Its the victim and entitlement mentality that has been fostered over many years.
Its one thing to help the poor and somebody who is in a temporary rut. Its quite another to take the position that we should punish the "rich". I find it quite the hypocrisy that we are the land of opportunity (the US that is), yet when one makes good on the opportunity, we feel the need to "punish" them. We seem to demonize people who do well for themselves. They're not all angels nor are they all evil. I'm mean let's look at Gates and Buffet, they have established organizations where they are using billions of dollars for charitable ventures.
Why is it is I do well for myself, make a great salary, that I have to give up my "wealth" for the guy who barely graudated high school. Why is that my issue they make $8 and hour for a job that basically anybody could do?
In terms of being owned something, we are all owed something. But that something is in the form of services that the gov provides -- police, fire, schools, national defense, etc. Simply handing out money to people for years at a time is not the solution-- we need to find them jobs.
The other problem is we take specific examples (e.g halliburton) and generalize that ALL businesses are bad. They're not. Punish those to don't play fair, cheat, lie, steal. You know, all of you who say "evil corporations" etc., you're also implying that we who work for those companies are evil.
And again, I've answered this before-- check Wikipedia -- The top 20% pay roughly 72% of the individual income taxes. yet they have roughly 62% of the income. Those are people who make over $75k a year and are a much smaller part of the population. The bottom 80% pay roughly 27% of income taxes and have roughtly 38% of the income.
So those of you who say the middle-class (whatever that means) or the poor pay the most taxes, you need to get your facts straight.
2006-08-24 07:06:15
answer #1
answered by dapixelator 6
A lot of losers might claim that anyone who has a million dollars and lives in a nice house is rich, which just isn't true. These are, by and large, MIDSTREAM AMERICANS, the ones that are fairly comfortable because they worked hard in school and worked hard on the job. And, by and large, they give lots of "handouts", through graduated income and property tax systems, regular church donations, and volunteer donations of time and money to other charitable organizations. And, many of the so-called "filthy rich" multi-millionaire and billionaire Americans came up the same way and donate every bit as generously according to their means.
I see that "Halliburton" garbage being brought up again. Doesn't anyone realize that Halliburton has had some "no-bid" contracts simply because Halliburton is the only American company capable of performing certain tasks? There are others with "no-bid" contracts out there too, like Fluor and Perini, in different specialty fields, but nobody is complaining (just because the Vice President didn' happen to be their CEO years ago).
2006-08-24 07:16:59
answer #2
answered by senior citizen 5
First belief. So many people say the rich get rich by hard work, however the children who inherit the wealth are not usually hard working. Many have servants, ect., to do stuff for them, and many pass difficult assignments to others so they will not have to deal with them. Why should the rich children inherit this luxury, while the poor children do not? It is neither child's fault what happens, and, since we are all individuals, one should not be forced into one life or another because of the way their parents act.
Second belief. Many of the poor ARE working more than one job in a struggle (often futile) to make ends meet. Why should these hard workers starve or die of a disease just so the rich can buy a bigger house? This is not how a fair world should be.
Third belief. The rich literally did get rich from a handout. They are called loans, and one big enough to start a business with is usually only given to a person who is somewhat wealthy already, making it harder for the average person to start a business ot their own. This is because the loan company wants to be sure that it will be paid back.
It is all about what is fair. Consumerism in this country has reached a point that people will worship a person like Paris Hilton, simply because she is wealthy (and doesn't she set good standards for the children?). We need a change in society, and for people to be equal. Yes, it does seem unfair for a person who has honestly earned their wealth to have it removed like this, but it is the same system that gave them the wealth that makes it necessary. It all always comes back to the system. Sorry, but the only way to beat the system is to shatter it!
2006-08-24 07:18:35
answer #3
answered by Captain Socialism 2
I do agree that the rich did not become rich by asking for a hand out, but you must understand that out of each American paycheck the government takes their cut. We all pay our taxes. So if we feel the government owes us something it's because it does. They should use our tax dollars on making our country a better place. Not waisting it on stupid things like sending our soldiers to other countries for no reason.
2006-08-24 07:20:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The rich should shoulder a fair share of the tax burden, No tax loopholes and corporate welfare, Employers should be required to pay livable wages, And be punished for hiring illegal workers.
If Hard working Americans aren't good enough to be paid a decent wage sell your goods and services to the country where you outsource and don't expect taxpayer money to subsidize you!
Being that the government are supposedly American taxpayers, having an excellent educational and health system would help to insure a strong employee base.
I started out with nothing, the people who worked alongside me deserved their fair share for helping me get where I am!
And 90% of the taxes are not paid by the rich, You don't even believe that lie, Working class Americans supports America.
2006-08-24 07:14:15
answer #5
answered by macdyver60 4
Because the rich and the government for many years have done nothing but take, and take, and take from everyone else in this country. How do you think the rich has gotten that way? It's not right, you'all do things like build happy little restaraunts, and businesses but it is to only cover up the ugly truth behind this false front of a good American society. You greedy SOB's see something you want, a woman, a vehicle, an employee, athelete, and automatically you own them. You own them, you exploit them, you tax them, you squeeze every penny, sweat, blood, tears, and life out of everyone in your path. YOU FOLKS ARE THE PROBLEM!!!
2006-08-24 07:10:14
answer #6
answered by lvillejj 4
I don't think the rich owe me anything. Although I must say, that some of the rich got that way picking it out of the already miniscule earnings of it's employees. (ie. Walmart) As for the government owing me something. Damn right they do, I elected them, they work for me, I expect them to do their job.
2006-08-24 07:44:55
answer #7
answered by t79a 5
you are so right and i applaud the ambition of any bank robber in america good going for them .SEE when we can invade an entire nation for oil i feel it is only fair we cut bank robber's at home here some slack .THEY formulated a plan found the guns and transportation and acted on the plan . THEY should be rewarded for the hard work and planning .CUT the crap you pig and admit if you work at all it is for a government check you selfish pig .
the rich only get rich stealing from the poor you idiot ./
ONLY people who work entierly by them selfs and produce a product or service is truly able to say that they earned it . THE rest of you make it of the backs of others and you make me sick .
WHEN i hear about people who paid insurance for 30 years and then got handed nothing it made me want to get even with insurance companies and all the thiefs they employ including the government that regulates the industry .
ALL of you limp dick lazy bastards who suck a living out of others and talk about how hard you work can kiss my butt.
HARD working under paid americans deserve a break and you are a criminal and a pig .
2006-08-24 07:11:05
answer #8
answered by playtoofast 6
You are so right. i will never understand why people want to punish the rich for taking advantage of what our society can offer someone who works hard.
2006-08-24 07:17:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It does.
According to the 14th Amendment the Government owes us Privilege and we are responsible for paying for this Privilege.
Go big Red Go
2006-08-24 07:10:34
answer #10
answered by 43 5