You have to use interruptions,
I don't remeber the function how use in qbasic
Here are the interruptions in c.
//This procedure checks where a mouse is available
char IfMouse ()
unsigned int Result;
asm mov ax, 0
asm int 0x33
asm mov Result, ax
return Result;
//This procedure makes the mouse cursor visible
void ShowMouse ()
asm mov ax, 0x1
asm int 0x33
//This procedure makes the mouse cursor invisible
void HideMouse ()
asm mov ax, 0x2
asm int 0x33
//This procedure reads the location of the mouse cursor and the button press
void ReadMouse ()
asm mov ax, 0x3
asm int 0x33
asm mov MouseB, bx
asm mov MouseX, cx
asm mov MouseY, dx
//This procedure sets the mouse cursor to another location
void SetMouseXY (unsigned int X, unsigned int Y)
asm mov ax, 0x4
asm mov cx, X
asm mov dx, Y
asm int 0x33
//This procedure sets the minimum and maximum values that the mouse cursor
//may reach in horizontal range
void SetMinMaxX (unsigned int Min, unsigned int Max)
asm mov ax, 0x7
asm mov cx, Min
asm mov dx, Max
asm int 0x33
//This procedure sets the minimum and maximum values that the mouse cursor
//may reach in vertical range
void SetMinMaxY (unsigned int Min, unsigned int Max)
asm mov ax, 0x8
asm mov cx, Min
asm mov dx, Max
asm int 0x33
2006-08-23 06:23:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous