2006-08-24 23:14:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
1500 in training and the horse will not even lunge, what a crook.
I train for a living, if I ever did that to a client I would get my butt kicked.. I know this is difficult.. but cut all ties with this horse and the person who owns him... next time get a written lease agreement, or take lessons and have your riding instructor help with the details.. This person used you to keep the bills paid up on this horse, don't reward them by giving them any money...
2006-08-25 00:12:30
answer #4
answered by cowboymanhrsetrnr 4
Seems like this horse isn't worth a high price with the major vices that she has. She needs much love and training and you are right for the job. Try to negotiate a deal where you can convince the owner that this horse is unsafe and not marketable, then low-ball the price to your advantage. I have 2 old timers myself 26, and 24 .
2006-08-24 20:13:01
answer #5
answered by Blondebutsmart99 1
I feel for you, it is easy to get attached to a horse. If she don't take your offer, try again with another horse, but make sure that you have a contract written up that says something about if they sell the horse, that you will have first dibs on it, and set a piece in advance, then see if they will take payments on it while you are riding it. Always get things in writing though.. Good Luck and I hope that you get your horse, and a good one at that
2006-08-24 20:14:27
answer #6
answered by Just Me 6
Offer what you can afford I've had mares like that too when i wa slittle I had a mare like that nice to me but if my dad or any man was in the field she would literally charge him turn around adn kick him she broke his arm once when he was feeding. So jsut offer them what you can afford they wont get much for her anyways because when people come to look at her and she acts like that they wont want anything to do with her! Trust me I was born adn raised in the horse selling-buying industry. Godo luck let us know the outcome. oh adn what is her age?
2006-08-25 00:06:43
answer #7
answered by sweet_cowgirl19 3
I feel bad for you, but consider getting involved with another horse. There are so many nice horses out there.
Can you get a similar, free leasing situation with another horse in your area? You could also look up petfinders on the internet.
Good luck.
2006-08-24 20:09:16
answer #8
answered by mollyneville 5
your options:
1)conjure up the money, breaking your family's financial capacity in the process so you can continue training a horse that requires an EXTREMELY experience horseman, risking life and limb to do it
2)just saying good-bye, help sell the horse so you can find a suitable home, and keep your eye out for an affordable horse with potential for you.
i know this sounds horrible, and I completely understand what you're going through, but that horse is dangerous. words like 'charge', 'can't', and 'barely' tell me that you're not experienced enough to handle a horse like this. she sounds like a handful that will cause you more pain than she's worth.
look into Parelli Naturual Horsemanship and give it a shot with her if you're determined. there are AMAZING success stories with horses that sound harder than yours, so don't give up hope. that is the kind of system your girl needs. it is all about safety, communicating with the horse, learning their language, and stopping disaster. she thinks you are a tiger bound to eat her, how can you train her if that's her mentality? horses can't learn when they're scared and your horse is scared all the time. first you need to concentrate on bringing her confidence in you up, and you will be AMAZED at the changes! the parelli program is the only one i know of that can do this properly. go to the parelli yahoo! group. it's called parellinaturally .
she is either charging at you because a)she is afraid and doesn't know what else to do in a roundpen she can't run so she fights b)she feels you challenging her authority that i can garantee she has over you and can't handle it so she intends to put you in your place
let me guess, she's high spirited, enjoys spooking at seemingly nothing, takes every opportunity to turn her butt on you, drags you to kingdom-come when she's in a situation that requires her to trust you, won't load easily, balks at water, and won't come to you in the field unless you bribe her. now, i could be COMPLETELY wrong, but my gutt tells me i'm close. if i am, do something NOW! she is dangerous and WILL hurt you eventually if she hasn't already. to have success, safety, and confidance with this horse, you ABSOLUTELY have to change what you're doing. your horse [like all horses] is LIGHTENING quick and completely unpredictable in her present situation------disaster coming.
if you are desperate to stick through with this horse, maybe you could work out a payment system? then start re-training her with natural horsemanship methods. really, stories like this worry me and i'm not overreacting, i'm telling the truth. you can't be too careful with horses and yours sounds slightly more on the extreme side.
she's afraid of you because of something you're doing, it's not her past, it's you. she recognizes the same body language someone else had before they hurt her. you need to speak her language before you can go ANYWHERE past frustration with her.
2006-08-24 20:30:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
ok you have established that you really love this horse. and you want her. yes you may have trained her so that she wont charge you in the arean, but keep in mind that it can happen at any time. remind her owner of her promise before hand, because she may have just forgotten. make all these points that you just made here. ask her to please listen to your side of the story before she says anything. she may come around.
2006-08-24 20:51:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous