It wasn't due to 911. The big turning point seems to be when Bush Sr lost to Clinton; that's about the time when the Republicans really cranked up the anti-liberal hate speech. It's been escalating since then with both sides contributing to this dangerous polarization of politics.
2006-08-22 15:39:39
answer #1
answered by Gitchy gitchy ya ya da da 3
There will always be some level of harshness when two sides oppose each other; but, it does 'feel' like this harshness has literally entered the realm of pure hatred between the two.
Even in the 90s when republicans were brainwashed into believing that Clinton was the devil, we still didn't hate each other... we just disagreed. A lot of that was probably due to Clinton being a moderate thereby passing a lot of legislation that was not considered 'leftist'.
The only times in history that come close to this level of hostility between the two parties evolves around civil rights movements. IE, an abolitionist senator was beaten up on the congressional floor during a debate about slavery. But you see, the difference is that during those times, most of the hostility only involved ppl active in politics.... not the masses. The masses for the most part didn't get all excited over issues because a lot of them did not directly influence their lives.
I have actually been doing some research on this lately. I ran across a Frontline show called The Architect
That show discusses the evolution of Karl Rove since the 70s. Karl Rove has intentionally and admittingly used hate to win elections over and over again. It talks about how his favorite hate issue to always bring up during an election is the gay issue. It talks about how hate is the #1 motivating factor that ppl will vote on and be blinded by other issues.
I actually feel nausea when I think about that because this man, Rove, has no idea the damage he has done to society by using this strategy for years. He has basically breeded hate into our society as acceptable.
The republican party have all caught on to this strategy. Just listen to some rightwing talk radio sometime... it is all about hating the liberal... never about what they are going to do to change or fix anything.
And lastly, democrats are extremely angry because we are convinced the 2000 and 2004 elections were rigged in order for Cheney and Rumsfeld to go to war. I literally feel hatred for republicans for this. I feel they have destroyed every belief I had in my country that it was a fair, honest and honorable country.
2006-08-28 13:06:29
answer #2
answered by BeachBum 7
The divisiveness in National politics can be laid at the feet of the "talk radio" pundits such as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly, who made careers out of being vituperative against political opponents.
This can of worms was brought about by Republican loosening of laws restricting the broadcast of partisan biased news in 1987, and was already a big business by 9-11.
From Wikipedia:
"The United States saw dramatic growth in the popularity of talk radio during the 1990s. The repeal of the FCC "fairness doctrine" in 1987—which had required that stations provide free air time for responses to any controversial opinions that were broadcast—provided an opportunity for a kind of flatly partisan (and often intentionally inflammatory) programming that had not previously existed"
2006-08-23 16:56:27
answer #3
answered by oohhbother 7
They have always been at odds because they have 2 very different philosophys. Dems being the little man is the backbone when he prospers the country will prosper more. Republicans is give incentives to the rich so that their larger companys will make more money and supposedly stimualte the economy by making mroe jobs. This doesnt happen because they put the money in their pockets and force people to work for next to nothing. This is why Dems are in office the economy becomes mroe stimulated because the poorer people have more money to put back into the economy.
2006-08-22 23:24:47
answer #4
answered by trl_666 4
The escalation is because the Dems appeared weak on defense. Clinton closed alot of bases around the world. The Dems had to set themselves apart and rely on distinct differences between them and the Republicans if they were to have a chance in '04. For this they relied on the far left to rally a platform to stimulate the Democrats to show up at the voting booths which they accomplished but not by enough. Their strategy has backfired. The far left now is in control of the Democratic party. Their demise is inevitable and Joe Liebermann is just the writing on the wall. He will win in a landslide victory this Nov. on the Independent ticket. The divide within our country is without merit. The far left and far right only make up 25% of our population. Whether Democrat or Republican 75% of us are generally Centrists. As Centrist our differences aren't that big yet the minority far right and far left have polarized us and the media has taken the bait hook line and sinker. Hence the great divide within a country with a majority whos differences are smaller than we realize. Most Americans that feel they are far left or right are in all actuality moderates who tend to lean towards right or left. Therefore they vote for the candidsates that they feel actually would represent themselves best. In fact if they knew that the far right borders Communism and the far right borders Facism (Nazism) they would seriously reconsider there candidate of choice.
Anyone can take this brief yet closley accurate test to see where they roughly stand on issues within the political spectrum.
2006-08-22 23:19:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No it wasn't always this harsh.. I remember when I was younger the Democratic party still stood for America & Good Moral things. Sure BOTH parties had their differences.. & did bicker.. But were MATURE ADULTS about it in the End!
The Democratic party of back in the day would have never backed down from defending this country & sure as hell wouldn't have sided with the disgusting immoral agendas of todays Liberal Lefties!
It started to get harsh after.. "Al Enviro- Gore" got defeated in 2000! Remember all the whining & complaining that went on??? They couldn't just gracefully & maturely accept defeat.. Like most mature adults!!
9/11 was the nail that sealed the coffin..
The event that separated the wheat from the weeds...the Freedom Loving, God Fearing Americans from the Deceitful,
Anti-Americans (commi's) w/agendas to undermine this country.
The primary reason it has gotten soooo harsh/bad is cuz the Liberal Left a.k.a.- Democrats..have ALOT of agendas to push.. & seeing how the American people still have morals (THANK GOD!!!) The Libs. can not get ELECTED in to office...
So instead of putting their pride & egos asside & seriously
re-evaluating themselves & their political stance on issues & admitting that the "Tribe Has Spoken/America Voted!" .. They do what comes naturally & whine & complain.. like immature children who didn't get their teddy grahams at the grocery store!!!!! So they whine...saying Bush cheated, the election was rigged, & so on... making up lies & conspiracy theorys, aiding & comforting the enemy cuz they hate Bush & what America stands for!
They Will NEVER see the Oval Office in the near future if they continue to be Anti-American, Anti-God, with perverted & immoral agendas to push/force down the troats of TRUE AMERICANS!
2006-08-27 13:25:56
answer #6
answered by Joeysol'lady 3
It escalated in January of 2000, when Bubba Bush was elected President.
2006-08-23 00:52:53
answer #7
answered by MSJP 4
I believe that the Democrats, along with the majority of the american people, disapproved of most of Bush's policies and therefore created a rift between both parites that you see today. I don't think it was primarily caused by 9/11 but it did open it up significantly.
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2006-08-22 22:38:25
answer #8
answered by bobthebuilder892001 2
It's been getting progressively worse for about 20 years. But it has ramped up significantly in the past 5.
2006-08-22 22:42:37
answer #9
answered by coragryph 7
Check your history books. Gunplay at the Capitol was not unheard of in times past. Unfortunately, civility has always been in short supply.
2006-08-22 22:49:48
answer #10
answered by davidepeden 5