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again only comic people and cartoons, and if you could be specific use your imagination.

2006-08-22 17:04:21 · 6 answers · asked by zealous l 2 in Entertainment & Music Comics & Animation

6 answers

I would like to see Spidey and Venom face off. Venom might hand Spidey's butt to him first, but then Spidey will return and beat him up! Oh, I'd like to see them fighting at Time Square throwing cars, webbing and anything and everything else at each other. It would be sweet to see Spidey throwing a car at Venom, who then dodges it, then pick up Spidey and slam him into a building, knocks him out, Venom leaves, Spidey comes to, throws a desk at Venom's head, Venom swings back and kicks him in the gut, Spidey grabs a light post and swings it at Venom. Then Spidey climbs up the building, Venom follows, then Spidey jumps below and pushes Venom's head into a window. Then Spidey wil grab him and throw him at the huge tv in Times Square! Sparks fly and Venom's knocked out. everyone cheers! Hehehe that would be neat to see (smiles).

2006-08-23 07:55:31 · answer #1 · answered by nichellecomicbookgirl 3 · 0 0

Wolverine and nightcrawler. Wolverine has regen and all and the claws are hard to put up with. but nightcrawller can teleport so fast and punch that he can litterally break every vertabrae in a persons back as he telleports down it. it would be an interesting figth and i think nightcrawler would only lose bcuz wolverine regens all the damadge delt and even though wolverine couldn't hit nightcrawler bcuz he's to slow, night crawler would tire... and then bam he's done.

2006-08-23 15:00:08 · answer #2 · answered by Lucas R 2 · 0 0

Superman versus Dark Phoenix. They are both practically omnipotent. Phoenix can manipulate matter with her mind down to the molecular level. Superman is nigh invulnerable, but I don't think he can withstand an attack on the molecular level. I think Phoenix would win.

2006-08-23 00:11:41 · answer #3 · answered by dark_phoenix 4 · 0 0

People say the guy from the movie gladiator, vs. the guy from troy.

Everyone says troy would win, but some people htink that the gladiator guy would win.

2006-08-23 00:10:20 · answer #4 · answered by adklsjfklsdj 6 · 0 0

Deathstroke vs. Captain America. Put my money on Deathstroke.

Superman vs. Hulk; Batman vs. Superman (with no powers). Batman would kill him.

2006-08-23 18:38:20 · answer #5 · answered by The Big Shot 6 · 0 0

i wanna see itchi naruto vs itchago from bleach

2006-08-23 00:34:53 · answer #6 · answered by YinDenYang 3 · 0 0

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