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Of course not all Americans are this way. However it is true that populations of countries do contain certain attributes (as a whole sample - not every person being this way).

That being the case I have lived on four continents and have observed that America contains an unusually high proportion of superficial, ego-centric and what you might term 'false' people.

They generally also have much less interest in the arts, higher culture, world history and what you might call 'general intellectual knowldge'. Classic texts for example are valued much less than in other parts of the world.

Why do people feel this is?

2006-08-24 04:23:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

22 answers

John_B I am elated to see that I am not the only one who has made the observation of how shallow the American populace is in comparison to the rest of the world, and how markedly disinterested they are in academic pursuits like history, philosophy, culture and art. I can surmise three reasons for why superficiality and self-absorption are so prevalent in the United States.

Number one, the history and founding of this country, especially its reason for existence, goes a long way to explaining our preoccupation for things having solely to do with ourselves. Immigrants who were either trying to look for a place that would provide economic betterment, freedom from religious persecution, or refuge from political strife formed our country. These three motivational factors for our country’s formation sheds light on the fact that our history is one of rebellion against the old world, hence this may go a long way to explaining why the people of this country have had a long standing sentiment against old world interests. World history, philosophy, culture studies, and art are interests that have traditionally been associated with the old world

Secondly, this nation has been accorded a great deal of wealth, and an environment where wealth comes relatively easily affords people the luxury of not having to engage themselves too much academically in order to succeed. Thus a comprehensive knowledge of the aforementioned intellectual spheres will naturally be lacking.

Thirdly, unlike other continents, North America is largely homogenous in makeup, with only three main countries constituting 80 % plus of its landmass. Hence the lack of necessity of dealing with close neighboring countries, with distinctive histories and cultural traits, lends itself to shallowness and self-centeredness.

The United States, being a relatively youthful nation, has gotten by with being oblivious to higher interests and issues concerning the world. However time is catching up with us, and the world is becoming a smaller place. Now our ignorance of things outside of our own aggrandizement is working to undermine our security and our place in the top of the pecking order. Just a mere look at the ascending economic behemoths of India and China, the consolidation of European powers under the EU, and our increasingly precarious position in the world should tell us that we need to take a better interest in the world around us. Our fixation with our lattes, SUVs, unnecessarily large houses, and other creature comforts might be our undoing. It happened to other great empires like Egypt and Rome, it could happen to us. Of course most Americans can’t see that connection, because as you just pointed out, we have very little understanding, or care, for history.

2006-08-24 05:06:29 · answer #1 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 3 0

Everything in America is GO-GO. We need our food fast, and our information even faster.

As an american that has traveled the world (not too many places, but France, England and India) I have had a rare chance to see what other cultures are like. I even lived with a family in France for over a year to see what other cultures were like. We as americans have an attitude of "We are better than you in every way, so why should I even try to learn anything about you?"

Your question doesn't have a simple answer - all I can say is that
1. Yes, some are egotistical and superficial
2. Yes, most americans are more interested in the "Top 40 Billboard Toppers" than Bach or Beethoven.
3. And Yes, most americans don't care to learn anything more than what is presented in the morning newspaper.

There are some of us that actually do however value a good book, a Mozart symphony, and learning more than is given to them in 1 minute on the radio.

2006-08-24 04:24:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I completely agree. My thoughts exactly. I've been all over the world myself and still find America to be very... tricky. What I mean by "tricky" is that the US is very mixed in its own odd way. They can be incredibly generous and warm people who have a country to be proud of, but on the other hand, many are highly gullible and spoiled. Why? Because they have so much to be proud of and own so much they have taken advantage of it. They are spoiled-- most at least. My thought has always been such: America is a young country; a teenager. Spoiled, reckless, on a good start yet still needing much to learn! They think they're the best, have all the best, etc. That's why they have just about no interest whatsoever in trying something elsewhere than their "perfect world". Just the other day I was at my supermarket in France and saw a little English boy walking by, looking at the food. He went straight to the section where there was English products. Coincidence? Not for an Anglo-Saxon. And this I'll come back to at the end...

Numerous times I have been shocked at how superficial young girls and women particularly are. Some twenty year old women are still as ridiculously fake and naive as sixteen year old girls, thus meaning the female adolescents are very superficially naive themselves in the first place of course. The boys are, in majority, reckless and the girls again in majority are naive. The result? Way down bad...

This, obviously, does not exclude the faults and problematic issues of other countries as well. It's just the Americans stand out most. In their loud ways and such; they are not the type of people to pass unheard of, to say in a matter of speaking. Meaning it's hard to not hear of them or so.

Finally, I think it has a lot to do with history. French, to take for example, have had a history with a lot do with things relating to "upper class" and therefore have a different small something in them; wanting to learn and try new things. Not all, but although... you'll find young people much less superficial and stuck in their own world. Just like I mentioned in the beginning and wanted to come back to; Anglo-Saxons, are, all of what I said Americans to be the most. All of them. They are far more agreeable in general, but like this whole answer has been about: being "out of limits" when it comes to superficiality! So, in the end, it turns out we truly have to take the best and leave the rest as best as possible out of everything in this world.

Thank you very much for reading and take care.

2006-08-24 04:54:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think Americans are this way because they have "too much."
too much money, too much resources, too much entertainment and life is not a struggle. I think pain and struggle compel us to dig deeper with in and explore the existential questions. People in this country (for the most part) have it too easy. The culture also encourages people to "do away" with pain. That's why people are hooked on Prozac. If you take the magic pill, everything is "hunky dory," and you don't have to engage in that struggle. This society is very superficial--it is all about ones pleasure--that is the main goal. I too have lived in other parts of the world and know that people here are very Physical-oriented and have very little understanding of the spiritual. I made the interesting observation that schools and universities always tested individuals by giving them multiple answers to choose from. In other parts of the world, students are required to compose essays, exhibit their thoughts and logic--and defend their answers. Their system is set up to encourage critical thinking, not simply spewing out the "correct answers." This is a topic close to my heart and I can talk w/you about it for hrs, but this is just a short version of why I believe that people are so self-centered: Cultural and Conditioning!

2006-08-24 04:40:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I am American, and I feel ya. People are very superficial and insecure. Entire industries capitalize on people's insecurities and fears. Like, who cares if I am losing my hair? I certainly don't. But a lot of people listen to the bull and believe not only that they look better with hair plugs (not) but look and feel younger, only to realize that it didn't help at all because we all just keep getting older. I am moving out of this country soon for the reasons you outlined above, as well as a myriad of other reasons regarding the degredation of my great country and it's lost ideals.

Sad, really.

2006-08-24 04:38:03 · answer #5 · answered by breakoutthenukes 1 · 3 0

Because America is all about generating a profit; therefore, there always has to be a latest trend to sell...which is why we are one of the most powerful countries. Yes, we forget our roots to a certain extent, but they're still available for our access. Be thankful that you can still attain these ideas/ways and that they haven't been erased from history yet...

2006-08-24 05:45:53 · answer #6 · answered by youdontneedtoknowme 5 · 1 0

A joke:
In heaven . . .
the police will be English
the chefs, French
the mechanics, German
the lovers, Italian
and the government will be run by the Swiss

But in hell . . .
the police,German
The chefs, English
the Mechanics, French
the lovers, Swiss
and the government run by the Italians

Americans are not in this joke. Sorry.

2006-08-24 04:31:09 · answer #7 · answered by Freesumpin 7 · 2 0

The society is fueled by consumerism and the almighty BLING BLING. We care more about JLO than how our government is representing us to the world.

We know more about Britney and Kevin that we do our National history and the damn country isn't' even 300 years old.

It is a nation built on blindness. America loves its people stupid and complacent. That's why when there is a war going on, the government is trying to change the constitution to ban flag burning!!!!!

2006-08-24 04:37:39 · answer #8 · answered by Lotus Phoenix 6 · 1 1

I'm guessing that's just the way our society has evolved. Hopefully it will evolve to be a more intellectual society. I'll help by not caring if my eye brows are too bushy (wish I could stop my mother from doing so) and studying or sleeping instead of trying to over beautify myself.

2006-08-24 04:27:52 · answer #9 · answered by Bear 5 · 1 0

I totally disagree. I just returrned from a trip to the Baltic and the museums were packed with American tourists, all quiet and respectful. Yes, you will see the occasional "ugly American" but for the most part I was very proud of my countrymen.

2006-08-24 04:26:41 · answer #10 · answered by notyou311 7 · 2 0

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