A couple tips for you. First make sure you really read the item description before you bid. Don't just go by the picture. Some people will use a representative picture. Be careful of the shipping rates. Some sellers charge incredibly high shipping charges to offset low selling bids. Always check the sellers rating first, negative vs. positive feedback... and read the feedback too(at least some of it). Sometimes the negative feedback received is unfounded, so don't jump to conclusions.
Besides just using common sense when bidding, one last hint for you. When time allows, wait until the last minute to make your bid on an item, this way you are less likely to get outbid or start a bidding war, raising the price for yourself.
2006-08-22 08:39:17
answer #1
answered by MELISSA B 5
don't buy from a user that hasn't been active in a while (or someone with a new account)
CHECK FEEDBACK!! I'd steer clear of anyone with less than 97% positive
Get a paypal account and change your password weekly. It's just easier to pay with paypal since so many sellers accept it.
Check out the seller's description completely, if you have any questions, e-mail them and ask. If they don't respond, don't place a bid.
2006-08-22 15:35:09
answer #2
answered by cynthetiq 6
Read everything on the auction page and watch out for shipping costs. If it doesn't have an actual picture of it beware. Not all sellers are bad but there are some jerks out there.
2006-08-22 15:34:50
answer #3
answered by tpurtygrl 5
Carefully read the description of the item you are bidding on. Check the sellers rating if it is under 99%, be careful. Check what payment methods are accepted.
2006-08-22 15:36:09
answer #4
answered by karen wonderful 6
learn everything you need to know about selling on ebay at the link below
2006-08-22 15:33:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if they have Paypal option even better, I dont buy anything if the person is not certifed by paypal, and always check their history.
Go to ebay security link
2006-08-22 15:37:09
answer #6
answered by lisirm 2
all ways leave bids till the last possible second.. i usually have 2 windows open.. one with my bid ready and the other watching the auction.. and keep up dating the watch window..
2006-08-22 15:33:47
answer #7
answered by Johnny Brigz 3
Beware of the cons
2006-08-22 15:32:48
answer #8
answered by Miss LaStrange 5
sign up for Paypal............its a service to pay for your auctions..........at paypal.com
that will give you a much better way of getting your money back..........should the seller not fulfill their end of the deal.
p.s..............is a 600 plus rated buyer myself
2006-08-22 15:34:16
answer #9
answered by purefire41 3
if your buying items....look at sellers history first...alot of times I won't buy if the seller has any negative post
2006-08-22 15:33:54
answer #10
answered by Jessi 7