two of them, the easiest and most normal first:
while swimming off a beach in acapulco (when i could not read the spanish words that said "no nadir," since currents are ultra-strong off of acapulco and usually you cannot swim in any of the beaches there...
a strong current took me down into the deep green and aquamarine-colored water. having been taught by my mom never to be afraid of water when i learned to swim at age 3, somehow i just held my breath and relaxed. the current turned me around a few times. actually it was very beautiful to watch it, to watch bubbles and waves. but i did not "die," i came up due to how relaxed my body was. if i had been frightened and "froze up," i know i would have been drawn further down into the depths.
this is like when a drunk driver hits another car. the conscious passengers and driver of the other car are seriously injured because they see the crash coming and their "flight or fight" brain chemicals (i think it is adrenelyn) fire across neurons with electricity cause them to freeze up their muscles because they are frightened. they "fight" the crash. but the drunk usually comes out of it with narry a scratch because he was anesthesized (literally) by the alcohol. alcohol used to be used as an anesthic before the manufacture of same even when someone's leg had to be removed.
second and most important: i had a massive heart attack as a passenger in a car and was rushed to an emergency room. i quite consciously watched as the doctors and nurses were trying to stop the heart attack and make me breathe.
all of a sudden, i felt absolutely no pain whatsoever. i seemed to be floating out of my body. i didn't then see my body on the table; rather, i saw softly-colored lights. i was not, i do not think, entering into what others call a "tunnel" of lights or colors. but the feeling "there" was the most serene, peaceful, quiet, happy experience that it is entirely impossible to describe it in our world. it was an out-of-this-world feeling of utter comfort. it was entirely and completely different than the peace i ever felt in my whole life.
all of a sudden, i felt a terrible pain, bringing me out of the place that i had been in. at that point, i was told, my heart began to beat again by use of the electrical pads being applied to my chest. i think that it was the first jolt that brought me back, but it was so remarkably painful, as opposed to what i felt when i guess, i was dead. i do not know if i was actually dead, but i think i was for a short time.
2006-08-23 06:33:20
answer #1
answered by Louiegirl_Chicago 5
Yeah, August 22, 1986. I was running in south Florida on my way home after about 3-4 miles, less than a mile to go. A travel trailer came loose from the truck, came up on the sidewalk and knocked me thru a store window. Of course I was out cold most of the time, broken wrist, broke upper jaw, fractured elbow & pelvis. 5 hours operating room, 17 days in hospital, 2 operations (wrist & jaw).
I saw the carpet they took out of the store. Great big circular blood stain.
2006-08-23 12:28:16
answer #2
answered by snvffy 7
I was vacationing in Ocean City, Maryland about 18 years ago with my family and my dad's friend's family. I was swimming in the ocean with all of the other children when the current sucked me out very far along with my friend. We were struggling to stay afloat as a result of the undertoe. Next thing I know I told myself that I was going to die. I remember saying this is it and I totally gave up. All I remember after that is black (no bright lights, no hallways paved with colored bricks). After that, I remember the lifeguard performing CPR on me and a lot of water coming out of my mouth. There was an ambulance on the beach and everything. It was the scariest moment of my life. I consider myself lucky to be here right now.
2006-08-23 12:24:28
answer #3
answered by scott 3
0⤋ is a great site on religion and near death experiences. I once had one when my blood sugar was below 30. I saw a bright light in the room and then I was above my body in the room watching everyone work on me. I could see my body, my husband crying, and I felt like I was being pulled away. Then I felt like something grabbed me and I woke up. It took me almost a day before I could say anything and tears just ran down my face. It was so beautiful.
2006-08-23 12:26:34
answer #4
answered by yahooanswersgirl 3
I've had three, in varying degrees of 'dangerous': first and foremost, in my opinion, was the time I was manning a weather station above the arctic circle on a friends hunting property and cabin site (150m north of Fairbanks AK, 90m from nearest town) This was 6 or 7 days before Xmas. I awoke early one morning to my cabin being rapidly engulfed in flames. I ran out the door after getting only my boots on and banged on the door of the other cabin (thank god there were 2) where my friend Matt was sleeping. After 30 seconds or so he woke up..."what!.....Oh Sh*t!", as he looked out the window and saw the fire. At this point I turned to look and the roof was caving in. This was approximately 2 minutes after I had fled the structure. Fires burn like crazy in the interior due to the general dryness of the land. In two weeks we finally had a plane fly over and were able to flag him to send a pick up for us. this is a true story.
2nd: I was delivering pizza for Domino's in Juneau, AK (hometown) and made a delivery to a house with "no address yet" because it was (allegedly) just being built. I was to arrive at a dark corner on a desolate street and find the person standing there...oh, and they wanted change for a $100, and they had no phone # either....Only in Juneau would this NOT have raised suspicion. Anyway, sure enough there was a person standing up on the road waiting, and it wasn't until I got out that I noticed the 2nd person standing behind a tree in the dark. Too late. It was a black woman (who I recognized from around town) who ran out and placed a pistol to my head and told me to lay down, which I did. She pulled everything from my pockets and yanked at my wallet which was chained to my belt which really agitated her. "Don't make me have to kill you" she said and I unfastened the wallet. Then she took my car keys out of the ignition and threw them into the woods and they ran off down the road.....I ran the 1/4 mile to the next house and called the police.....the black girl went to jail for about 6 years, and I think the other girl went for 2 years, because I knew who she was.
3rd, and the least of which. I was Mtn Biking down a trail that runs up a ravine between two mountains (also in Juneau) and runs along the edge of a long steep drop off (a few degrees short of being a cliff) and I, as always, was thoroughly enjoying my descent after working so hard on the ascent. I came around a corner and picked a line over a large rock which I could catch a little air off of. I hit the rock and caught the air, and looked down to see the trail drop from beneath me, only to reappear right at the point where I landed. It was simply a very close call and had I fallen I most likey would have died, as had a runner on the same trail 3 years earlier.
so there you have it.....I wasted way too much time telling those stories, so hook me up with the 10 points (unless someone else tells even longer ones).
2006-08-23 12:37:02
answer #5
answered by bradley L 3
falling off a cliff
2006-08-23 12:22:58
answer #6
answered by kazlam 2
An acronym for such foolishness!? Oh, puh-leese!
2006-08-23 12:31:39
answer #7
answered by Anne Marie 6