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they have whole villages full of young single men but no women for them to date/marry. They have effectively controlled their population explosion in one generation, Simply because they killed all the little girls that were born. Was I the only person that cried watching the documentaries of the little girls left to die and then cried at all the single young men?

2006-08-23 05:31:04 · 5 answers · asked by livachic2005 4 in News & Events Other - News & Events

Yes christy that what made me cry, all those young men with no chance of ever marrying cos of what happened earlier. Of course I cried buckets watching those little girls being left to die.

2006-08-23 05:45:21 · update #1

5 answers

i know that was sad to watch, but whats even more sad is living there imagine if your a mother and you have to let someone kill your baby? and if your a young men you what kind of life waits for you. thats just sad

2006-08-23 05:40:57 · answer #1 · answered by christy 2 · 0 0

I didn't watch the documentary but i had to do a project about the policy in Envirnmental Science last year. It's awful to see how China has come to hate girls, and yet they can't see that by only producing boys, they are killing their race. When i read an article on the internet whilst woring on my project, there was a picture of a tiny baby girls body on the edge of the road, and people just walked by it. It was so upsetting, and half my class, including my teacher was close to tears.


2006-08-23 12:47:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I have previously viewed the Discovery Documentary on China's one child policy.

2006-08-23 12:33:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

China brought it on themselves, and I think they're too unaware to see what they've done. Their fault of which I have zero pity.

2006-08-23 14:16:57 · answer #4 · answered by Sick Puppy 7 · 0 0

wtf, what year is this documentary?? China DOES not kill its little girls, it's those people who refuse to have girl babies. However, please go china to get your facts right, their mindsets have changed and there are no such things man. Probably a propaganda documentary made in Cold wars

2006-08-24 09:35:31 · answer #5 · answered by noobie 2 · 0 0

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