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2006-08-23 07:35:38
answer #1
answered by Yoi_55 7
Ahh...never heard of a 400MB file. Is this a movie? Most programs are not 400MB. E-mail won't work, usually attachements can only be 10 or 20MB. Hmm..sometimes things called Filedumps only allow a 100MB limit. If you have a website, maybe you can create a secret page with a download link..but that will take up 400MB of space and 400MB..800MB..ouch! of bandwith if the person downloads it. The best way would be send it in the mail by CD or 1 Gig Flash Drive...sorry. You can also try an FTP.
2006-08-23 07:38:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You run peer to establish like limewire or set up a bittorrent server on your computing device. Then invite the different guy or woman to return get it. it could take an hour or 2 counting on your cyber web velocity. That way if it falls aside 0.5 way by using you may continually resume at yet yet again.
2016-11-05 11:27:00
answer #3
answered by ? 4
It depends on the connection speed. If either you or the recipient has dial-up, I would seriously recommend sending such data by mailing a CD rather than on the Internet.
2006-08-23 07:36:46
answer #4
answered by Mad Scientist Matt 5
you can use the msn messenger for a file transfer...
but be advised....
if you connection fails.. you need to transfer from the beginning..
which means..
you already transfered 399mb of data to your friend
and your friends internet connection somehow got cut offed..
than.. you got to send him the entire file again.
2006-08-23 07:40:04
answer #5
answered by Air 4
u can use something like which u upload the file to, so other people can download it.
u just give them the link it generates.
or u could trun your machine into a ftp server, so people can download direct from u. this is the guide for that.
2006-08-23 07:36:24
answer #6
answered by Paultech 7
I hope its not a porn file. The authorities will watch that type of file transfer.
2006-08-23 07:42:09
answer #7
answered by edna_romano_1943 4
ftp file transfer- the only downside is you have to have your own domain name/web space to do it. Just upload it to the site, tell the reciever where to find it, and give them login info if needed.
2006-08-23 07:35:57
answer #8
answered by rowdy ferret 3
Open up a free yahoo account. They give you a gig free. Then just do it over again!
2006-08-23 07:36:35
answer #9
answered by Fili 2
Do you often seek pleasure?
2006-08-23 07:38:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous