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I tried to type a letter on Word, but nothing happens. I've the the computer about 4 months, and then a message pops up that I don't have to renew Work till October 31, 2006. How much does Word cost?

2006-08-23 06:29:44 · 3 answers · asked by tobeyp2005 3 in Computers & Internet Internet

3 answers

Are you sure that you didn't buy the computer with a "bundle" of promotional versions of Microsoft Word and other products?

Many companies will put promotional versions of software on new or OEM computers. And almost half of the free downloads on Komando.com are either not-full-power versions of the whole program, or a 30-day free subscription. The low-power versions run forever, but the free subscriptions do not.

I have never seen a computer with a free test period of Microsoft Word, but I have seen handouts at computer shows with exactly that offer.

If you want to buy Microsoft Word, and if you have an OEM computer, go back to the seller. They wil have a contract with Microsoft to get a discounted price.

Incidentally, I have bought Microsoft Word for seven or eight computers, and once I pay, there is no renewal price, and even the security updates are free.

2006-08-23 06:48:48 · answer #1 · answered by Ogelthorpe13 4 · 0 0

Word is part of Microsoft Office. Office includes Word, Excel, Outlook, and maybe some other programs depending on what version you have. Office runs between $200 and $400. You could buy Word seperately for $100-something.

Try OpenOffice.org, it's free and Word-like.

2006-08-23 13:33:04 · answer #2 · answered by IT Pro 6 · 0 0

i am not sure

2006-08-23 13:34:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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