this is how you track them
money is power - power is proportional to money - every superrich person is a destruction of democratic freedoms - as the founding fathers said many times
democracy will last until wealth concentrates - wealth has concentrated
all superwealth is unjust, is theft
contribution by one person by work is limited - fortunes should be limited - as the founding fathers intended -
unlimited pay for limited work is theft
justice is equal pay for equal work - we have pay for a fortnight's work from $1 to $1 billion
[bill gates increased 'his' fortune by US$18 billion in 1998 - US$26 billion in 2006 dollars - one billion a fortnight - burundi average per capita income $100 a year - $150 per working person, $6 a fortnight - and that is the average in a very unequal-pay world]
world average hourly pay [if you pay homemakers and tertiary students too - which we should do - they work] $15 an hour - that means that the world-average productivity per hour is US$15 [2006] - ie, annual wealth production divided by annual workhours - US$15 an hour
50 hours x 50 weeks x 50 years x world av hourly pay = US$1.75 million - subtract a lifetime's minimum spending, say, US$0.75 million, US$15,000 a year - = US$1 million
how can one justify a fortune of US$50,000 million?
what is there that will enable anyone to justify 50,000 times earned fortune?
did bill gates do more than 50 hours a week average over his worklife? - he has worked only 30 something years
can brains or other natural gifts be a rational reason for higher than average hourly pay? - but reason says pay is to compensate for loss - the natural gifts are acquired at no cost - he doesnt lose the gifts in using them - they take no extra energy to use them - why pay a person for having received gifts? - and on what just grounds could you justify taking money off the ungifted to fund this irrational payment for gifts?
and so on for arguments for higher than average hourly pay for responsibility, skill, experience, talent, business risk - all have at least three holes in them [see my other yahoo answers]
therefore no one contributes more than US$1.75 million to society by work, and no one takes out of society less than US$0.75 million
therefore overfortunes exist, and are theft - of both earnings and power - therefore all wealthy people [with over US$1 million] are destructive of justice, [without which no state can stand] and democracy [theft of earned power]
therefore you dont need to identify any smaller group than the overfortuned - the plutocracy that has crashed every empire since time began, that has been tyrants every time, that has run away with superoverfortunes and superoverpower - has turned america from a beautiful republic into an infinitely disgusting tyranny in 200 years
has robbed the world, and set every person against every person, and escalated war to the brink of nuclear winter extinction, soon ['thanks' to e=mc2]
has, when every family produces about US$75,000 of goods or services a year, when every family does about US$75,000 of work a year [more or less, as they work more or less than the world average], so robbed 99% of people, that 90% get 10th-1000th of the wealth they create, starved 1% of humanity every year, caused universal extreme violence and desperation, escalating war to the brink of extinction
these are crimes against humanity - for the theft alone, they would get lifetime sentences - for the war-generation, for the murder of 50 million a year by starvation, of 50 million a year by violence, for the serious injury of at least 100 million a year, for causing untellable misery and problems for 6 billion - what do they deserve?
for taking a world of plenty for all, of peace and safety, and turning it into a chaos of destruction and danger, of torture and massacre, of genocide and hiroshimas, climaxing soon in nuclear extinction, the murder of 6-7 billion and of a planet, what do they deserve?
for robbing the world of capitalism for all, for robbing the world of 90% of its small businesses, for reducing the number of scientists to a 10th because of the grinding poverty of 90%, for slowing the pace of medical discovery to a 50th, because of the grinding poverty of 90% and the wasting of 80% of medical research funds on finding generics, what do they deserve?
can 99 dominate 1? can 99 control 1?
most of the 1% are very moderately overpaid
can 9999 dominate 1? can 9999 control 1?
money is power, power corrupts [or the most evil are most energetic at forcing their way towards the greatest power]
if you set fortune limits at 20 times the earnable maximum, you could destroy most violence, corruption, oppression, restore most democracy, peace, safety, freedom, justice
but why compromise with wrong? - by all means, refine the just figure for maximum fortune, but why open the door to some inequality, injustice, theft, violence, war, crime, disorder, corruption, chaos?
you cannot have democracy by writing words on paper, even on vellum
laws are like spiders webs, the big break through - to bind everyone to legality, you have to bind everyone to fairpay, you have to prevent wealth concentration [theft, injustice in pay, the rich get richer while doing less work]
as the founding fathers knew and tried to achieve
and failed
how close does humanity have to get to extinction before becoming alarmed, alert, awake, active?
how much corruption, state terrorism, torture, tyranny, starvation, abuse does humanity have to swallow before it has had its fill?
2006-08-24 03:03:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous