They cannot make YOU pay it per say, but yes, it will effect you as your husband may be thrown in jail for it, wages garnished, tax returns taken away etc.
2006-08-24 08:39:27
answer #1
answered by AsianPersuasion :) 7
The debt does not become yours. However, because any money you make also becomes the legal possession of your spouse when you get married, the creditor can go after that as well (and any cars, homes, etc. that are marital property). However, if you were to then divorce, the debt would not be "yours," so to speak, but it could still act as a lien on the marital residence and other personal property purchased during the marriage.
2006-08-24 10:13:49
answer #2
answered by The Answer Guy 1
Do not under any circumstances, marry anyone, who has been court ordered to pay child support, but refused to pay it.
They obviously do not understand moral obligation, or respect for the law. Thogh the amount seems excessive, the courts do take into account, the income of the non-custodial parent, and set it somewhat accordingly. If this individual disagreed with paying that much child support, they should have gone back to court and had it reduced.
What exactly was the point of not paying $80,000 dollars worth of child support?
My current opinion of this person is that they are lazy, disrespectful, and capable of depriving their children.
No marriage.
2006-08-24 09:03:23
answer #3
answered by niffer's mom 4
I believe it it true. BE CAREFUL ! My cousin married a guy and later found out he w/ wz divorced 3 times, and had several children - He owed back tax's in child support. She got harrassed by bill collectors and the IRS. She got a lawyer, finally got a divorce after years. She also had his child during marriage, and now he has gotten himself into legal trouble. He is now facing a prison sentence for this matter, uncluding other various antics frm his past, which she wz unaware of. - My advice? Do a complete background check on the guy, and be careful. Use you logic - not your heart.
2006-08-24 09:20:48
answer #4
answered by bobbie e 3
Do you really want to marry someone who owes $80,000 in back child support??? Obviously he does not care enough to take care of his kids. As Judge Joe Brown says, "He needs to be taking care of business!" NO excuse for for that at all. I'd throw his sorry *** to the curb.
2006-08-24 08:48:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Your not legally liable to pay his bill but your income will be affected. If you share a bank account they can and will garnish it along with his paychecks and they will take his whole tax return. So you'll be paying more to keep the household together.
2006-08-24 08:48:03
answer #6
answered by CLM 6
No, only the names mentioned in the Divorce decree.
But I'd advise you not to marry, because if he doesn't pay up he's going to jail.
2006-08-24 08:48:18
answer #7
answered by greenie 6
No. The divorce and child support order didn't have your name on it. It had your spouses.
Though it does effect you because he should be paying it and using both of your money to pay that.
2006-08-24 08:40:40
answer #8
answered by Fishgutts 4
Like all other debts yes, however only the accual debtor will face prison time.
2006-08-24 08:39:04
answer #9
answered by m_lovitt46176 1
No. Only the debt he incurs while you are married.
2006-08-24 08:39:36
answer #10
answered by staydee 2