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Whenever I download a show from a torrent the show, most of the time, comes up as the filename (Series title).(Season#).(Episode#).HDTV.Xvid-LOL.avi

Now, I know "HDTV" means High Definition Television and I know that ".avi" is just the extension. I assume (correct me if I am wrong) that "Xvid" means ripped video. But what does the "LOL" in the filename represent?

2006-08-23 10:27:59 · 7 answers · asked by Matt 3 in Computers & Internet Internet

Sorry the filename shows up as (Series title) . (Season#)(Episode#) . HDTV . Xvid - LOL .avi

2006-08-23 10:29:30 · update #1

Good guess but all the episodes are real.

2006-08-23 10:30:02 · update #2

Dually noted

2006-08-23 10:30:28 · update #3

7 answers

Xvid is a format, like DivX or avi. (Xvid and Divx use the avi extension too though!).
The LOL is just something the person put in the name of the file, so others can recognize other parts of the series more easily. For instance: if you were downloading Lost, and you already have episodes 1 through 5 with LOL in the name, you could look for all files containing both Lost and LOL.

2006-08-23 10:32:01 · answer #1 · answered by pete_can_do 5 · 0 0

That final, seemingly meaningless sufix, has to do with the original group that ripped and distributed the illegal copy.

FYI: Xvid is the decoder used read the video. It's a varient of the divX codec. Other common formats include MPEG and MPEG2.

2006-08-23 17:35:27 · answer #2 · answered by bgii_2000 4 · 0 0

laugh online

I use those progams also to download movies, and i'm guessing you got the torrents from an other website. most of the files on there are made up names, the first part will be the actualy title of the movie and the rest are just added for fun I guess. but I've noticed it alot. I woudln't worry about it.

2006-08-23 17:30:36 · answer #3 · answered by sexylittlemisstweetybird83 5 · 0 1

The nick of the person who make the share like Xvid-KEg, Xvid-SubAtom, etc,

2006-08-23 17:34:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't download any tv show because some have viruses

2006-08-23 17:30:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It means "The FBI is tracking you when you download this, LOL"

2006-08-23 17:30:47 · answer #6 · answered by jewan 2 · 0 1

It's a fake and they are laughing at you...

2006-08-23 17:29:20 · answer #7 · answered by Jen G 6 · 1 2

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