I think it shouldn't be done except for religious reasons and immediate medical need. The latter is extremely rare. In general, I feel it should be them to decide if they want it when they're older.
Some might argue that parents decide, but how many other parental decisions alter a part of the body that can't be unaltered? It's one of the few decisions that's entirely permanent. I mean, yeah they choose your name, but you can change that when you're older. Being circumcised, you can't really change that.
Some might argue for the current controversial research that says circumcision helps protect men against HIV (see link for a rebuttal). But let's assume it does provide some protection, I still wouldn't have my son circumcised. I would rather him keep a part of his body he's born with, and teach him and believe in him to practice safe sex. Condom >>>> circumcision. To have an infant circumcised because it may provide some protection against something kind of diminishes the human capacity to make good decisions as adults, I think.
2006-08-23 16:39:02
answer #1
answered by trebla_5 6
Do you want to see how a circumcision is done?
Circumcision is something that Jewish doctors brought to medicine (see many doctors who aren't jewish?) and the belief spread throughout medicine that it was necessary for hygene and so everyone did as they were told (surprise, surprise).
Do all you circumcised fellas know what you're missing? Of course not how could you? Did you know that little flap of skin that is no longer there has millions of nerve endings that make sex enjoyable for you? Not only does it keep the head of your penis protected and lubricated but it increases your sexual pleasure a thousand times over (but too bad you'll never know that) and it also lubricates the woman too and makes sex much more enjoyable for her too.
Often they clip too much and a lot of you guys with the "big guns" end up with warped ones when you are fully erect as they've taken off too much skin and it's even painful to have an erection for some. The head of the penis and shaft is so stretched that it's actually "overly sensitive"...that might sound good but I bet it get's irritated fast too right?
So anyhow...I never got my boys circumcised. That may not please some woman down the road but hey, my boys will be enjoying sex the way it was meant to be enjoyed.
OH...and just so you know it's a barbaric act. Until recently, babies were circumcised without any kind of anesthetic whatsoever...so most of you guys got it sliced off without any pain killers...it's a good thing you can't remember that pain but I'm sure it's trauma somehow lingers on in you.....if you do get your baby circumcised for GOD's SAKE make sure you ask if they use local anesthesia and insist on it.
2006-08-23 21:55:12
answer #2
answered by EVE 3
Now a days with STD, and HIV threat, circumcising your child is better to do. This year the World Heath Conference On Aids, held there Bi-Annual conference in Montreal, Canada. One of the finding was that uncircumcised male are at a higher risk of contracting HIV and STD's then Circumcised males.
Up until now I was wavering on this very question. Although I have know male children and I am circumcised, I figured that not being circumcised was no big deal. But now I have definitely change my mind and understand now that it is a big deal and all parents should have their babies circumcised at birth as it is the best what for the male child.
Uncircumcised is more unhealthy in more ways then keeping it clean and that it is natural, as it is now a fact that it can at risk for VD's and HIV.
But now you have to make that decision for you male. Why would you want him to choose at a later date when it really hurts and he can remember the hurt? I believe now safer now is safer in the future.
2006-08-23 23:08:23
answer #3
answered by NIck N 5
Well I can't imagine why a man would decide to be circumcised unless if is part of a religious ritual. Some believe it's more clean for a baby to be circumcised. I don't believe it is necessary for that reason alone. It seems to me nature put the foreskin there for a good reason.. to protect the genitals. Anyway.. that's my opinion.
2006-08-23 21:47:58
answer #4
answered by whatsit 2
I know I'm going to hear some noise about this, but here it goes. . .
I've been with both circumcised and uncircumcised men. The majority of my experiences with uncircumcised me have been unpleasant for reasons related specifically to the fact that they are uncircumcised. The unpleasant experiences I've had with uncircumcised men were due to poor hygiene and maintenance. Poor hygiene is always a turnoff, poor maintenance is a turnoff due to the excessive care necessary to avoid injuring him because he was never taught to pull the skin back over the glans. I won't be any more graphic than that.
I have never had a bad experience with a circumcised penis based on purely aesthetic and functional criteria. Some think it's evil to "mutilate" a boy at birth, but I think it's more evil to suffer him the discomfort and humiliation associated with not knowing how to properly care for himself, which I have known to result in the need for him to have a circumcision as an adult.
All that said, I have seen and enjoyed an uncircumcised penis on more than one occasion and cannot complain based strictly on the fact that it is uncircumcised. Any problems I've encountered have been due to his parents failing to properly educate him in how to take care of himself. I have no conscientious objections to circumcision.
2006-08-23 23:16:18
answer #5
answered by Speedo Inspector 6
technically a parent or legal guardian can make choices for all children under 18 years of age, including medical ones. a lot of people consider circumcision to be a religious rite, health benefit, or just a tradition(the father is circumcised, so the sons are too). i do not find anything wrong with it. my son was circumcised when he was an infant(one day old) and i do not regret it one bit. his father is too, and i don't find anything wrong with him having had it done as a baby--neither does he. he is glad his dad made the choice. ultimately, if it is done, you do not miss the foreskin, because you grow up without it...it isn't a big deal.
my husband and i decided to do it for religious reasons as well as traditional ones. it is just something we do in our families.
2006-08-23 22:03:01
answer #6
answered by curious 4
My husband insisted on it for our son so the boy would look like every other boy. The pediatrician recommended it because he said uncircumcised men had greater chances of penile cancer. I myself about cried when I saw my two-day old son afterwards; it looked like he'd been butchered. I regret having signed those papers for the procedure; if I could do it over again, I would have refused to have him circumcised.
2006-08-23 21:55:51
answer #7
answered by lexiann721 2
More problems are caused as a result of circumcision than without.
If it Ain't broke, don't friggin touch it with a scalpel!!
2006-08-23 21:51:46
answer #8
answered by Simon 3
Circumcision is morally and ethically wrong. Leave it to the child to decide when they get older, and have had sex.
2006-08-23 22:30:17
answer #9
answered by cdf22728 3
It's not natural and not necessary. We don't cut off our ears so we don't get earwax.
I'm sure it hurts babies just as much as adults, but they can't talk and tell us that. Babies scream non-stop while it's being done. I think this is cruelty.
And sucking an uncircumcised one is perfectly fine!
2006-08-23 21:53:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous