Colic is a term that describes a variety of conditions that cause babies to cry and be fussy. If your baby is not running a fever, is not constipated, has been checked for ear infections, etc, and tends to cry after eating, try some simethicone (brand name Mylicon) drops.
Here's a link to some additional information.
2006-08-24 08:49:02
answer #1
answered by Jay S 5
Is it really colic, or gas? Try Mylicon drops if it's gas (give them to your baby with every feeding - they are perfectly safe). Give your baby some tummy times (always supervised), and try to gently bike his/her legs.
Make sure if it is not baby reflux (heartburn) though. All the tricks that work for gas don't work for reflux, and they actually could make things worse. Usually, if the baby pulls his/her legs up to his/her chest, it's gas. If he/she arches back (especially during or right after feeding), then it's most likely reflux. If it's reflux, elevate your baby's mattress in the crib, and see your pediatrician. The doctor may prescribe some medications for your baby. My baby had both. Good luck.
P.S.: If it is real colic, your baby will outgrow it probably by the time he/she is three months old. However, only a very small percentage of babies have real colic. Doctors still don't know how to define it, what causes it, or if there is actual any pain involved. Real colic is bursts of uncontrollable crying for no apparent reason.
2006-08-23 19:10:35
answer #2
answered by Lilly 2
Warmed fennel or chamomile tea works great. Fennel can be found in the health food stores. There used to be a liquid called catnip and fennel that you could add to water. Some of the older country drug stores still carry this in the baby section. Baby's usually get colic because their stomach is sensitive(kind of like Acid reflux). These babies need to be sat up after eating for about an hour. Also try burping them longer and a little firmer. I had 2 children that were colicky. They also were my fastest eaters try using a smaller nipple opening it may frustrate them a bit but they won't eat so fast that they get gas. These things really work try them. There is also a bottle system out there called Dr. ?? That allows them no air when they drink these work wonders.
2006-08-24 01:37:01
answer #3
answered by curiosity 4
My baby would have been considered to have colic, if she didn't like her battery powered baby swing so much. We used it all the time, because it was the only way she would be happy.
She was still very cranky in general. It helped to give her gas drops, which I guess just gave her one less thing to complain about.
As it was, she was a few hours a week of crying short of "colic."
Good luck.
2006-08-24 06:29:56
answer #4
answered by BigPappa 5
Believe me, colic is one of the most trying times for parents of infants. But, there are alot of remedies out there that actually WORK, so I will list the ones that I know for sure. I have two daughters myself, and both of them had colic.
Mylicon drops, (about seven bucks a pop-WELL worth it).
walk the baby around while patting their bottom and rubbing their back, alternate between the two.
While you are waiting for the drops to take effect, vacuum. The noise, for some crazy reason, is comforting to babies, it actually does work. Also, sit on top of your clothes dryer with the baby. Also proven effective. Vent aire bottles are the best bottles on the market, they don't allow air bubbles, which gets trapped in the baby's body, hence the gas.
Good luck, and remember, they "magically" don't have colic anymore once they turn three months.
2006-08-24 06:27:26
answer #5
answered by carolina_girl 2
Your doctor can give you a prescription to help if you ask for it, I can't remember the name all I remember is that it was green (it's been a while). ** Don't over do the gas drops, they can cause constipation and add too the colic** Try laying your baby on it's back and moving it's legs in a "bicycle" motion, it helps losen his stomach up. When my daughter had colic the best thing for her was to bounce around between her aunt and cousins to keep her occupied. I don't know if that really helped but it lessened the crying and gave me a couple hours of sleep. Good luck.
2006-08-24 05:31:11
answer #6
answered by SAMANTHA M 2
Most colic is cause by allergies to cows milk. So take the child of cows milk some babies have problem with the digestive system when they take cows milk. Another way round this is goat or soya milk. Soya milk has more calcium than cows milk and it doesn't causes colic. Believe me it works. Some babies have problem digesting cows milk. So it becomes a vicious circle it hungry and then when it feed the colic start up again.
2006-08-23 14:35:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Use "Doctor's Gripe Water". In case that is not available where you are then a lightly wrap a warm cloth around the baby's stomach and try and calm the baby. In case of extremely colic, try dipping the baby in a bucket of lukewarm water (CAREFUL!!!) upto the chest.. Colic is mostly caused due to baby drinking his milk too quickly or incorrectly mixed formula or cheap baby feeding bottles that do not allow proper exchange of air and milk. The fixes are obvious.
2006-08-23 18:42:27
answer #8
answered by TJ 2
often when drs say your baby has colic i think they should actually say, im not sure whats wrong so im going to give him/her the title colic so you have something to say to people besides, im a bad mom and i cant get my baby to stop crying. at least that what i fealt like telling people when my baby didnt stop crying for months. i cried along with him often. my best advice is just try to have someone you trust watch him even if only for twenty minutes so you can enjoy a cup of coffee on the porch or read a non baby related acrtical. its hard and i feel for you. i promise though colic wount last forever ,eventually your baby will grow out of it and you will deicde that it was all worth it.
2006-08-23 17:23:14
answer #9
answered by specialmama 2
Alimentum, is a new fomula developed for infants suffering from colic and it works. Also try infant gas drops to ease the pain of the gas. Personally I've always had great reactions to placing the baby either ontop of a running dryer or vaccum, the motions/vibrations sooth them to sleep. And allows the parents to also catch some needed sleep too. Good luck.
2006-08-23 13:24:31
answer #10
answered by ♥ Lips of Morphine ♥ 4