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This was a scenario from last semester (January) at my college. Not only this, but in one hand she was talking on her cell phone, in the other she had a cigarette. What the hell is wrong with teens these days? What exactly was she advertising? What is she hoping to accomplish? How was she making the most of her life? Was she REALLY at school to educate herself?
It seems to me that most of them (teens) would happily sacrifice their brain cells in order to advertise their hormone levels.
Another scenario…A teen boy driving his Camaro through the parking ot with ALL FOUR windows rolled down, playing heavy metal hate music so loud you could hear it across campus. And it was eight degrees outside. What was he accomplishing? What was he proving? Was he REALLY at college to educate himself? Or was he just showing how small his penis is?

2006-08-22 14:13:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

20 answers

These unfortunate children are misinformed. They think any attention is good attention, and they are suckers for trends. The girl likely has an unfortunately low self-esteem, and the boy an unfortunately high one. Both are jockeying for social position. They may be "looking for love in all the wrong places" but are also competing for position or social power within their own gender. It is not difficult to see the boy as a gorilla beating his chest, wanting to prove that he is the toughest--"Look at me, I'm bigger and louder than you." The girl is doing the same thing--appearance and increasingly high sex appeal are emphasized now as the ideals for women, and so this is how they compete with each other--"Look, I'm cuter and more stylish than you." In fact, both or neither of them could be actually looking for attention from the opposite sex. (If this sounds strange think of a bunch of straight women or teenage girls going to an women's only retreat--they WILL bring and wear their makeup and cutest clothes in order to impress everyone else and win the popularity contest.)

At this point in their lives, there is not much else to distinguish them from their peers (they likely have a similar economic status and the same primary "job" as a student), so they try to outdo each other on whatever is the trendiest way to get attention. Willing and able marketing victims, if you will.

As much as I want to reiterate my opinion here that colleges are rapidly becoming nothing more than daycares where middle- and upper-class parents dump off their children who have never learned how to be adults, despite their adult age, until they are old enough that someone might hire them, mistaking age for experience and maturity... .... .... I will bite my tongue ;)

Some (not all, maybe not many) students who act like this are in fact trying to get an education. Many are trying on different personas, trying to figure out who they are and who they want to be. Many are scared to be on their own and feel lost in the system, but comfortable with their friends and focus on that. Many have no focus, but are looking. Many are looking for the road most travelled--the easiest and surest route. And many are brilliant, unique individuals that will lead fascinating lives, punctuated by moments of stupidity.

It is unfortunate that a society takes nearly an entire age group of young people, at (I would argue) their most vulnerable age when they need the most guidance, isolates them from other people and other generations, gives them some novel chores, but removes the vast majority of their responsibilities, tells them (as an afterthought) to do nothing but study, and expects them to reemerge four years later, mature, capable and unscathed. It is as if we are begging, pleading with young people to become (or remain) entirely self-centered.

Now I'm frustrated too and off on a tangent. I think I will go walk my dog.

2006-08-22 15:03:55 · answer #1 · answered by M L 4 · 2 0

I would say they are unknowingly advertising their parents idiocy! Someone stated lack of love from the parents, it may also be too much love! No one slaps their childs bare *** at an early age! Its not the proper method! I dont believe in child abuse in any way shape or form but lets get real! Back in the day when you didnt mind you got an old fashioned crack on the bare bum at the ripe old age of three! If a child bit someone he got bit back! You didnt bite his finger off or chew a hole in his face but you dam sure let him know it hurt! If you had a child that disrespected someone verbally, he got a rap on the mouth! Later in years after they grew up they had respect for others! This new idea came along to protect children from abusive parents! Did child abuse stop? NO! I will tell you what DID occur though! New diseases called ADD, ADHD and God knows what else! Go back to the old methods and watch ADD and ADHD dissapear!

2006-08-22 21:39:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm personally kind of wondering if this all occurred in January why you're asking now?

By the way.....at least the guy had a heater. Obviously he wanted attention, though. My truck can pump out a lot of hot air. I love fresh air. I plow snow with the windows down and the heater cranking so I can enjoy the fresh air. I suspect the girl was turning tricks.

2006-08-22 21:22:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

this girl you describe is showing and advertising more than she realizes, or can actually comprehend. She's just a girl feeling her oats, and most ahve no idea how dangerous this could be.
If I ever did or do dress in this manner, I am always with my man, because it is all for him.
I do not believe that these girls are even aware of what could happen to them.
Yes, the boy in your story is probably advertising what you think, but also trying to fit in. he,too, is feeling his oats.
I miss that time, and glad I made it out alive and clean!

2006-08-22 21:23:01 · answer #4 · answered by Fitchurg Girl 5 · 2 0

yes, unfortunately it happens on campus all over the place

Many people go to school to educate themselves but there are always some who just feel they are there, away from their parents, to party.

People go a little wild when they get out of high school, most of it's harmless but that women needs to be careful unless she attract the wrong attention.

In fact, everyone who hear my voice, PROTECT YOURSELF

Now, I'm not against woman wearing whatever they like but really, the right place at the right time and for the right people

2006-08-22 21:23:56 · answer #5 · answered by Karce 4 · 1 0

"Heavy metal 'hate' music"? Ummm...I take it you're not a fan. "Hate music"...wow.

Do you also b*tch about the innumerable people who blare hip-hop or is it just metal that you can't understand?

I live in Brooklyn and probably have to deal with far more loud idiots day to day than you could conceive of. Yes, regardless of the temperature, the windows are down and the music is blaring. Yes, it's somewhat irritating, but if I devoted even a moment of being as frustrated as you apparently are for each of these people, I would barely have time to devote to anything else. That said, all that's left to say is...who cares??? People do what they do. It's not worth it to waste your time judging them or letting it get to you like it clearly does.

2006-08-24 00:26:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Her will to withstand pain. He is letting everyone know that he has hearing problems so everyone can give him visual signals if he drives badly instead of honking the horn at him.

2006-08-22 21:20:20 · answer #7 · answered by Mariposa 7 · 1 1

how stupid she maybe?

They were both just showing how KEEEEEwl they are. That is all. Not selling anything just trying to get acceptance from the wrong groups of people. It allways takes years for freinds and status with freinds to fade away.

2006-08-22 21:16:42 · answer #8 · answered by Don K 5 · 1 2

I actually think they are very insecure and that is all it really shows.
If they had anything of substance to sell(advertise) they would not have to act this way.

2006-08-22 21:21:48 · answer #9 · answered by Eeyore 3 · 1 1

I'm sure you know the answer to all those questions you asked...but it's the lack of attention and love that they didn't have from someone.. so they clearly want it now...

2006-08-22 21:21:23 · answer #10 · answered by siani 2 · 1 1

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