She will be able to fix most of this mess during her first term and then during the second term we can really enjoy the benefits while she continues to work toward important domestic issues such as healthcare, environment and civil rights—which were completely harmed by the Bush Administration.
2006-08-24 12:06:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No, more likely, the vast majority of the country will recognize her for the dishonest, pandering carpet-bagger she is. If a democrap is elected, whoever it is will trash the economic progress Bush has made, continue the over-taxing, regressive policies of the failed Clinton administration and probably pardon more tax cheats and traitors like Sandy Burger and Bill Clinton.
No doubt, they will fabricate evidence for trumped up charges against anyone slightly to the right of Hillary. The whole idea that the “Culture of Corruption” is purely republican is moronic.
If Hillary actually gets in, she will dismantle the Constitution and subject this country to the corrupt likes of Kofi Annan. God help us.
2006-08-24 07:38:20
answer #2
answered by RockHunter 7
I don't think Hillary has to support to win. Polls state she would lose against a host of other players. There will be no inclusion, there hasn't been inclusion in the U.S. since WWII and dignity is a relative term since political leaders get more political points at home for bashing the U.S. The U.S. is already a prosperous nation, having the lowest unemployment than most other nations. No European leader would win in the U.S. just on their unemployment record alone.
If Hillary did win, she would almost imediately have little sway with things.
2006-08-24 06:27:47
answer #3
answered by gregory_dittman 7
Hillary will not be elected. She has too many skeletons in her closet. She is a leftist Socialst whack job, you like her?
She is so overly political and obviously phoney. She is now trying to reinvent herself as a moderate while trying to make the anti war crowd happy at the same time.
Hillary is from Park Ridge, a wealthy suburb of Chicago. When she ran for senate in New York, she says, "I have always been a Yankee fan". What, she is a life long Cubs fan, in fact somebody stole my thunder and came out with a book, with the same quote I just gave you, showing her wearing a Cub hat pointing proudly to it. That is cause for concern enough. Anybody proud to be a Cub fan has to be disturbed.
She is a compulsive liar, she said Chelsea was jogging down the street from the Pentagon when the plane went through it, when in fact Chelsea was out of town. Crazy *****.
I hope Hillary does run, she aint gonna win. Don't bet on her even getting the Dem nomination.
2006-08-24 06:26:41
answer #4
answered by TG Special 5
HOW can i say this more clearly without offending america .
THIS country can not afford to have Hillary in the white house .WE do not need another life long politician in the white house .
INfact we do not need anyone with a law degree serving in politics .
We need representation and simple laws to follow .
IT is so complicted now with everysingle law thats passed has its own funding attached to it .
WE need to slash government spending all together to levels people would say are insane and privatize all services .
PRIVATE police fire social services schools medical and everything government does for us except a 2% military budget .
thats it a 2% tax is all we need .cut a lump sum check to everyone for there social security and get out of the pension fund business before it is to late .
WE do not need more of the same .STATES need to control borders and manage there own resources for the benefit of all the people .
THE government has done a terrible job and takes away from one group and gives to another .
I should not have a penny of my tax money spent in alaska or california or new York .SEEMS we have gotten away from working to build something only to have taxes eat it away and inflation gobble it up .
I am tired of the fed's total incompetence and failure to provide a single adequate service in 50 years .
2006-08-24 06:31:48
answer #5
answered by playtoofast 6
Excuse me, Hillary Clinton bring "dignity" back to our country? She's a doormat, who are you kidding?
2006-08-24 06:44:12
answer #6
answered by rosi l 5
I don't think she'll get elected. Conservatives won't vote for her and according to the pundits on Free Speech TV she isn't liberal enough for the left so....
2006-08-24 06:53:22
answer #7
answered by Vincent Valentine 5
The Libs may win....but it will not be with Hillary.....the country is not ready for a female president....she is not qualified....unfortunately, she will probably get the nod.....and she will lose....oh well, so goes the war
2006-08-24 06:22:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think that she will serve 5 terms as president. That's 5 terms as president of THEN (Touchy Hens Enjoying Nothing). It used to be called NOW, but they are so passe they will change their name.
2006-08-24 06:49:42
answer #9
answered by SPLATT 7
She will do such a good job and people will admire her so much it will defintely be 2 terms for Hillary... It will take the first 4 to clean up the mess left with the Bush administration...
2006-08-24 06:21:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous