I agree being gay is a sin.
(Now watch my "thumbs down" thing and I bet it will prove you right that people are threatened by the Word of God...just remember, they only do it because they know we're right.)
2006-08-24 07:45:35
answer #1
answered by BeeFree 5
It's not the Bible they are threatened by...the Bible is a BOOK. Books don't hurt people. But when a person, like you, takes a book and starts acting all high and mighty with it...it pisses people off. Why do you want to use this BOOK to pass judgment onto others? What does it do for you? Does it make you feel powerful?
You should remember that NOT everyone believes in the Bible...and I know that's really hard for you to understand. You should also remember that in "Biblical Days" they didn't even know what homosexuality was. Hell you could kill your own child for cursing you....and yes that's in The Bible as well.
People like you should be more careful with books they really don't even understand. I'm not against the Bible. I'm just smart and logical enough to understand that a lot has changed since those days. It might be time for you to close your Bible and open your mind. God, after all, did give you a brain...it should be a sin not to use it.
2006-08-24 09:10:39
answer #2
answered by The Tiki God 2
Because your bible has nothing to do with the way this country is run. Personally, I think the bible was written by man. What do you have to say about that? Do you disagree with that?
It doesn't really matter, freedom of speech and religion. I'm entitled to believe what I want to believe, as are you, and I don't believe being gay is a sin. That whole 'hate the sin, love the sinner' crap I don't buy into at all. People use their bible and their beliefs to justify the hateful things that they say. If you're so against homosexuality and it's such an awful sin, then why are you in the LGBT section? If it bothers you so much, go to a different section that is perhaps much less offensive to you.
What is it about homosexuality that threatens many people, including yourself, I'm assuming. I work, I cook and clean, care for my son, hang out with my friends, go to school, work, and pay bills.
Oh, wait, it's what I do in my bedroom that disturbs you, I see. And some people seem to think we throw it in their faces? Like some straight people throw it in ours? I walk down the street to see some guy and a girl tonguing one another down-I barely pecked my girl, when she was here. So how is that shoving it in anyone's face?
Your bible doesn't threaten me, I'm not against God, but I am against what man has made God out to be.
But your probably disagree, as is your right.
2006-08-24 11:24:29
answer #3
answered by Agent Double EL 5
I put the thumbs down when I think it's a hypocrtical judgement call or statement that negatively affects the community (of Y! Answers not necessarily GLBT) whether they use the bible or not. Your question shows a categorization... you don't even know that it's just the GLBT community, it could be allies or atheists for all you know. I believe in God, the golden rule and only parts of the bible. No, I don't think you have to believe in all it says. If you know anything about the history of the bible (which you should if you put your faith so blindly in it) then you'd know the bible as it is today was made up of books picked by the Council of Nicea. A vote by man on what to limit or decide as God wanted. Do you really think the bible would put words in their that didn't agree with what they thought? If it was in it's first original form you'd even see Adam and Eve's story as well as that of Cain and Able in a new light... You are the sad one.
2006-08-24 09:05:31
answer #4
answered by laydlo 5
You people? Please don't make such sweeping generalizations. As for your question, no, the bible doesn't threaten me, and I'm not against anyone who reads it. I am against those that try to cram it down my throat though. I don't go into the religious section and spew my feelings on the bible and religion, so why should people come here and tell me how they feel about what I choose to do with my life. I have NEVER asked anyone how they felt,or how their god felt about my being a lesbian, yet I get told ALL the time. It gets really old, that's why you get a thumbs down for those comments.
2006-08-24 11:46:06
answer #5
answered by NoBoysAllowed! 3
I think you're too shallow to realize that what other people do in their bedrooms is NONE of your business.
You people consistently put your noses where they do not belong, then you wonder why so many people bash your nasty little attitudes.
You are the ones that have the dirty mind. You are the ones who don't know the definition of "mind your own business".
You are the ones who come here to the LGBT community to spread your ignorant hatred of something that is completely none of your business, something you don't understand and something you aren't WILLING to understand.
Are you so lame these days that you can't understand some people are not your religion? Not everyone HAS to believe in your bible, honey.
The bible does not threaten me at all. I could care less what the bible says. I'm not a Christian....and even if I wanted to be, YOU people won't let me in anyway.
So go away if you can't handle other people's sexual orientation.
By the way, did it ever enter your mind that God could have made gay people the way they are in order to TEACH christians the true meaning of love and tolerance?
2006-08-24 08:09:20
answer #6
answered by Jake 4
I am gay and I don't care if anyone "agrees with it" or not. But don't go around with that SH!T about it being a sin. Sin is a point of view - it is not a fact. It is a belief that was taken from the bible. There is NO PROOF that the bible is fact or truth. Even after all these goddamn years, there is still NO proof! Therefore, people should not go around telling non-christians that it's a sin, just because YOU believe that it is.
2006-08-24 09:23:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You can keep forcing yourself to believe you're not prejudice, but we know the truth. Your book of fairytales is outdated and simply wrong. It teaches hate, not tolerance. It preaches meanspirituality, not acceptance.
If you really believed, you'd know that the Bible was MEANT to be revised, it's meant to be updated to reflect the times. If you believe your Bible was truly INSPIRED you'ld have half an understanding of what INSPIRED actually means.
It doesn't mean it's written in stone and stagnent. It's an inspired work because it's supposed to be made to fit the situation and time period at hand.
No, I do not for one second believe that homosexuals or homosexuality is wrong in any way, shape or form. Love is NEVER wrong when it's between two concenting adult human beings. NEVER.
To think otherwise goes against Jesus' teachings completely.
2006-08-24 08:55:49
answer #8
answered by DEATH 7
So, how do you know that the bible is true then and not just a book of fairy tales?
What makes you think that it is ok to judge others lifestyles and describe what they do as a sin?
The bible is not a threat, it is just a load of crap and I don't understand why you people live by a book that has no truth in it, that is dated and frankly warped.
You may think homosexuality is a sin, but what about incest (e.g. Adam and Eve), what about paedophile priests, and what about all these wars in the world caused by religion.
Now thats what I call sad
2006-08-24 07:50:01
answer #9
answered by GayAtheist 4
You's a ho. You's a ho! Sideline Ho! We do not fukkin' care! Why does anyone have to be obligated to the Bible if that person have little or no passion or faith in the goddamn book. It was written by turds, for the Lesbian Goddess's sake. You know, the ones you polish off every night. Also, people who tend to "follow" the Bible turn out to be heterosexual hierarchical hypocrites. After all that bullsh*t, all of the credibility of the Bible and the heterosexual is destroyed. Therefore, this will be a really good time for turds, and hos, alike to display how evil they truly are.
P.S. Why are you wasting your time worrying about whether or not we are good Christians when we do not care for your stubborn, uninformed view/idea of Christianity or religion?
2006-08-24 08:02:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
it has nothing to do with disagreeing with the Bible. it has to do with the hateful people who come here and use the Bible to justify hating us. they use verse out of context to "prove" their points, when the truth is, most are just homophobes. I don't think some people really know what the Bible does and does NOT say about homosexuality. that book was written by men, not God himself, and has been translated, and retranslated over and over again over the years. people can be Christian AND homosexual.
2006-08-24 08:49:00
answer #11
answered by redcatt63 6