You gotta understand the whole picture. Michael Moore is only one person. But he shares a philosophy that's growing among liberals: Internationalism. Basically the idea is the US is no better and no worse than anyone else. There is no morale difference between the US and Hezbollah. Or the US and France. Or the US and anybody else. There is no evil and there is no good, only different viewpoints. Truth, fact, right and wrong are all subjective. This has been a staple of basic liberal thought for thirty years. It is now being applied to world relations as Internationalism.
In some ways they're right. It is all perspective. As an example, one man's terrorists is another's martyr. Yes we abhor the acts of a suicidal bomber. But some people praise the actions of that suicide bomber.
They have one glaring problem though. Yes, its perspective, but some perspectives are wrong and evil. From Hitler's perspective, there was nothing wrong with killing 6 million Jews. Does that justify it? Just because Hitler thought it was OK doesn't actually make it OK. Despite his perspective, killing 6 millions Jews was wrong and evil. Hitler was wrong and evil. Hitler's perspective was wrong and evil.
If you accept the notion that there is no morale high ground, then you make it perfectly acceptable for Islamic fascists to kill anyone they want. Arab extremists can kill as many Americans as they like. Governments can do whatever they want to their populations. Murder is perfectly justifiable. Rape is OK. Pedophilia is acceptable. After all, from each of their own perspectives, what they're doing isn't wrong or evil. And, according to Internationalism and the thought process behind it, we (the US) are in no position and have no right to challenge any other country's perspective. If we as a whole do not have the right or position to challenge another group of people's perspective how do we have the right as individuals to question other individual perspectives (such as crime)? According to Internationisl, we don't. Its the next logical step.
2006-08-23 10:03:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Communist propaganda? Perhaps.
Should people believe what Michael Moore (or anyone for that fact) has to say? Absolutely not.
I would disagree with the "best place on the earth to live as far as liberty, self expression, and the ability for a man to determine his own fate' sentiment, but only because what I have learned and researched (and not accepted from anyone but my own extensive research) have shown me.
Are there worse places to live? For sure. Don't get worked up over a movie though - almost everything you can watch on a TV is garbage, in my opinion.
2006-08-23 09:47:49
answer #2
answered by p_rutherford2003 5
Do not let them bother you. The masses are not embracing Moore or the rest of his brethren. In fact I think Michael Moore, Howie Dean and Al Franken should be made honorary Republicans.
I believe the Bush reelection was made possible by their shrill rhetoric.
Dean can't raise money, no one listens to Air America and Moores movie success was a fluke. The masses watch Fox and listen to Rush, check out the numbers
Freedom will prevail.
2006-08-23 10:55:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
True, M.Moore is a hypocrite. In his last 7 productions out of 134 people he hired to do production and writing only 3 were minorities, yet he champions the cause for racial equality.
He also demonizes big business and has claimed that he has never owned stock, yet he and his wife started a "philanthropic" organization that they benefit from monetarily which gains money through huge investments in the stock market, one company in particular, the evil Halliburton, gasp!!
There many more, to come.
Why has no-one ever heard about this, becasue M.Moore is the hero of liberal media and they would never dare show these
P. rutherford - In your research where have you found that is better??? as far as those traits, freedom, liberty, etc....
2006-08-23 09:46:24
answer #4
answered by jasonzbtzl 4
Yes, Socialism thoughts are paramount in a certain political party. The dependence on Government is gaining ground in some areas.
2006-08-23 09:45:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There is no communism here, but fascism seems to be alive and well. Goose step on down and Heil Bushler for me, will you?
2006-08-23 09:42:30
answer #6
answered by ceprn 6