Road rage. ;-)
Actually, I'm not a democrat, so I cannot answer for them.
2006-08-24 08:56:00
answer #1
answered by Pitchow! 7
Send elite units, CIA and Interpol to root them out quietly
End it, It was based on one lie which has grown to five or more lies.
Seal our borders, deport any illegals, heavily fine employers of illegals, insist that any companies holding federal contracts or receiving subsidies employ Americans, institute the immediate repairs of America's aging infrastructure.
Nationalize it like Canada has, We can subsidize Health Care and Education, We can cut Corporate and personal Welfare.
Flat tax for all incomes, continued revenue and property taxes.
Bring troops from Iraq immediately, discontinue no bid, offshore and private contracts, Every single American citizen will be required to spend two years in the service of their choice, only the severely handicapped will be excluded!
Women will have front line status, equal rights means equal responsibility. Adopt no nonsense zero tolerance for egregious acts of agression on Americans. Expect swift and total destruction. Re adopt no first strike policy.
And since you missed crime and punishment, Convicted felons work chain gangs doing those jobs Illegals now do, three strike and you're out, All Americans over 21 without a felony or mental conviction will be authorized to carry concealed weapons, The good samaritan act would be extended to those who carry BUT NO PERSON PERIOD would be able to purchase or posses a firearm of any type without first completing a firearm safety course which shall be repeated on a bi annual basis! And after five years of appeals (Cops do lie, attorneys and judges make mistakes) Death Row will mean just that!
What has the Republicans done positively in these areas for the last five years?
Bozo has admitted Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism and WMD's have still not been found.
Osama hasn't been caught, no terrorist have been brought to trial. And no clear goals have been stated.
Immigrants are taking the jobs we supposedly don't want while Corporations outsource the ones we do, No actions are being taken against employers of illegal and the borders haven't been sealed (yet they loudly proclaim the terror threat???)
healthcare?? ROFL
What we got in tax refunds is usurped in higher gas prices (how the hell do you invade an oil rich country and gas prices increase?) the effects which haven't begun to hit home yet, the wasted increase in defense spending and increased costs because they are unwilling to seal our borders.
The only thing that is being defended is Republican paranoia! We are more hated by the world than at any other time in recent history!
2006-08-24 10:13:29
answer #2
answered by macdyver60 4
1. Terror is an emotion. It cannot be defeated thru war.
2. The "war" in Iraq was a mistake. How does anyone fix it? It would help if our "leader" defined standards for victory. He hasn't. We caught Saddam. Fry him. Tell the folks in Iraq you have 6 mths th get your shi* together and then we're outta here. If you then kill each other, tough sh*t. (But see, that presumes we want to get out. I personally believe Bush's intent is for some US presence to be there for a verrrrrrrrrrrry long time.)
Healthcare - every one should have basic healthcare.
Taxes - everyone should pay their fair share, and we should have a balanced budget. You gotta problem with that?
Defense -the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ that your hero has pissed away destroying Iraq and now half-assed rebuilding it would go a long way to shore up our ports and borders right here in the US.
Why don't you be more specific, Herr Shiraz>
Seig Heil!
2006-08-24 09:16:36
answer #3
answered by Mr. October 4
lets see first war on terror,to strenghting our abilities at home redouble our guard at our ports ,nuclear power plants, better information on who is coming in our country and for what.second, war in iraq total draw down of our troops once the iraqis can begin to control there own country.third, unemployment,the government does not have any control over corporations hiring of people, the government does not create jobs in the private sector unless the business has dealing with the government.forth healthcare, universal haelthcare for all.fifth taxes nomore loop-holes for corparations that all higher income wage earners pay a far share of taxes.sixth,defense,a more mobile defense we are stuck with a cold war mentality as to fight wars aka russia
2006-08-24 16:52:42
answer #4
answered by ? 7
they cant do any better than the republicans the war on terror and the war on iraq are the same, as for unimployment join the military and fight for all the freedom you got care we'll just have to wait and see what happeneds. defense, hummmmmmmmm, I think that part is going just fine. theres stuff you would not belive just waiting to be used at the right time. (you'll see) LOL
2006-08-24 09:04:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
open negotiations via a television broad cast declaring that the terroists have won and return all our troops home .
THEN close the embassey and remove any americans abroad in any nation that has terrorists operating .BRING home all the troops in Iraq germany and any stationed around the world .SAY look you win and if you leave us alone we will leave you alone .WE have no people or intrests in your land and it is no longer of value to us so proceed as you wish and if attacked we will retaliate ending your abiltiy for 5o years to harbor a terrorist in your land .HEll you will not be alive either so be kind to america if you want to live .
BEGIN the immediate development of energy resources in america and off its shores this will employe millions of workers with good wages .DOCTORS took an oath to serve the public good and health care is not a problem .WE just need to take over producing and making drugs is all .LOWER taxes
and defense will take care of itself on a 2% budget .i am sure we can maitain some nuke subs and 1000 guys in silos to defend america from attack .
THESE little wars are a drain on public spirit and finances we can not waste with millions of americans home less .
2006-08-24 09:06:11
answer #6
answered by playtoofast 6
Terrorism- Starting an actual War on Terror, say, in Saudi Arabia
War in Iraq- So you do acknowledge they aren't connected. I say that we handle it as amicably as possible, and start a slight, steady withdrawal
Unemployment- Bring our jobs back from overseas, and let the Indians and Asians work for their own businesses
Health Care- Give it to those that need it
Taxes- Raise, then moderately equalize the tax dollars until there's an evenness
Defense- I say we worry less on immigration, and more on security
2006-08-24 09:01:25
answer #7
answered by The Man of Steel 4
There was more advancement in weapons technology during the Clinton Administration than in the 2 presidents before him.
Define terror.
2006-08-24 09:11:34
answer #8
answered by chabnormal 3
Kill terrorists.
Have the will to win.
Make the most of your free, government sponsored education.
Get rid of the notion that we all should pay for others' health care and the price will magically drop.
Vote for fiscal conservatives.
Support the troops, sign up for 4 years.
2006-08-24 09:04:13
answer #9
answered by Curt 4
will finish my answers later, lunch time.
A)The first step in fixing the exsisting war on terror is to stop calling it that.
Simply a war on a tactic can not be won. Much like the war on drugs can not be won. They are abstracts not real nations that can declare surrender or sign peace treaties.
because they are abstracts and not real nation states, this so called "war on terror" will go on forever. because terror will exisist forever.
Because of this notion of a perpetual war, we have a president who is going for a power grab. Who is giving himself powers not in the Constittuion, and also over reaching the powers that are given to him in the constitution. This is the problem with the use of the so called "war on terror" or rather war on an abstract term.
The nuts and bolts is much more complex because it includes both changes in exisisting intellegence and law enforcement.
but also involves in addressing the root causes of terrorism, and the global network that must be used to stop terrorism.
The first is the institutional part including the FBI, NSA, the CIA, and now the DOD. During the nineties is when we first began to address the new form of terrorism that we refer to when we say terrorism.
the main divergence between the last two administrations is that the former considered this a job for law enforcement, where as this admin considereds it military solution. The latter is mistaken as the systems already exsisting for collecting information are still the most global preemtive war.
THe best example of instutioanal break downs is the story of John Oniell who understood how to fight the new Al Queiidia threat. He was driven out, of the FBI. It is things like these that hamper our ability to fight them with new ideas, and within the law.
this was a great lesson in how the FBI works and doesn't work when confronted with terrorism. please watch.
Next is the sharing of information and the role that each agency plays in gathering it and verifying. it. there is a serious problem in certalizing information and making it useful. within the law, the dept of homeland security was supposed to be the solution instead they came up with a color code system and thats it.
FEMA is not as affective as it should be.
The notion that wire tapping or domestic spying without warrrents is the solution is ludicrous as the 9/11 hijackers were living with an FBI informant, the FBI had been collecting information on them, it is when it reached the higher ups the culture and egos got in the way again refer to PBS frontline doc
Actual use of Miilitary force should allways be the last resort. for example the offer to give up Osama, in Octotber of 2003 to Pres. Bush. We went the war option, we went the premetive war on Iraq both illegal and not nessarcy as weapons inspectors and intell could gather the information without the need for one American life to be lost.
The war on terror has many things to address from the poverty and lack of education in the poorest of the world that makes them fantatical and desperate to the oil money and terrorist fianciers. to the illegal diamond trades in africa.
B) THe war on Iraq.
winning the war?
can it be won right now, there is an Iraqi civil war going on. i am not sure it can be won.
do we take a side or leave?
victory for me would have been using iraqis to rebuild thier country giving them jobs and education. but we failed to stablize the country for two years now we got what we got.....
1) Pass a resolution we will withdrawl is the first step.
Why first.....because it is not clear that there is a desire to ever leave. We closed the Bin Sultan Airbase.
We now are left with the need of a strategic foothold in the region....Might as well be Iraq....13 bases a super embassy bigger than the vatican and counting...
2) Determine what role the United states will have in the Iraqi civil war.
Very important question, why?
Becaue once we decide we are going to leave, we next have to decide what role to have in the war for power amongst the Iraqi themselves.
Remember the security issue with Al Queda is completely diffrent issue than the power grab between Iraqi factions.
If we decide that we should not interfere with thier civil war then we begin to pull out troop within a
a) a time frame based on Iraqi achievement meaning
having enough trained troops, police, infrastructure, shcools, government, elections
b) a strict time frame of our choosing, suggesting that they are on their own, and that whatever government WE establish will be replaced by the will of the people. We desinate a couple of years and pull out gradually. or whatever time line is most sensible.
If we decide to take a side in the Iraqi civil war we must then not only back and arm one side but offer intellgence and training.
We can pull out troops and fund monteralliy our choosen side and give them US weapons.....this has backfired inthe past.
3) To win correctly......
a) Pour more troops into the region, more troops to secure the borders,
create real securtiy
b) Elect a new congress to investigate
war profiteering....
and elect a new adminstration.
c) after a gradual withdrawl of troops Use the UN and nieghboring countries to form a coalition as in Kosevo
d) Create jobs in Iraq, giving
the people the opportunity to eat..
e) Create stability...
2006-08-24 09:22:39
answer #10
answered by nefariousx 6
Democrats could give us a lot of unemployment.
Maybe free care health for some, that the working people would end up paying for.
And raise taxes.
That's all.
2006-08-24 08:59:37
answer #11
answered by Anonymous