Back to Basics: Introduction to Subfiles
by Kevin Vandever
This newsletter normally covers cutting-edge technology, but every once in a while, either by request or by choice, I decide to write a "back to basics" article. I do this because not all of you readers are seasoned veterans. Some are new to the industry and want to see more basic information. So I've decided to interrupt my recent series of Java/RPG interface articles to bring you this introduction to subfiles.
What Are Subfiles?
According to IBM, a subfile is a group of records that have the same record format and are read from and written to a display station in one operation. As the term suggests, a subfile is not a file; rather, it is a temporary place to store data of the same format to be used by a display file program.
Why Use Subfiles?
Subfiles are useful when you want to list multiple, similar records on a display. An additional beauty of subfiles is that you can define them such that the number of records to be displayed fits on one display or exceeds the number of lines available on the display, allowing the user to scroll, or page, through the data. Subfiles also allow you an effective means of manipulating data in a database file.
Subfiles allow you to display lists of similar data that can extend beyond what fits on one screen. In most situations, this added capability would cost you something, but not with subfiles. They make it easier to create display applications, which, in turn, will make you more productive. Subfile programs are easy to write and maintain because much of the work is done for you in the data definition specifications (DDS). Most of the time, you can change the characteristics of a subfile program without modifying the RPG code driving it.
Data Definition Specifications
As I stated earlier, most of the work in a subfile application is accomplished in the DDS. For every subfile you describe in your DDS, you are required to use two format types: a subfile record format (SFL) and a subfile control record format (SFLCTL). The subfile record format is used much as a record format for a physical file. It defines the fields that are contained in a row of a subfile, the layout of those fields, and holds the actual data. Unlike a physical file, however, a subfile record format is used only in memory, and only for the duration the job. Once the program using the subfile ends, the data in that subfile is gone. Individual subfile records are read from, written to, and updated to the subfile by accessing the subfile record format in your program. The subfile (SFL) keyword is required in your DDS to define a subfile record, just as the record (RECORD) keyword is used for a typical display record format.
The subfile control record format is used to describe the heading information for the subfile and also controls how the subfile is going to perform. It is here that you determine the size of the subfile as well as condition when the subfile will be cleared, initialized, displayed, and ended. The subfile control record format is unique, in that it controls aspects of a subfile in a way that other files are not controlled. For instance, you control the size of a physical file during compilation or by using the Change Physical File (CHGPF) command; you do not determine it in the DDS. Your program will operate the subfile control record format directly when it performs functions to the whole subfile, not to individual records. Functions such as initializing, clearing, and displaying fall into this category. There are four keywords required in the subfile control record format:
* The subfile control (SFLCTL) keyword identifies the subfile control record format--again, like the record (RECORD) keyword does for a typical display record format. The SFLCTL keyword also identifies the subfile record format that must immediately precede it.
* The subfile size (SFLSIZ) keyword specifies the number of records that the subfile may contain.
* The subfile page (SFLPAG) keyword specifies the number of records that one screen of data may contain.
* The subfile display (SFLDSP) keyword specifies under which condition the subfile may be displayed.
Note, in the requirements outlined above, that it says the SFLCTL keyword identifies the subfile record format that precedes it. This is a requirement. The SFL record format must immediately precede the SFLCTL format. The individual keywords available in each format can be placed in any order within the format.
DDS and RPG Working As One
Once you complete the DDS for a subfile, you are ready to use that subfile in your RPG program. The first three actions you are going to take are to initial, load, and display your subfile. There are other things you can, and will, do to a subfile, but let's start with the foundation and build from there.
Before loading a subfile, you may want to clear or initial it for use. In either case, clearing or initializing takes effect when you write to the subfile control record format with the appropriate conditioning indicator set on, using the RPG WRITE operation. This is not a requirement for the introductory load in your program, but as you create more complex subfile applications, you will need to know the difference between clearing and initializing a subfile. Back to the DDS a little. To clear a subfile, use the subfile clear (SFLCLR) keyword. This removes all records from the subfile. However, it does not remove them from the display until the next time the subfile is written to the screen by your program. This is different from the subfile initialize (SFLINZ) keyword. SFLINZ will set all the records in your subfile to their default value. If you have no default value set in your DDS, numeric fields will default to zeros and character fields will default to blanks. So instead of having an empty subfile, if your subfile size keyword is set to 100, you will have 100 records in your subfile, each initialized with its default value. I will cover SFLINZ later on, so don't sweat it if you don't quite get it yet. In short, the decision on whether to use SFLCLR or SFLINZ is determined by the role of your program.
You can load your subfile a couple of different ways. The most common way is to retrieve data from one or more data files and to write that data to the subfile record format using the RPG WRITE operation. You can write records to your subfile until you reach the maximum number allowed, as determined by the SFLSIZ keyword. You may also choose to write only enough records to fit on one page, as determined by SFLPAG, and to write more only if the user requests more. A second way to load your subfile is to initialize the subfile first, using the SFLINZ keyword, to display the subfile with its default values to the screen, and to allow the user to type data into the subfile from the screen.
Once your subfile is loaded or initialized, you are ready to display it. Depending on how you created your DDS, your subfile can take on many looks, but no matter what form it takes, one line of RPG code is all you need to display it.
Let's take a look at the code for a basic subfile program that displays a list of names. This could be customer names or salesman name, but for our purposes, it's just names. Notice how much work is done with very little RPG code.
How Does It All Work?
I have provided the source for a physical file (SFL001PF), a logical file (SFL001LF), a display file (SFL001DF), and the RPG (SFL001RG). To make this example work, you must compile the three source members in the following order: SFL001PF, SFL001LF, SFL001DF, and SFL001RG.
After creating the physical file, you will need some sort of tool to get data into the file. One way is to create a subfile program to enter the data, but that is probably not appropriate, because if you could do that, you wouldn't be reading this article.
Let's take a closer look at the code. The DDS for the physical and logical files is pretty self-explanatory, so I will leave it alone. I am going to start with the DDS for the display file. This is really where most of the work related to subfiles is accomplished. I am going to assume some basic DDS knowledge and jump to the subfile record format, signified by a record name of SFL1, and the record level keyword of SFL. SFL1 is the subfile record format. It is where you will define the fields contained in the subfile. It is also the format that will be written to in your RPG program. This is the format that will actually contain the subfile data. In this example, there are four fields being described: DBLNAM, DBFNAM, DBMINI, and DBNNAM. These fields are referenced from the physical file SFL001PF. What is important to notice here is that these fields are defined as output only and are set to start on row 5. That means that the list of data that will be displayed on the screen will start on row 5. Each field has its own starting column number. DBLNAM starts in column 2, DBFNAM in column 26, and so on. The column settings let you place the fields across the row, in whatever fashion you wish, just as you would a printed report. That's about it for the subfile record format. You have defined your field's size and usage, and you have designed the layout of those fields. The next record format is the subfile control record format, signified by the record name SF1CTL and the keyword SFLCTL. The subfile control format must come directly after the subfile record format. It is always distinguished by the SFLCTL keyword, and even though it is required to come directly after the SFL format, you still must place the name of the subfile record format, in this case SFL1, within parentheses next to the SFLCTL keyword.
The subfile control record format is where you define everything about the subfile as a whole. The two things you are going to do in the subfile control record format are to define the subfile characteristics with a series of keywords and to define any fields for the actual screen. The fields usually include column headings for the subfile records as well as a title, a program name, and a date and time, but they can include input-capable fields. There is no requirement for the content of the fields in the subfile control record format, but there is a limit to where they can be placed. Remember that the SFL record format started on row 5. That means that fields defined in the SFLCTL record format must not be placed anywhere below row 4. Now, looking at the example, let's examine the keywords used.
The keywords can be placed in any order within the SFLCTL record format, but must be entered before any fields or constants are defined. The first thing I do is to define the subfile size (SFLSIZ) and subfile page size (SFLPAG). The SFLSIZ is set to 500. That means that the maximum number of records that my subfile can contain is 500. The maximum number you can enter on this field is 9999. The SFLPAG determines how many records can fit on one page. I set mine to 17, meaning that each screen of data will contain a maximum of 17 records. You are limited on this parameter only by the number of records that can physically display on a screen. The OVERLAY keyword is used to tell the display file to display the screen on top of what is already displayed, overlaying anything that is already there, not erasing it.
The subfile display (SFLDSP) keyword is used to display the subfile when told so by the RPG program. It is conditioned, in this case, by N32, which means that it will only display when indicator 32 is set off. You are not required to condition the SFLDSP keyword. I condition it in this example (and in most of my subfile programs, for that matter) because I want to stop the subfile from displaying if there are no records in it. You will get a runtime error if you try to display a subfile with no records in it. There are a number of ways to handle the no-records situation, but I choose to set on indicator 32 when no records are loaded, thus stopping the subfile and subsequent nasty error from being displayed.
The next keyword you see is the subfile display control (SFLDSPCTL) keyword. This keyword allows you to display the control record format. The conditioning indicator on the SFLDSPCTL keyword, N31, sets when the SFLCTL record format is to be displayed. In this case the SFLCTL record format will only be displayed when told so by the RPG program and indicator 31 is off. This keyword is not required if no fields are going to be displayed in this format and you are not controlling function keys from this format.
Many keywords change the characteristics of the subfile, but these changes are not seen until the keyword SFLDSP or SFLDSPCTL is activated. The next keyword is the subfile clear (SFLCLR) keyword. SFLCLR is used to clear the subfile of all its entries. It provides you with an empty subfile just waiting to have records written to it. Notice that I used the opposite conditioning indicator from that of the SFLDSPCTL keyword. I do this because the same RPG operation (WRITE) is used to display the control record format and to clear the subfile. Since it is not likely that I want to clear the subfile at the same time I want to display it, I use the same indicator. When indicator 31 is off, I want to display the subfile; when it is on, I want to clear it.
The subfile end (SFLEND) keyword is used to communicate to the user if there are more records in the subfile. A conditioning indicator is required when using the SFLEND keyword. In this case, indicator 90 conditions the SFLEND keyword. The *MORE parameter is just one of the valid parameters used with the SFLEND keyword. It will cause the screen to show the word "more . . ." at the bottom right hand corner of the last subfile record. When the subfile is on its last page, the word "bottom" will replace "more. . ."--telling the user that this is the end of the subfile. SFLEND specified by itself--that is, with no parameter--will cause the screen to display a plus (+) sign in the lower right hand corner when there are further pages to be displayed. When the subfile is on its last page, the plus sign is replaced by a blank.
Now that all the keywords have been defined, you can now define any fields you need for your subfile control record format. As you can see, I describe some basic column headings, a title, and the date and time. I would like to point your attention to one field defined in the SFLCTL record format. RRN1 will be used as my subfile relative record number. I define it as 4 signed numeric, with 0 decimal places (remember the maximum of 9999 records in a subfile). The "H" indicates that this is a hidden field. I am not going to display this field anywhere on the screen, but it is extremely important because it will keep track of which subfile record I am working with.
The last record format defined in this DDS is the function key line. On line 23 of the display, I will list the available function keys to the user. This is the reason why I use the OVERLAY keyword in the SFLCTL record format. I will first write the FKEY1 format, which will display on line 23, then OVERLAY the FKEY1 format, not erase it. You have just built a basic subfile display file. This is not merely a watered-down version appropriate for learning only; it is an example of a typical display file that is used when you want to display a list of data to a user. You've done the hard part, believe it or not, now let's look at the RPG code necessary to load and display this subfile.
First, take a look at the file specifications (F-specs). You will notice that there are two files described. SFL001DF is the display file we just learned about. I define it as a (c)ombined, (f)ull procedural, (e)xternally described work station (workstn) file. I further define SFL001DF on the next line of code by using the sfile keyword, with two parameters separated by a colon (:). The sfile keyword defines a subfile contained in the display file defined in the F-spec. You would code a sfile line for every subfile record format contained in your DDS. The first parameter of the sfile keyword is the name of the subfile record format, and the second is the field that will contain the subfile relative record number. Remember that I defined that field as a hidden field in the SFLCTL record format, but I didn't have to. I could have defined it in the RPG. The important thing is that it is placed in the second parameter of the sfile keyword. SFL001LF is the indexed data file we will use to load the subfile.
The body of the program consists only of a main routine and one subroutine. The main routine of this program is pretty simple. I first execute the subfile build routine (SFLBLD), then I code the DO loop that will process the screen until either the F3 key or the F12 key is pressed. Let's examine the SFLBLD routine first, since that code will be executed before the DO loop. The first block of code is where I clear the subfile (SFLCLR in the DDS). Remember that it was conditioned on indicator 31. So I set on indicator 31 and write to the SFLCTL record format, which performs the clear--the SFLDSPCTL is not activated in this case because it is conditioned on indicator 31 being off. After I write the SFLCTL record format, I set indicator 31 off, so that the next write to the format will cause it to be displayed. Now it's time to load data to the subfile. I do this by setting the file pointer to the beginning of the file and reading the first record of the data file. The three lines contained within the DOW loop are all that are necessary to load my subfile. I am going to process the DOW loop until there are no more records in the file (while indicator 90 is off). Each time I read a record, I increment the subfile relative record number (RRN1) and write the record to the subfile record format. Since I based my subfile field names on the data file field names, there are no MOVE, MOVEL, or Z-ADD statements necessary. Once the end of the file is reached, indicator 90 is set on and we get out of the loop. Indicator 90 is also the indicator I conditioned the SFLEND keyword on. That means that when the screen of data that contains the last record in the subfile is displayed, the word "bottom" will display on the lower right-hand corner. If no records were read from the file (RRN1 = 0), I set on indicator 32. Remember that the subfile display (SFLDSP) keyword is conditioned on 32 being off. If it is on, the subfile will not display. Displaying a subfile with zero records will cause an error and end your program.
Back in the main routine, now that the subfile is loaded, I will attempt to display it. Within the DO loop, I write the function key format (fkey1). This will display the function keys available to the user on line 23 of the screen. I then display the subfile to the screen with the execute format (EXFMT) keyword. When displaying a subfile, the EXFMT is always performed on the SFLCTL record format. Since the operating system knows what subfile record format is associated with which subfile control record format, there is no need to explicitly perform an EXFMT to the SFL record format. I set indicator 31 off after the subfile was cleared, so with this write to the SFLCTL record format, the subfile control record will be displayed. If there are records in your file, indicator 32 will be off, so the subfile should also be displayed. Depending on how many records you added to your data file, you would either see "more . . ." or "bottom" at the lower right-hand corner of the screen. If you see "more . . ." you will be able to press the Page Down key to display the next page of data. You may do this until you see the word "bottom." If there is more than one page of data, you would be able to use the Page Up key to scroll back to the top. What's cool about this is that I did not code one line of RPG to handle the scrolling. OS/400 took care of it for me. Your program will sit on the EXFMT operation until a key is pressed that returns control to the RPG program. In this case the Page Up and Page Down keys are handled by OS/400 and will not return control to the program. This method of subfile programming is called the load-all method. With this method, you load the subfile one time and display it to the screen. OS/400 handles the paging for you.
Happy Scrolling
As you can see, it doesn't take a lot of code to get a load-all subfile up and running. In future articles, I will explain a little more about the load-all method, as well as introduce you to two more methods. I will also explain when to use which method. For those of you who don't know subfiles, play around with this stuff and get comfortable with it. You'll soon be able to tackle those interactive-based projects you so eagerly wait for.
2006-08-27 04:45:24
answer #1
answered by PK LAMBA 6